Freakshow Cubed

The Guardian is desperately, and rather quixotically, attempting to maintain Mr. Tubcuddle’s public viability by putting him front and center of its praise for the very worst book I have ever read in its entirety. Because while I’m confident that Samuel L. Delaney’s Hogg and the Marquis de Sade’s 120 Days of Sodom are even worse, I’ve declined the opportunity to wallow in the wicked filth of those literary abominations. I was not so fortunate with regards to The Wasp Factory, which was published 40 years ago, although the world would be a better, brighter, more beautiful place if it had not been.

It was 1984, and the publisher Macmillan was holding a small event for booksellers, and had invited a tiny handful of journalists along as well. They would be announcing upcoming titles, trying to get the booksellers excited about them. I was one of the journalists, but I only remember one author and one book from that afternoon. The author’s editor, James Hale, was thrilled about a first novel, which Macmillan would soon be publishing, and which James had discovered on the “slush pile” of unsolicited manuscripts. The author had been asked to say a few words to the assembled booksellers about himself and his book.

The author had dark, curly auburn hair and a ginger beard that was barely more than ambitious stubble. He was tall, and his accent was Scottish. He told us that he had really wanted to be a science fiction writer, that he had written several science fiction books and sent them out to publishers without attracting any interest. Then he had decided to “write what he knew”. He had taken his own obsessions as a young man, his delight in blowing things up and his fascination with homemade implements of destruction, and he had given them to Frank, a young man who also liked blowing things up but went much further than the author ever had. The author was Iain Banks, of course, and the book was The Wasp Factory.

The story, he told us, began when Frank’s brother, Eric, escaped from a high-security psychiatric hospital, and let Frank know he was coming home. But, Iain warned us, that wasn’t what the story was about. 

What The Wasp Factory is about concerns an idiotic plot that wallows in nearly every form of depravity with a protagonist so retarded that he doesn’t realize he’s not a girl, he’s a boy who had his genitalia gnawed off by a dog. And this isn’t even the most disgusting aspect of the novel; the titular metaphor is even worse.

Because Iain Banks is not a terrible writer, the sheer awfulness of the book is even worse than it might otherwise have been. And it serves very well as a litmus test for the fundamental wrongness of those who admire it; besides Mr. Tubcuddle, the gentleman with whom I debated the merits and demerits of the book has now gone the way of the book’s protagonist, and, incidentally, deleted the transcript of our debate, which fortunately can still be heard via MP3.

An excerpt from the debate:

Day: And this also touches on my third point, which is: this is an idiot plot. I mean, this is what Roger Ebert described as – you know, he said that “the idiot plot is any plot that would be resolved in five minutes if everyone in the story were not an idiot.” So, you’ve got somebody who literally has never looked in her pants to discover that she’s got a vagina, you’ve got the father who is beyond idiocy with the whole story about the dog and the creation of the fake genitals just in case she ever asks, and then of course you’ve got Eric, who apparently never figured out that his sister was actually his sister either. I mean, this is an idiot plot. There’s no way around that.

Sandifer: This is grotesque, it’s a grotesquery. I think that the ludicrousness of it is a joke in the same spirit as “killing three people was just a phase I was going through.” I don’t think it’s an idiot plot so much as it is a parody of rural grotesquery that is deliberately at the absolute limits of what is even remotely plausible.

Day: I personally think it’s well beyond those limits, and, you know, I’m not saying that there’s no humor to it, but, you know, I didn’t find it funny, for the most part. The occasional one-offs, like you mention, you know, those were mildly amusing, but just to wallow in that depth of depravity and violence and murder, you know, it’s literally disgusting, and I didn’t find it funny, I didn’t find it edifying. Like I said, the plot is a literal idiot plot. Whether you want to say it’s because it was parody or not, it’s still an idiot plot. I’m not one of those people who finds… What’s that show, the guy from The Office…

Sandifer: U.S. or U.K.?

Day: Ricky Gervais.

Sandifer: Yes.

