Why BRICS Can’t Replace the G7

The new organizations will not be carbon copies of their Clown World predecessors:

We can state with certainty that groups such as the BRICS and, at the regional level, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, cannot replicate the model that has made the Western world so successful. Firstly, the objectives of its members are not to exploit the rest of humanity. Consequently, the level of coordination of national policies also cannot reach such a high degree. Simply because, by participating in BRICS, for instance, countries do not address the most fundamental issues of survival or achieve development objectives. In other words, everything the West creates is aimed against the rest of the world, and there are no exceptions. Those who now oppose the West, whether through confrontation like Russia or through the pursuit of softer alternatives like India and the Arab countries, do not initially orient their policies towards combating all humanity. Therefore, they will find it difficult to create an alternative form of institutional cooperation.

Second, the organizational structure of new alliances of countries from the Global South cannot be based on a ‘single leader’ model. Thus, large countries such as Russia, China, and even India have not joined the Western bloc because, due to their structural differences, they cannot accept the unquestioned authority of another major power to fulfil all of its demands, as Western Europe does with the United States.

Now the Global South is seeking to establish its own institutions but, for objective reasons, it still has a long way to go in understanding how these institutions can function without being replicas of Western models. This applies even to more specific areas of cooperation, which are strictly regulated within the West in accordance with internal power hierarchies.

However, the theoretical aspect of the issue is equally interesting. In this regard, even the very concept of “international order” may prove to be controversial and even unacceptable in some respects in the future.

The fact is that the entire conceptual framework which allows us to discuss international politics in a relatively consistent manner, was developed under specific conditions that were inherent in world events over the past five hundred years. This implies that we cannot currently determine how relevant well-known concepts of international reality will be in the coming decades.

For instance, the “Westphalian order” is a concept that emerged as a result of the legal resolution of an intra-European conflict between the mid-sixteenth and mid-seventeenth centuries, with little relevance to the rest of the world. However, due to the dominance of Western powers, this order — as a mechanism for interstate relations — has since spread across the globe.

In essence, the current system has been imposed on other countries. A notable example is China, which became “connected” to the Westphalian system through the military aggression of European powers in the early 19th century. This could lead to a situation where the words used by political leaders and scholars become meaningless.

This is another good sign that the most powerful of the sovereign nations, China and Russia, harbor no objective to replace the USA. But we already knew this; if China wanted to replace the USA, it would not have cancelled the planned “jump to China” in 2015 that was intended to accomplish precisely that.


Fake Democracy: The Admission

Simplicius notes that the media is finally admitting to all and sundry that the electoral politics in the USA are entirely fake and completely under the control of a wealthy, mostly foreign elite:

There are two telling revelations from recent events: the first is how the regime is using the current political crisis merely to preserve its own power, and find ways to save face and shield itself, rather than even remotely acknowledging the utter damage being done to the country and its people by what they’ve wrought. This includes the national security damage of having a clearly cognitively disabled ‘leader’ in power, whom they’ve protected up to now. And then there’s the fact they’ve compromised years worth of American development, letting society wither and degrade at the hands of a clearly demented sockpuppet. The country has been utterly wracked by historic crises, from hyperinflation to crime and drugs, rampant illegal migrant invasion, and more—and this corrupt self-serving and self-saving political class has knowingly enabled a puppet to preside over it all, who was mentally incapable of doing anything about it.

The second mother of all revelations is the now openly verbalized reality that an oligarchic ‘donor class’ and deepstate actually run the country. Last time we saw Axios make the blatant acknowledgment that Biden’s rule is at the behest of an oligarch class. Now, everywhere you turn are headlines describing the ‘donor class’ as scrambling into secret conclaves to discuss some coordinated strategy on shooing off their formaldehyde-preserved commander-in-chief.

