Castalia Library Collectors

A group for those who collect limited edition leatherbound books published by Castalia Library. Includes the Castalia Library, Castalia History, and Libraria Castalia series, as well as the Junior Classics and N.N. Taleb's INCERTO.

Also includes discussions of deluxe editions published by the Folio Society, Franklin Library, and Easton Press.

TopicTopicMessagesLast Message 
Pinned — The Castalia Library Subscription List3 unread / 3HaddiePlace, December 2023
Pinned — The Castalia History Subscription List1 unread / 1CastaliaLibrary, December 2023
Pinned — The Castalia Library non-subscription list1 unread / 1CastaliaLibrary, December 2023
Pinned — Deluxe Book Collector Groups2 unread / 2shkenney, January 6
How to get discounts on books from other subscription?3 unread / 3mjs0686, April 10
Castalia Library Book 271 unread / 1CastaliaLibrary, March 24
New Castalia History Subscription2 unread / 2rauchbier, March 22
Future Book Requests - General86 unread / 86rauchbier, February 6
Castalia Library Book 263 unread / 3baseballsavant, January 17
Intermittent USA Card problems with Castalia 3+ yr *solved*4 unread / 4shkenney, January 16
Castalia History Book 42 unread / 2sdawson, January 10
Subscription Order3 unread / 3zeffery, December 2023
Castalia History Subscription Catch Up Payments3 unread / 3mephriam, December 2023
Happy Holidays 20235 unread / 5sdawson, December 2023
Book Physical Size2 unread / 2CastaliaLibrary, December 2023
Can't connect with Castalia Library Support!2 unread / 2CastaliaLibrary, December 2023
Null List of Books2 unread / 2benjitsu, September 2021
Exposing literature18 unread / 18shkenney, July 2021
Books 5 and 6: PLUTARCH'S LIVES12 unread / 12Nibmeister, June 2021
The Junior Classics27 unread / 27West_WY_Bear, June 2021
Book Seven: SUMMA ELVETICA3 unread / 3clarksavagejr, May 2021
Book Eight: Heidi2 unread / 2TheElstoNs, May 2021
Book Four: THE DIVINE COMEDY10 unread / 10BackcountryJ, April 2021
$20 Replatforming6 unread / 6West_WY_Bear, January 2021
Ribbons2 unread / 2CastaliaLibrary, December 2020
Book Three: AWAKE IN THE NIGHT LAND20 unread / 20John__Smith, November 2020
The Missionaries69 unread / 69BackcountryJ, November 2020
Like the subscription as is11 unread / 11West_WY_Bear, October 2020
Silk Moire vs Printed Endpapers12 unread / 12benjitsu, October 2020
ARTS OF DARK AND LIGHT10 unread / 10Ronius_Maximus, October 2020
Book Two: THE MEDITATIONS30 unread / 30WhiskeyReb, October 2020
Annual Subscriptions now available1 unread / 1CastaliaLibrary, September 2020
Book Four: Inferno or La Commedia Divina?17 unread / 17CastaliaLibrary, September 2020
Future Book Requests - Book Five6 unread / 6CastaliaLibrary, September 2020
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