Day: He has that television show where he pretends to be retarded or something, and every ad he’s gurning, you know what I mean? It’s a relatively new show. I don’t find that funny either. And so, maybe the fact that it’s got an idiot plot but it’s a parody, therefore it’s supposed to make it intelligent, but to me, the plot is still what the plot is, and so I found it very, very disappointing, because the whole plot is totally dependent on the three major characters being and behaving like complete idiots.

And the problem I have when you talk about the whole psychosocial aspect of Frank is Banks, in my opinion, gets the characters completely wrong. Frank is not convincing in any way, shape, or form as a girl who believes she’s a boy, and that sort of thing. I’m pretty sure that Iain Banks never had any daughters, because if you’re a parent, and you’ve got both boys and girls, there is not a chance in hell that a little girl, even if you raise her as a boy, is going to behave like a boy.  This is where I think it goes beyond parody and is a level of absurd that is not credible. I would have found it much more credible if Frank had some female attributes and characteristics in his thinking that he couldn’t explain. But instead, like you said, he’s more of a parody of a hyper-male, and that to me makes no sense whatsoever.

UPDATE: Its not your imagination. There is literally a media conspiracy of silence regarding Neal Gaiman’s behavior toward women.

Speaking with our contacts in the comic industry, Fandom Pulse was told by an insider that there is a concerted media effort to squash this story. There are allegedly marching orders not to report on this, which makes the situation even more bizarre. Online comic forums and Facebook groups controlled by mainstream media forces shut down discussions to keep this story from getting out. If these orders are confirmed, the entertainment media corruption is on full display beyond anything we’ve ever seen. 


Four Episodes of Mr. Tubcuddle, Scientologist

Even Neil Gaiman’s biggest fans think his self-defense is inadequate and troublesome after listening to all four episodes of the Tortoise revelations about him.

After Listening to all four episodes: the facts themselves are bad

Let’s take a step back and assume, for the sake of argument, that literally everything that the women are saying is false, and that Gaiman’s version of events is closer to the truth. It is as exonerating as it can possibly be.

Gaiman still has a history of exploiting younger, inexperienced women who are either starstruck by him, or dependent on him, causing an absolutely massive power imbalance. He does this despite being married in an open relationship, and seems unwilling to be clear that he cannot commit to them.

This is if he is being entirely honest. At one point in the podcast to exonerate himself, he sends an email of K saying that she can’t wait to visit, her “loins are desperate” (not exactly it, but close) that’s from 2017, way after their relationship ended. When the journalists dug deeper they found that it was part of an email chain where he told her he was working with David Tennant, who she had a crush on, and her jokey “horniness” is clearly in reaction to Tennant. This shows that he is absolutely willing to mislead or to misrepresent evidence when it comes to this.

While there is no direct evidence of assault in Scarlett’s story, there’s a lot of smoke. Gaiman being accused of assault by Scarlett’s friends is indisputably something that happened. As is her saying that what happened “pushed boundaries” at the time.

If you insist that the benchmark needs to be: overt rape or bust, then sure, the evidence is probably insufficient. Even the podcast seems to walk it back to “sexual abuse” the vast majority of the time. But…sexual abuse is pretty bad. There is a very wide spectrum of treating women in a shitty way before you get to outright sexual assault.

I say this as a Gaiman fanatic. As someone who is irrevocably influenced by his work. I listened to all four of these episodes because I care deeply, and what we know for certain really sucks.

Here’s the main thing that the hapless defenders of the Scientologist Neil Gaiman are forgetting to take into account: where there’s an amount of smoke, there is usually fire.

There are two distinct accusers now. The a) combination of those accusations with b) Mr. Tubcuddle’s own body of work incorporating various forms of sexual abuse, sexual violence, and sexual assault, and c) Mr. Tubcuddle’s obviously suspect judgment, and d) the general degeneracy in the world of science fiction fandom, means that there will almost certainly be more accusers, more evidence, and more conclusively damning evidence forthcoming.

Here is one fan’s summary:

According to his recounting of events, in the early 2000s he met an 18 year old girl and was overly friendly to her. Then 2 years later he started dating her while married & kept her existance secret, made her so upset she followed him onto an aeroplane and he had her forcibly removed. Then in response he tried to make it seem like she was thirsting after him years later when she was thirsting after David Tennant. (Aren’t we all.)