Over and over we hear the “donors” have decided this, or are going to do that—and it becomes clear that the so-called ‘Democracy’ we’ve been bamboozled with is a figment, and in fact is nothing more than a kind of auction for the elites… The fact that a secret camarilla of donors (read: billionaire oligarchs) is meeting behind closed doors to decide on the presidential candidacy of the United States tells you everything you need to know about how the country actually functions, who holds the real power, and whose interests are really at the center of all political decisions.

People are becoming awakened like never before to the naked sham of the country’s political process. It has been exposed as nothing more than a moneyed pageant for a detached class of elites, unbeholden to citizens’ interests or any principles—moral or otherwise.

As I pointed out back in 2004, the USA as we knew it, and as many still erroneously believe it to be, is dead. When George Bush the Younger dismissed the Constitution as “a piece of paper” he wasn’t exaggerating or being metaphorical. Both the Constitution and the electoral system are irrelevant; we probably have not had a genuine and legitimate presidential election since at least 1948, and possibly since 1912.

Tibetan religious tradition has it that when the Dalai Lama dies, the Buddha of Compassion leaves his body and incarnates in the body of a young child. The monks immediately go out in search of this blessed child, and when they find him – as they inevitably do – he is tested by a group of high lamas and enthroned as the reincarnation of his successor.

Imagine, however, if the lamas refused to recognize that the Dalai Lama was, in fact, dead. Suppose that instead of going in search of the Buddha’s new carnal home, they hooked the corpse up to a life support machine and waited patiently for the Holy One to awake and rise up. It’s not hard to see that they would be doomed to disappointment, and furthermore, would fail to find the next Dalai Lama as well.

This is precisely our dilemma today, for America, as envisioned by the Founding Fathers, is dead. By every measure, large and small, the original vision of limited government by, for and of the people has been folded, spindled and mutilated beyond recognition. When one reads the Constitution, one simply marvels at the distinct difference between its words and our present reality.

The purpose of the Constitution was to protect the rights and liberties of the descendants of the American revolution. It has not been used for that purpose for quite some time now; it was never, ever envisioned to protect the rights of heathen foreigners against the white Anglo-Saxon Protestants who are the only genuine Posterity for whom the Constitution was written.

So America is a conquered nation, the USA is a failing, bankrupt, lawless empire ruled by a foreign elite, and it has been this way for decades. But only now are the people being forced to wake up to that fact. And only now are they beginning to understand that they are not going to vote their way out of their decades of humiliation any more than the Chinese people did.

Simplicius is wrong about only one thing. The elite that rules the US empire is absolutely beholden to certain principles, specifically, inverted and satanic principles.


Fake Democracy in France

When the parties change but the policies remain the same, what you have is neither a democracy nor a republic. It’s just democracy theater, or as they say in France, le théâtre de la démocratie factice.

Today it is impossible to imagine any of the ultra-left repeating the words of Georges Marchais, the leader of the French Communist Party, in 1980: “It is necessary to stop both illegal and legal immigration. It is totally unacceptable to allow more and more migrant workers into France when our country already has 2 million unemployed French people and immigrants who have already settled here.”

Today, the number of unemployed has reached almost 5.5 million, the amount of legal and illegal immigrants has increased tenfold, but the left does not see this as a problem and devotes itself primarily to fighting ‘all discrimination’. The Socialists seriously discredited themselves during the government of François Hollande, who positioned himself as ‘the enemy of international finance’ but did very little to protect the poor, presenting the ‘marriage equality’ law as his main achievement…

Opponents can be as radical as they like in words, but when it comes to action they are unable to offer a real alternative to the policies of their predecessors. This can be seen in other European countries where ‘extremists’ have been in power. The French far-right and far-left have toned down their criticism of Brussels and, if they come to power, a relatively smooth integration into pan-European structures is more likely than an attempt by Paris at radical reform (as the representatives of the National Rally and the leaders of France Unbowed recently insisted). The statements and actions of the opposition may be vibrant and demonstrative, they may cause riots and protests, they may lead to internal chaos. But they are unlikely to be able to break the general development trend.

