Green Flag Confirmed

Netanyahu and the Israeli government knew all about the planned Hamas attacks, but permitted them to take place without warning the Israeli public or permitting the IDF to stop them:

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) warned in mid-September that Hamas was planning to invade the country and capture more than 200 hostages, Israel’s Kan broadcaster reported on Monday.

Three weeks before Hamas fighters attacked Israel on October 7, the IDF’s intelligence directorate compiled a report stating that the Palestinian militants were training for a large-scale invasion of the Jewish state, Kan has claimed, citing anonymous security sources. The document allegedly warned that dozens of Hamas commandos would take part in the raid, which would be aimed at bringing between 200 and 250 hostages back to Gaza.

Several thousand Hamas fighters carried out the actual October 7 assault, killing around 1,200 people and taking roughly 250 hostages back to Gaza.

According to Kan’s sources, Hamas members had been spotted practicing attacks on mock IDF outposts, rehearsing how to capture military and civilian hostages, and training how to handle the captives once they were detained in Gaza. The document reportedly made its way to senior officials in the IDF’s Gaza Division, but was “completely ignored,” Kan stated.

Kan is not the first source to claim that Israel was forewarned about the October 7 attack. Within days of the assault, Egyptian intelligence officials said that they had repeatedly warned the Israeli government that Hamas was planning “something big” in the days leading up to October 7, but that these warnings were ignored in West Jerusalem.

As to why Netanyahu allowed the attacks to take place, we can only speculate. But Occam’s Razor strongly suggests that the Hamas attacks were permitted in order to give the Israeli government an excuse to whip up support for ethnically cleansing Gaza of the resident Palestinians.

Which raises some fascinating historical questions. After all, if the Israeli government was willing to sacrifice thousands of lives in exchange for Gaza, how many lives were the Zionists of the 1930s and 1940s willing to sacrifice in order to be granted a claim to Palestine?


She Pines for the Fjords

I think it’s perfectly obvious that Princess Kate isn’t deceased, and hasn’t either succumbed to Suddenly or been sacrificed to Satan in a desperate ritual to help Clown World hold onto its power. Clearly, the poor princess is merely pining for the fjords.

The Princess of Wales will probably “not appear in public for the rest of the year,” and is being “surrounded” by her birth family as she continues a course of preventive chemotherapy having been diagnosed with cancer earlier this year, royal sources and friends of Kate Middleton and Prince William have told The Daily Beast.

After all, it’s already May. Who would reasonably expect a woman who has hitherto been exceptionally hard-working and appeared at hundreds of public events, up to and including the birth of her children, to show her face in public over an eight-month period when she isn’t a public figure at all, being only a senior British Royal. Besides, you can’t tell me that such a realistic and life-like official painting could have been painted if the princess hadn’t been alive, well, and sitting for the artist.

And, of course, it would be totally absurd to suggest that her blood might have been used in the painting of that beautiful work of art commemorating the reign of King Charles III.


There’s More Than One Way

You already know not to take any tickets offered. But also, apparently, don’t put on the medallion:

And note, that was before his recent arrest on drug and gun charges. Your weaknesses will be exploited, which is why I am always on my guard against slender, pretty, blonde Norwegian women who are inexplicably interested in economics, epic fantasy, and the intrinsic flaws in the theory of evolution by natural selection.

Obviously, Nick isn’t a Douglas Adams reader. It’s a hot potato… don’t pick it up!


Nothing They Can Do

It’s such a shame that no one can do anything about Sean Combs beating the hell out of a young woman, despite the fact that there is clear video evidence of the assault.

LA District Attorney George Gascón says he is not able to prosecute Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs over the 2016 assault on Cassie Ventura caught on video because it happened too long ago. The Los Angeles district attorney’s office has announced that they cannot prosecute Sean “Diddy” Combs over a video showing him assaulting Cassie Ventura at a California hotel.

“The conduct would have occurred beyond the timeline where a crime of assault can be prosecuted,” implicating the statute of limitations in an Instagram post on Friday. California’s statute of limitations is one year for simple assault and three years for felony assault.

The footage, initially obtained by CNN, depicts the rapper in March 2016 grabbing Ventura, his then-girlfriend, by the neck, throwing her to the floor, and kicking her multiple times.

And yet, for some reason, he’s not being deplatformed, demonetized, or subjected to media hit pieces, and none of the corporations with which he works are refusing to work with him. Immunity to criminal prosecution is just one of the benefits of taking the ticket… until the Black Rider decides you’re no longer of sufficient use to him, of course.

I suspect the release of the video is a warning that Mr. Combs’s time is running out.

And in case you ever asked that very stupid question: “why doesn’t someone call the police?” this should answer your question. Because neither the police nor the justice system are allowed to touch the ticket-takers without permission.

UPDATE: No worries, justice is served, and we are assured that Mr. Combs is better now. In fact, we are even told that after going to rehab, he “continues to seek both therapy and spiritual work.”


Unlocking Antarctica

Somehow, I doubt the coming conflict over Antarctica is actually about the oil that was supposedly just discovered there.

Deep beneath the harsh wasteland of the Antarctic shelf lies a prize hundreds of millions of years in the making. For more than 150 years, wars have been fought for access to oil, the thick, black ooze that the world has come to rely on. Despite the growth of renewable energy in recent years, almost all of the world’s energy, 84% as of 2020, runs on fossil fuels, including oil and gas.

And with the Russian discovery of an estimated 511billion barrels of oil and gas in the Antarctic, the race for Black Gold is on once again, as nations across the world claiming they alone own the land above the fossil fuel reserve, even though a historic treaty prevents anyone from accessing it.

