Two images from /r/cringepics

23 Images Containing Some Very Visual Cringe

Who doesn't enjoy seeing some good old-fashioned cringe content online? Cringe is honestly a very confusing feeling to feel. It isn't a pleasant feeling at all, it's uncomfortable and kind of sad, but for some reason, it is also very entertaining. It's tough being a cringeworthy person, everyone has had their moments of cringe throughout life, but some people have it so much worse than others. Being cringe is ingrained into some people's personalities, unfortunately, and for that, they get made fun of by others.

Is it fair? Maybe not, but many of them deserve it, and it brings great amounts of joy to the Internet. Reddit's /r/sadcringe and /r/cringepics are just two subreddits that contain an insane amount of cringeworthy images, ones that are a little hard to look at sometimes. So for anyone needing to feel better about their own social skills, here are 23 people being way too cringeworthy.

That's sad

80 1728 889 ili 12.8K venus @aquapapi7 Why can't my girl look like you <]

(Source: Reddit)

A what?

r/Gangstalking u 9d Surveillance bug caught on camera Image Join

(Source: Reddit)

OP and his girlfriend went to a restaurant where one of his friends works…

Tonight, I felt like you disrespected me! You know I still work here, and you should've given me a heads up about bringing her tonight. I've told you MANY times I DID NOT WANT TO MEET HER, yet you put me in a very uncomfortable position where I didn't have a choice! I would NEVER have done that to you! I get we just started to talk a little bit, but it still doesn't mean I have changed my mind or given you permission to disrespect me like that!

(Source: Redd)

Happy couple

45K Dislike 川 2,463 Picture of me in Manila with my new 21 year old wife. Can't wait to take her back home to Hillsborough, New Hampshire and get her on the Harley with me

(Source: Reddit)

A new level of loneliness

r/alcoholicsanonymous AA U 24d Has anyone else been to AA and done the steps only to realize you are not an alcoholic I really was just drinking to fit in with AA like I got excited when I finally got withdrawals so I could go to AA without being judged for faking it and I got all the way to like a half gal of vodka a day and AA made me much worse, as in I legitimately did not have mental obsession before AA although it's hard to remember exactly cause I joined AA really early like my entire alcoholism happened while I was in AA and it stopped when I gave up on it and I still haven't been back or drank for a year but I'm still deeply lonely 16 Share • 24d You didn't have to get yourself hooked just to hang out. Why did you walk into the first meeting? Did your rehab require it? Reply OP - 24d I never went to rehab I went to my first meeting cause ever since I was a kid I wanted to be an alcoholic and join AA 24d Maybe a Church or Buddhist Temple would show you some support and acceptance without making you feel like you need to do something harmful to fit in. OP-24d Those do not exist in the middle of Indiana 443

(Source: Reddit)

This was hard to read

39 [M4F] 5 reasons why you SHOULDN'T swipe right on me as an Affair Partner (& BONUS Self-Roast!) M4F 1- East Asian (Canadian born). Caucasians, rejoice! Your quest for mediocrity just got easier. 2 - Not your typical lumberjack fantasy. I'm more "boyish handsome next door charm" than "rugged mountain man." Cursed with a 'I'm younger than I look' face and styled like a K-pop star's dad. (no I'm not Korean) 3- High energy? More like human espresso shot. I talk, chat, voice, and video like I'm powered by nuclear fusion. As a company founder, I innovate faster than you can say "workaholic." 4 - Emotional baggage included, no extra charge! Looking for strings-free fun? Keep scrolling. I'm here to catch feelings and invest in our secret reality. 5- Morning person alert! While you're hitting snooze, I'm hitting the gym, pool, or books. Sleep is overrated, and I wouldn't doubt that my blood is the source of the world's caffeine. Still here? Glutton for punishment, aren't you? Still here? Glutton for punishment, aren't you? BONUS: I asked ChatGPT to roast me, and it didn't hold back: "Wow, look at you! That smile is so bright, I'm surprised it's not powering your phone at 81%. You've got that "I totally know what I'm doing" face while probably still Googling how to change a lightbulb. And that sweater? It's giving off major "I just came from a catalog shoot for middle-aged dad fashion." But hey, at least you've got those perfectly groomed eyebrows - not sure if you're ready to conquer the world or just nailed your 10-step skincare routine." If you've made it this far and your interest is piqued (or your judgment is seriously impaired)... Shoot me chat, perhaps I can still salvage something for an escape with you ;) 1 Comment

(Source: Reddit)

Is this serious

Couples Image Bad couple "You need to take ur meds" "Why do you call random strangers feds?" "My friends are scared of you" "I can't take you anywhere" Good couple Let's b. trap the house Put tape on that End the FED More g Come back with a warrant

(Source: Reddit)

Blocked. Immediately.