The economist Frederick Farah has pointed out that “over the past few decades, we have seen that whatever majority is in power, it implements roughly the same policies, leading to the deterioration of working conditions and stable employment, the dismantling of public services, increased poverty, the reduction of the country’s industrial base, strategic vulnerability and the rise of populism.”

This is why the sovereign nations are finally winning the rhetorical battle against Clown World and its fake democracies, false freedoms, and inverted rights. Seventy years of empty promises and false assurances have not brought about the shiny, sexy, seculartopia of the future that convinced the people of Christendom to abandon their traditions, their faith, and their cultures, but have instead delivered invasion, poverty, depravity, and soon, military defeat.

Reality always trumps rhetoric over time.


This is No Black Pill

Kim Dot Com says the worst is yet to come. But the worst for whom?

The worst is yet to come.

The Democrats conspired with the deep state to rule America forever. They implemented a totalitarian system of mass surveillance, censorship and propaganda for that reason.

They made deals with the owners of big tech to safeguard their monopolies in exchange for integration into the surveillance and censorship state. They control the media and most online channels. They want to disarm the citizens, ban independent crypto and install a state controlled blockchain with a social score system to keep the public under control. You won’t have means to pay for anything if you disobey.

They imported millions of new voters through open borders and propped up the LGBTQ movement to stay in power. 86% of LBGTQ vote Dems and close to 100% of legalized immigrants will vote for the party that pays and protects them and not for the party that wants to deport them.

The Democrats want absolute power. They will execute this plan by all means. If they fail they will face serious consequences. They fear Trump and his revenge. But most of all they fear the American people when the inevitable economic collapse arrives. The elites, their puppet politicians and the media propagandists will be pay with their blood for ruining the United States.

Living the rest of their days in a 5-star nuclear bunker and blaming Putin for the end of the world may be the best of their options.

The worst is yet to come.

First, it’s not “the Democrats”. It’s Clown World, which is to say the global satanists who are served by everyone from Jewish billionaires to fake Catholics, German Eurocrats, degenerate Anglo-Saxon Protestants, and a myriad of other diversities. We don’t know precisely whom is calling the shots, except that it’s probably Moloch or some other demon that was worshipped in Tyrus, Carthage, Technochtitlan, and other past centers of The Empire That Never Ended.

Second, those millions of young, male imports were not imported to outvote the natives. They were brought in to fight the natives when the civil wars start. If the mass deportations do not begin under the next administration, this will likely become obvious and undeniable sooner than anyone expects. World War III has already begun, it just hasn’t come to the USA yet.

The spiritual element is why those who blame everything on “the Democrats” or “the globalists” or “the Jews” or even “the Phoenician Navy” inevitably fail to grasp the comprehensive whole across time or to recognize the repetitive pattern of the fall of previous empires.

Every time they succeed, God raises up hard men to stand against them and overthrow them. Before Putin and Xi, there was Hernán Cortés and Fabius Maximus and Scipio Africanus. Whether they are Christians or whether they are not, they wage war against the greatest evil that the world has ever known, the same evil that Jesus Christ himself defeated with his death on the Cross. Perhaps Trump is one of those men. Perhaps not. One way or the other, we should know soon enough.

We’re still part of that old story, the oldest story, light against dark.

But to paraphrase the words of Rust in True Detective, despite all the wicked darkness in the skies above us, it looks as if the light is winning.


Atheists Discover Consequences

It’s always mildly amusing to recall that they used to call themselves “brights” because they genuinely believed that they were smarter than Christians. Never mind that the island nation that developed a world-spanning empire under Christendom now can’t even offer token resistance to the imperial dar al-Islam:

I am getting scared of the rise of Islam in the UK and Europe. I study philosophy at university in England…. Oh boy my homeland is being overrun by Islam.