But experts have warned that Russia and China should not be trusted and that the West ought to make preparations to prevent them from getting their hands on it. Russia’s discovery underneath the Antarctic is already starting to spook the West, with the issue being brought up at a Select Committee this week.

It’s becoming increasingly obvious that there is something important being concealed from the world down in Antarctica, though whether it is aliens, secret Nazi space bases, or the ice wall around the edge of the Flat Earth, I wouldn’t even begin to hazard an opinion. But whatever it is, it’s big enough that the Narrative needed to suddenly announce the existence of a massive oil discovery in order to explain the incipient conflict over it.

World War III is certainly turning out to be considerably more intriguing than I’d ever imagined.


Hey, New Friend!

The Euro-American surveillance state is why it’s a good idea to keep all your would-be new best buddies out of your life:

I almost walk straight into this guy, short, about my age, standing directly outside my door. he has heavy American accent, he explains he is on the way to nearby tax adviser and comes up with pretence to speak to me, we talk about America, and then suddenly we have all of these common interests: fitness running etc. can he have my phone number, maybe he and his girlfriend can go hiking with me and my girlfriend.

So like idiot, I give him number, don’t think much about it. In retrospect the whole incident reminds of a few press stories I’ve read about how the SEK confirm addresses before raiding houses: casual encounters, often they claim they have the wrong address, etc.

I’m non-committal about the hiking double date idea, and for a week nothing. then he keeps ‘randomly’ running into me, also in weird places. It is small village, I have never seen him before and suddenly he’s everywhere. At the bank where I’m withdrawing money, he’s there, at the local recycling centre where I’m throwing away papers, he’s there. He texts me but I ignore. After the like third encounter where I maintain polite but non-committal attitude he disappears and I never see him or his weird van ever again.

When you run into these surveillance agents, always take their picture. Their reaction will reliably confirm your suspicions. And then post the pictures on Twitter or whatever; manpower is finite and one individual is probably being used to stalk dozens of individuals over the course of a year. The fact that they’re using Americans to spy on Germans in Germany tends to indicate that Clown World has fewer operatives than they would like us to believe.

This is one of the many reasons that I have absolutely zero desire for any new friends. Although I have to admit, it would be amusing to see some rando popping up around town attempting to claim that he shares my interests.

“I, too, enjoy sitting alone in the dark listening to Brahms while calculating maximal fixation rates! Give me your phone number and perhaps we can get together and go hiking!”


A Ticket, Offered

This is what it looks like. This is how they find out who is for sale and who is not:

“I just got a very interesting email. So for those of you who don’t know, I am a critic of the current economy. And recently, I’ve been posting my thoughts on the economy, and, and, you know, obviously, it’s not good. I’m not saying it’s Trump’s fault. I’m not saying it’s Biden’s fault.

I’m not saying it’s anyone’s fault. But obviously, Biden is president and the economy sucks. So, you know, naturally the blame lies on him. And some of these videos of me being extremely critical of the government have gone so viral that I was literally featured at 7 PM on prime time on Fox News the other night. And this morning, I got an email from someone claiming to be from the Democratic party.

And they said, what would your rate be to post positive videos about Joe Biden? And I replied back, honestly, I know nothing about the economy. I don’t pretend to know about the economy, and I know nothing about politics and I’d rather stay out of it. After all, I’m just a normal guy. I’m not a politician. I’m not a conservative or a liberal talking point. I’m just a normal person.

So they responded back, we understand you’re not a fan of the Democrat party right now. How much would it cost? I was like, you know what?

I wonder how bad they want me to post this. It’s $50 Grand. And they said yes. For those of you that don’t know anything about social media, I have another account that’s massive. And, like, For brand deals on my 3,000,000 follower account, I get like $5 Grand.

They offer me $50 Grand for a video on this account with only like 400,000 followers? I’m not gonna lie. I was very, very tempted, but I didn’t do it.”

This is why you should neither envy nor pursue what looks like mainstream success. Because it’s all fake and manufactured, and if you take the ticket to accept success on their terms, you will find yourself under their control.

They always make that first step very easy, and almost a no-brainer. Why not? What’s the harm? And yet, if you look into the hollow eyes and the weird, modified faces of the most successful, most famous people, they all look as if they are already in Hell.


Klaus Schwab is Alive and Well

We are officially informed that would-be world dictator Klaus Schwab is not dead, but is alive, well, and still dreaming of world domination:

Social media users have been claiming that the World Economic Forum (WEF) executive chairman and founder, Klaus Schwab, was recently admitted to hospital in a serious condition.

A large number of posts on X spreading the rumours have been seen and shared thousands of times. Some of them link his supposed condition to a cardiac incident after running, while others even go as far as claiming he may be dead.

None of these claims is true. Not only that, the WEF has confirmed that Schwab is in perfectly good health. The organisation has said that the claims are “entirely baseless and unfounded” and that Schwab’s health is “excellent”.

Have no fear. The official story is that Clown World’s eine Rasse, eine Welt, ein Reich program is still on track, and as we know, the official story is always true, especially when it changes.


Remember This

From SG: I lost a friend yesterday. Presumed heart attack. 46 years old. Two children ages 5 and 3.

It’s vital to remember these excess deaths in the aftermath of the Vaxx 1.0 – 1.6. Each and every one. They must be remembered because the next health crisis will push the vaccines even more harshly, and the consequences for not getting Vaxx 2.0 will be even more severe.

But they will not be as costly as submitting to it will be.