Then, in 2022, he met his son’s 21 year old Nanny who came to stay with them during a pandemic. The first time he ever met her, he got fully naked and asked to have a bath with her, then “kissed and cuddled.”

Then continued to have an ongoing BDSM & sexual relationship with someone 1/3 of his age while he was her employer.

She spoke to her friends at the time and called it abuse, her friend confronted Neil’s wife Amanda Palmer, and then she responded by saying it’s a “very bad situation” (not defending him) and breaking up with him.

Then when Scarlett spoke out about what happened he said he was suicidal and manipulated her into comforting him, and in doing so got her to say it was “eventually” consensual. IN RESPONSE TO HIM SAYING HE WAS SUICIDAL.

And then he said she has a false memory disorder when she doesn’t.

It’s readily observable from his version of events that Gaiman has been deeply and profoundly dishonest about both situations. He not only misrepresented the evidence of the context of the first woman’s emails after the fact, but sent the second woman “an NDA backdated to the day they met (when some very questionable behavior on his part occurred) as a condition for giving her six months rent money after the relationship had ended.” And he extorted a statement about consensuality from the latter with threats of suicide.

Furthermore, since Gaiman is a Scientologist, we know the Church of Scientology has a comprehensive record of his past misdeeds, at least up to the point that he claims to have left the organization, which may or may not be true. If it’s true that he was a level 8 auditor, then he wasn’t just another ignorant Hollywood celebrity recruit. Given the way Scientology operates, they quite likely have maintained an updated file on him that continues to the present. Which means the damning information is likely out there and available; don’t be too shocked if he unexpectedly rejoins Scientology in the aftermath of his public unmasking as, at the very least, a predatory, manipulative, and sexually-inappropriate creep.

It’s worth noting that he’s already threatened to kill himself over this. Which tends to indicate that there is considerably more that will come out over time, and explains why the science fiction community is being so quiet about this instead of engaging in their usual full-throated man-the-barricades approach.

UPDATE: As usual, one can always trust the logic. His ex-wife, Amanda Palmer has reportedly been quoted as saying the second woman “was the 14th who had come to her about what Neil did.” I think we can officially put a fork in Neil Gaiman. Whether he goes to jail or not, he’s done.

UPDATE: Gaiman’s father was the head of public relations for Scientology in the UK and Gaiman was actually kicked out of an Anglican school due to being a Scientologist. No wonder his work is so avowedly, and so nonsensically, anti-Christian.


A Note About Neil

John Scalzi finally addresses the accusations of sexual assault against Scientologist Neil Gaiman. Sort of.

I learned about the sexual assault allegations involving Neil Gaiman at the same time as everybody else. I don’t know any more about it than anyone else. Everything I have read about it to this point makes me angry and unhappy and sad.

I understand there are people who want a different public statement from me about this than Gaaaah what the actual fuck. Maybe those people are better at processing bad news involving a friend.

Deep. Meaningful. Insightful. And, as we expected, totally devoid of any criticism or disavowal of Mr. Tubcuddle’s admitted actions.

And still not a peep out of File770 or aka Reactor.


How NOT to Talk to Girls at Parties

Neil Gaiman, who is being accused of sexual assault by two women, really does not appear to be an ideal role model on the basis of his short story “How to Talk to Girls at Parties”. And while the title of the story is amusingly ironic in light of the current accusations, reading the story tends to be rather less ironic and rather more problematic for Mr. Gaiman.

This is the climactic excerpt of the story, in which the hapless protagonist abruptly is dragged out of a party by his best friend, Vic, who had previously disappeared into a room with a girl he had just met at the party, Stella.

 As Vic pulled open the door, I looked back one last time, over my shoulder, hoping to see Triolet in the doorway to the kitchen, but she was not there. I saw Stella, though, at the top of the stairs. She was staring down at Vic, and I saw her face.