One guy legit told me the other day on a Friday that “I should be at the mosque” and shouted at me for not being so. I know plenty of Christians, and whilst I myself am atheist, none have ever tried to convert me or call me a heretic- whilst the only homophobes I know have been Muslim. Someone also said my degree, philosophy was “devil worship because asking questions about the universe and truth is evil-this is especially true because I focus in logic and game theory. They said it was not “real” and satanic…

What scares me most is that the left (of which I am a part of) seems to protect Islam by way of calling all who support it islamaphobic….when I said I supported Israel as it’s the only safe space for LGBT guys in the entire Middle East, and a democracy, someone spat at me and called me a “devil”.

It is psychotic. Do you think the west will fall to Islam? Sorry for the vent: I’ve come to the conclusion that I am very inclusive, but I cannot be inclusive to those who hate inclusion because fictional sky dad said no.

The fascinating thing is that even when they are in terror for their lives and their lifestyles, they still do not have the intellectual flexibility to admit that they were wrong, that inclusivity is evil and destructive, and that a nation that ceases to be a Christian nation will soon cease to be a nation at all.

If you accept diversity, equality, and inclusivity as ideals, then you have already lost the war. It’s just a matter of time before those who correctly reject those concepts as being intrinsically false overrun you.


Elegy for European Civilization

An Australian laments the end of what used to be his country:

Each day I wake up to a country I don’t recognise.

Everyone’s a foreigner and I get called a bigot if I notice that.

I used to be friends with all my neighbours.

But they moved out and the new ones don’t speak English.

We don’t make eye contact when we walk past each other and that makes me feel strange.

On weekends I used to leave my car unlocked when I went down to the beach.

Yesterday there was a knife attack there. I don’t think I’ll go to the beach again.

There are no Christmas decorations in the stores anymore.

But sometimes I notice there’s decorations for Diwali. I don’t know what that is.

Most days I just sit inside and watch TV.

The TV tells me I need to respect other cultures.

For some reason that means no more Easter eggs or Australia Day or Christmas.

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I migrated to Pakistan and told them to change their whole country just to make me feel comfortable.

I don’t think they’d like that but I don’t want to assume.

And sometimes it feels like my culture’s being squeezed out existence.

Suffocated by all these new people being poured on top of it.

I don’t really know why they moved here.

The streets don’t look the same anymore.

There’s no sense of community.

We’re all just strangers who live close to each other by some strange chance.

No doubt the American Indians similarly came to lament the foolish decision of their forebears to welcome the refugees from Europe, just as their successors are now learning to regret the decision of their ancestors to welcome “the poor and huddled masses” that have now demolished what was the most powerful nation in human history, and Europeans are beginning to grasp the terrible price of their magnanimous embrace of “the right of free movement”.

Some civilizations are conquered. Others are destroyed by their own internal contradictions. But in this case, it was the subversion and intellectual subjugation by a satanic foreign elite, combined with the widespread abandonment of the Christian culture that made Europe uniquely great, that has led to the decline and coming fall of the nations of what was once Christendom.

The truth always matters. And the sons of the fallen West are paying a very steep price for swallowing the inversion that satanists are “our elder brothers in the faith”. Those who are not willing to literally fight to preserve their culture will inevitably lose their culture in the end.


Diversity and Finance

Are why nothing works anymore. From /pol/:

Finance bros are ruining society. Boeing is just the start. Everything you rely on to “Just Work” in your day to day life, in a few years, will no longer be trustworthy. Regular people are soon going to need to inspect every bridge they walk on. Companies don’t give a piss about ensuring safety anymore.

Companies are now being ran by fratdouche finance bros who all feel they deserve prestigious Wall Street positions because they got a C in College Algebra. All these colleges are pushing out thousands of these retards who basically spent four years learning arts/crafts + Excel, and they all think they deserve a job. The worst are the Patagonia douches from big schools like UPenn who are just as stupid and uneducated as the rest, but still think they’re smarter than everyone else because of their school where they learned no math/science/art/history.

The corporate world loves these retards even though they’re inept across the board, and they get put in positions of power. Shareholders demand infinite growth from companies that have clearly peaked, and the finance bros deliver by cutting overhead, starting with safety, engineering, testing, & maintenance.