ZaddyRobbie Don't miss Chats from ZaddyRobbie! Enable notifications ME OH HT THERE |Hey ZADDYROBBIE OwO Did I add you? Must've been by accident... Eheheh But oh welp, since you accedete might as well hang out... Unfortunately now I'm gonna take a nap cause I'm eepy... And maybe it's tmi, but I'm r and I could cute a cute boy to help me out... Also are you a male into males? >:) Chat

(Source: Reddit)


Reese Gorman @reesejgorman Follow Some "Hawk Tuah" Trump shirts in Virginia today BIRTY HE HANDE 串 CLEAN MONEY HAWK TUA Spit On Th Thing AWKTUAH Pt On That Thing

(Source: Reddit)

Haha adorab- oh

You're quite good I'll call you butter easily pleased You're on a roll sorry? that's the best one yet since slice bread Haha You won't baguette that joke in a hurry I wish you would stop loafing around I want to stick my inside you Sent

(Source: Reddit)

Anyone else seen these ads?

→ All novels are FREE >> F can't hold him, demons can't stop him, the god's can't scare him, and Love... ha love can't bind him. Install N NovelUP -Novel Downloader One Pregnancy's Triplets: Daddy is So Amazing! Free Novels for Book Lovers Everywhere Sponsored 4.4★ FREE

(Source: Reddit)

Sent to the building group chat

2:26 M M td. Residents 97% Who's the daddy D 2:24 PM 0 00 BFF 00000 2:25 PM✔ 2 Roh 10

(Source: Reddit)

Walk in, see this, walk out

IN THIS HOUSE we let it go BECAUSE HAKUNA MATATA and the bear necessities Will always be our guide TO INFINITY AND BEYOND ALL IT TAKES IS FAITH TRUST and a little bit of pixie dust while we just keep swimming WE WHISTLE WHILE WE WORK We believe in happy endings and we know that life is always better under the sea Because in this house WE DO DISNEY

(Source: Reddit)

This is awkward

1:17 75 P Paige Grandpa says same Ο A iMessage I'm so bored I want to die. G Oh my god I'm sorry Delivered

(Source: Reddit)

Red flags, everywhere

100 TH Tim > We care about s a lot it's literally in our genetic code right Like it's a need For us So ya that's all I really want to make sure happens at least LOL at least I'm blunt I don't look at it as shallow tbh Cause it's not But yes I love hanging out but yes I hope u want to f Oh and food sounds dope. Down That's all Sorry disregard me mansplaining that I need you to have $ with me if we hang out. Women will never understand the s drive of men O A iMessage 어

(Source: Reddit)

Classic four-panel cringe


(Source: Reddit)


Rue Tendo+ @ So I was dating this guy, kinda rich and he asked me out of the blue "would you date a struggling guy" and I said no (due to some personal reasons ) and he said "you know, to me you are the struggling guy" I haven't healed yet

(Source: Reddit)

More people need to talk about IQ

Yeah What do you do for work Freelance photography and writing. Plus some backbreaking yard work. I've gone back to school. So in the next two years I'll have a different answer. Ha How about you? Play any instruments? Was that the answer that was the deal breaker? Just be kind enough to say, "bye." Haha It's a shame people don't ask about IQ. I'm quite a bit above average. 136! Woooo! Ha (Average being 90-something) Well I'm "smart enough" to know when I've lost my bait. Ideally it's just you falling back to cloon Which I'm about to do Delivered

(Source: Reddit)

Not a test drive, just to be driven

Cybertruck ride along near Bridgewater $50 Send seller a message Hi, is this available? Send Similar Items Send offer Share Save Description Tesla does not offer Cybertruck test drives so get the next best thing. A cybertruck ride along. Message me to schedule a time and place for experiencing the new Cybertruck yourself. A minimum of 30min will be allocated for your needs. Could be longer if my schedule is open.

(Source: Reddit)

Not creepy at all

Miss you laugh..I clearly know I'm a pain in the but I think ur an amazing lady Pamela Hru Today 7:44 PM Well goodnight Today 8:50 PM I wasn't done work until 8pm. My names not Pamela btw Yes..wrong message..just a friend of mine who is in Euroe Europe Sorry about that You have a good day Can we chat on phone for a few Wanna ?

(Source: Reddit)

Rough times

dataisbeautiful F2 1 3h ~4 years of online dating [OC] ос Bumble: 9,348 Tinder: 27,899 Hinge: 4,024 OKC: 5,962 Badoo: 342- POF: 267 Viewed Profiles: 47,842 Right Swipe: 43,496 1966 Bh 524 Matches: 298 >5 messages: 22 Made with SankeyMATIC ↑ Share I'm genuinely baffled by several stats here Date: 2 Ghosted: 16- Lost Interest: 4- Stood Up: 2- No Response: 216- Bot: 27 <5 Messages: 23- Rejected: 43,198 Left Swipes: 4,346 Award Reply 1.6k

(Source: Reddit)

Chad hair attempt

Anonymous 05/29/18(Tue)12:49:54 No.45755456 YgmcQiK.jpg 46 KB JPG >try to get a Chad haircut >comes out looking like pic related What the fam I doing wrong? I went to a proper hair stylist that cost $100. Should I shave it all off?

(Source: Reddit)


This is my wife as most of you don't know. I just got caught talking to plenty of women on Tinder. This is the face I made when my wife confronted me. I'm a lover. She pays for the house my food and my gas! Wow! Brandon 31 ستا 5 ft 0 in 24 miles away Looking for Still figuring it out About Me I've been ch ✗ on h just finding e's so year! d. Sh nd she's , took me back once after I did this after our 2nd son was born. I am over weight and look like I'm 9 months pregnant

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