This all happened thirty years ago. I have forgotten much, and I will forget more, and in the end I will forget everything; yet, if I have any certainty of life beyond death, it is all wrapped up not in psalms or hymns, but in this one thing alone: I cannot believe that I will ever forget that moment, or forget the expression on Stella’s face as she watched Vic hurrying away from her. Even in death I shall remember that.

Her clothes were in disarray, and there was makeup smudged across her face, and her eyes—

You wouldn’t want to make a universe angry. I bet an angry universe would look at you with eyes like that.

We ran then, me and Vic, away from the party and the tourists and the twilight, ran as if a lightning storm was on our heels, a mad helter-skelter dash down the confusion of streets, threading through the maze, and we did not look back, and we did not stop until we could not breathe; and then we stopped and panted, unable to run any longer. We were in pain. I held on to a wall, and Vic threw up, hard and long, into the gutter.

He wiped his mouth.

She wasn’t a—” He stopped.

He shook his head.

Then he said, “You know . . . I think there’s a thing. When you’ve gone as far as you dare. And if you go any further, you wouldn’t be you anymore? You’d be the person who’d done that? The places you just can’t go. . . . I think that happened to me tonight.”

It would appear that Mr. Gaiman has, at least in his imagination, contemplated what it would be like to go further with a young woman than he would dare. We already know, by his own admission, that he is the sort of 61-year-old man who would “cuddle in the bathtub” with a 22-year-old nanny that he had just met that day.

Which admission tends to raise considerably more questions about how much further Mr. Gaiman has, in fact, dared to go, and how much more inappropriately he has behaved. Given what we already know about him, the ages of some of his better-known literary subjects also tends to raise additional, and even more disconcerting, questions about the man.

One thing that we’ve known for at least a decade, however, is that Gaiman is a sketchy creep and a Gamma male. And needless to say, File 770, Whatever, and the various science fiction sites that have been slobbering all over Gaiman for more than a decade are completely silent on the subject even though the mainstream media is covering it.

UPDATE: A keen-eyed reader notes an astonishing coincidence.

The review quote on the Gaiman book cover is by Junot Díaz, accused of sexual harassment in 2018. He was eventually cleared of misconduct. What are the odds?

Creeps of a feather flock together…

UPDATE: Unlike the SJW sites, Fandom Pulse is on top of it.


Bad Idea Jeans: Neil Gaiman edition

ITEM: British author Neil Gaiman wrote a book.

ITEM: British author Neil Gaiman has been accused of sexual assault by two separate women.

Conclusion: do NOT take his advice for how to talk to girls.

Have you ever noticed that while the SJW-infested media never seems to write hit pieces about these accused sex criminals? There is never a whisper or a peep heard in public until the courts get involved.

JDA has declared an Emergency Arkhaven Nights to discuss this breaking news, so don’t miss it!


The Rehabilitation of a Pedo

Not only does SFWA resolutely refuse to eject the pedophiles, past and present, convicted and unconvicted, from its midst, but the morally-depraved science fiction community is now even trying to rehabilitate the reputation of confirmed dead lesbian child-abuser Marion Zimmer Bradley, upon whose work the new Star Wars Acolyte is obviously based.

After her death, Marion Zimmer Bradley’s daughter, Moira Greyland accused her not only of aiding and abetting her second husband in child molestation, but in herself molesting their daughter. Since Ms. Greyland made this accusations only after MZB was dead and could no longer defend herself or refute the charges, MZB had no opportunity to go to court and clear her name. Some authors have donated the money earned from sales to Bradley to various child-related charities. Given that she edited Breen’s book, Greek Love, and edited and contributed at least one article to his journal, The International Journal of Greek Love, she had to at least suspected his unhealthy interest in boys. “Greek love” is an old euphemism for male homosexuality, especially the relationship between an older man and a boy or youth. Many who knew her well said they had never seen or suspected anything untoward. However, others believed the accusations. Victor Gollancz, Ltd., the publisher of Bradley’s digital backlist, donated all the profits to the British charity Save the Children. Author Janni Lee Simner donated the money she earned from sales to MZB to the American anti-sexual assault organization Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network. Other writers chose to keep the money they earned…

She was awarded the World Fantasy Award for lifetime achievement in 2000 posthumously.