Corporate sees people like me as annoying chuddjaks trying to ruin their fun, and whenever shit goes belly up, these fucks just collect their bonus, update their resume, and move to the next company.

The worst part is maintenance isn’t a blue collar field of retards anymore. Aircraft maintenance especially is full of skilled, highly-trained technicians who will bounce at the first sign of corporate mistreatment. Finance fags think these guys are toothless retards who will work for anything, when they’re actually sending daily, 6-figure job offer emails straight to their spam folders. I work in energy production, and it’s no different here. I can’t hold onto talent with the way corporate shits on these men like they’re lucky to even have a job.

This is the inevitable end game of reducing everything to mere numbers. And it’s only going to keep getting worse from here, so the more you develop a community that can provide everyone with what it needs, the better off you’re going to be.

Milton Friedman and Leonard Read can stick their proverbial pencils up their deceased posteriors. Free trade, like free speech, was always a satanic trap. As I wrote years ago, we’ll be lucky if we still have indoor plumbing when things hit their nadir.

Collect old books. Preserve their knowledge. You’re going to need it, because imposing social justice limits on AI is going to break Wikipedia soon.


The Sack of London

It’s more of an ongoing situation than an event, but the end result will be the same.

Crime has soared in London after more than 100 local police stations were shut down – and people living and working in the areas left without one are furious about it, a MailOnline investigation has found. It emerged this week that only 36 police stations remain open in the capital compared to the 160 that the city had in 2008 – a reduction of an astonishing 77%. The cuts have doubled the distance an average Londoner has to travel to their nearest manned police help desk to around two miles – with researchers warning criminals were specifically targeting areas the Met has abandoned.

Although, in fairness, there really isn’t any need for a police force that keeps the borders open, ignores foreign rape gangs, and primarily focuses on thought-policing the native population that doesn’t support Clown World’s intended destruction of the English people.

As the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom very well know, civilization is racism. If you are anti-racist, you are literally anti-civilization; remember, the term racism was coined by a white man who actively sought to destroy every aspect of American Indian language and culture to describe those Indians who wished to preserve their own way of life.


The Harsh Lessons of History

One of the great benefits of reading history is that it provides the reader with an informed perspective to interpret current events. As I was scheduling future posts for the daily Castalia Library serialization of the 1911 edition of The Cambridge Medieval History, I came across this very timely section on the economic challenge faced by the Roman emperors in the early Third Century.

Serious economic difficulties have moral causes, and there was no radical cure short of a complete change in the temper of society. Yet much might have been done by a permanent reduction of taxation and a reform of its incidence and of the methods of collection. Instead of this, the machinery of government (and its expense) was greatly increased. The army had to be held in check by courts of Oriental splendour and a vast establishment of corrupt officials. We can see the growth of officialism even in the language, if we compare the Latin words in Athanasius with those in the New Testament. So heavier taxes had to be levied from a smaller and poorer population. Taxation under the Empire had never been light ; in the third century it grew heavy, under Diocletian it was crushing, and in the later years of Constantine the burden was further increased by the enormous expenditure which built up the new capital like the city in a fairy tale. We are within sight of the time when the whole policy of the government was dictated by dire financial need. We have already reached a state of things like that we see in Russia.

That passage anticipated the October Revolution by six years. Given that there are absolutely no indications that the American people are in any moral condition to force “a complete change in the temper of society” or even to stop the massive invasion of the last 59 years, it’s possible that we will see the political collapse I predicted would take place in 2033 as soon as 2030.

Simplicius notes that the Clown World elite that rules the USA appears to finally be aware that their predatory, self-serving governance has weakened the empire to the point they are in danger of being swept away completely.

I’ve written previously on the panic currently effervescing through the global elites, made viscerally apparent at conclaves like the Davos forum earlier this year. But in America particularly, a deep worry is now consciously gnawing the ruling class—they can see it, feel it: that the American Empire is on its last legs, close to collapse.

This month has seen a bevy of new thinkpieces from top American deepstate figures or old-guard publications urging the changing of course, lest the country be swept away by the remorseless tide of history… This is the theme which recurs again and again throughout the new zeitgeist taking over political discourse in the stricken Beltway—panicking neocons are exhorting each other: we’re in a fight for our lives, if we don’t accept the new realities, we’ll drown!

Ruling Class Finally Awakens to the Reality of America’s Decline, 22 June 2024

The clowns won’t be able to do anything to reverse the decline, or even slow it, of course. Subversion, rhetoric, corruption, and doubling-down are all they know how to do, but none of those tactics work when you’re the one in charge and you’re responsible for maintaining the social order. The more they subvert, the more they corrupt, and the more they double down, the weaker their position becomes.


A Legacy Destroyed

VDH is naturally inclined to lionize the so-called “Greatest Generation”, but he’s too good a historian to be unaware of their greatest failing, which was being unwilling, or unable, to successfully prepare the Boomers for the mantle of preserving and passing on Western civilization:

Governor Ronald Reagan, in his 1967 inaugural address, famously remarked, “Freedom is a fragile thing and it’s never more than one generation away from extinction.”

Reagan today might have expanded on his theme by declaring that civilization itself is both fragile and can lost by a generation that recklessly spends its inheritance while neither appreciating nor replenishing it—if not ridiculing those who sacrificed so much to provide it. Such is the noxious epitaph of the Baby Boomer generation that is now passing after a half-century of preeminence and whose Jacobin agendas have nearly wrecked the nation they inherited…

Americans did the impossible in less than a year—from the Normandy beaches to well across the Rhine River. That same generation went on to save South Korea, build an anti-totalitarian world order, defeat Soviet communism, and pass on to the Baby Boomer generation the strongest economy, military, and political system in history, or, to paraphrase the poet Horace, “monuments more lasting than bronze.” Or so we, the inheritors, thought.

And what are the now septuagenarian and octogenarian children of the veterans of Omaha Beach and Iwo Jima, leaving as their own legacy?

The self-infatuated and do-your-own-thing generation that gave us the Sixties and the counterculture has left the country $36 trillion in debt, now borrowing $1 trillion nearly every three months. Worse, there is not just no plan to balance budgets, much less to reduce the debt, but also no intention to stop or even worry about the borrowing of some $10 billion a day.

The U.S. military is almost unrecognizable to that of just a few decades ago. It was humiliated in Kabul. In surrealistic fashion, it abandoned some $50 billion in lethal weaponry to the Taliban—along with our NATO allies, American contractors, and loyal Afghans. And our supreme command labeled that rout a brilliant retreat. Meanwhile, the military suffers from depleted inventory of key munitions while being short 45,000 annual recruits.

The Pentagon is torn by internal dissension over DEI, woke, anti-meritocratic promotions, and a politicized officer class—well, apart from now also being outmanned and outgunned by the Chinese. Many of the world’s key maritime corridors—the Red Sea, the Straits of Hormuz, the Black Sea, and the South China sea—are apparently beyond our navy’s ability to ensure the world safe transit.

For perceived cheap political advantage, the Baby Boomers destroyed the southern border, most recently allowing in nearly 10 million unaudited illegal aliens. With the disappearance of our national sovereignty, so too was lost the once-cherished idea of a melting pot of legal immigrants arriving in America longing to assimilate, to integrate in self-reliant fashion, and to show gratitude for the chance of something far better than what they left.

The nation isn’t “nearly wrecked”. It is defeated and subjugated. The Melting Pot idea, however cherished it might have been, was always a self-serving foreign lie and it never happened anyhow. But the fact that people now recognize that it’s not happening now is a step forward, as is the acknowledgment that the Boomers were so awful that their predecessors are being blamed for not preventing them from destroying their legacy.

If elderly historians are already condemning the Boomers, imagine what the historians of the future will say of them!