After her death, she was cremated, and her ashes, appropriately enough were scattered on Glastonbury Tor, in Somerset, England.

Her influence as a writer will last so long as her stories are in print. Her influence as an editor continues to spread, as the writers she mentored are now mentoring a further generations of writers.

Remembering Marion Zimmer Bradley on Her Birthday, SCIFI.RADIO, 3 June 2024

If her influence as a writer continues to bear fruit such as Acolyte, she’ll be completely forgotten, and deservedly so, before the end of the decade. No one reads Darkover anymore and the market for lesbian pedophile space witches isn’t likely to survive Clown World’s collapse.

It’s fascinating to observe how the same freaks who believe and assiduously repeat obviously false information about those of whom they assiduously disapprove will openly deny and attempt to discredit the direct and convincing testimonial evidence of the actual victims of the criminals they are defending.

The dead lesbian pedo Marion Zimmer Bradley has never been disavowed by SFWA, is still recognized as a Hugo and Nebula Award winner, and there are at least two known pedophiles who are honored as SFWA Grand Masters. The real reason the SF community hates me to this day with a white hot passion has nothing to do with Sad Puppies, Rabid Puppies, my open contempt for their diversity pets, or even my ideological views. It’s because I published this book and they know their attempts to rehabilitate their fallen heroes will never, ever succeed.

There is a perfectly valid argument for separating the art from the artist in many cases. The problem, in the specific case of MZB, is that it is not possible to do so when so much of her art was steeped in her particular wickedness and written with the avowed objective of infecting society with it.

UPDATE: From Wikipedia. It will be interesting to see how many of these SF authors join the rehabilitation efforts going forward. And notice that there is no mention of me being one of the authors who has publicly condemned her.

A number of science fiction authors have publicly condemned Bradley. Among the first was John Scalzi, who within a day of the allegations being made public, described the allegations as “horrific”. Hugo Award winner Jim C. Hines wrote that Bradley’s positive effect on her readers and associates “makes the revelations about Marion Zimmer Bradley protecting a known child rapist and molesting her own daughter and others even more tragic.” G Willow Wilson, who along with Bradley is a fellow World Fantasy Award winner, said she was “speechless”. Diana L. Paxson, who collaborated with Bradley on a number of novels and who continued to write novels set in the Avalon Series after Bradley’s death, said that she was “shocked and appalled to read Moira Greyland’s posts about her mother… I never personally observed, nor had any reason to suspect, that (Bradley) was abusing either of her children.”

UPDATE: In response to this post, has memory-holed the article. But the Internet remembers…


It’s Always the Paperwork

They got Capone on taxes. And of all the many crimes they could have gotten the massively corrupt Hunter Biden for, they got him for filling out a gun purchase form:

US President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, was found guilty by a Delaware jury on Tuesday. He faced three federal charges relating to possession of a firearm while addicted to drugs.

Hunter Biden was accused of lying on a gun purchase form in 2018, falsely attesting that he was not a drug addict when, in fact, he was on crack cocaine at the time.

Tuesday’s verdict means Biden is the first son of a sitting president to be convicted in federal court. He could receive up to 25 years in prison, although the sentence is widely expected to be far more lenient.

Yes, one would expect the sentence to be lenient, if not entirely nonexistent. Frankly, I’m shocked that he was found guilty.


The Black Epstein

Sean Combs was not only a manufactured success, he was a tool instrumental in the process of determining whose success would be manufactured:

Mr. Combs had hidden cameras in every room of his home… has recordings of several ceelbrities, artists, music label executives, and athletes engaging in illegal activity… these individuals were recorded without their knowledge and consent… Mr. Combs possesses compromising footage of every person who has attended his freak-off parties and his house parties.

If you have even a modicum of success, you will be offered various tickets, and various opportunities to compromise yourself and leave yourself at the mercy of the ticket-masters who will then be able to either help you or hinder you as they see fit.

If you don’t take the ticket, they will still hinder you via their various programs to discredit, deplatform, and otherwise minimize your potential influence, but for the most part they will leave you alone because they know the amount of success you can achieve without their assistance is structurally restricted. This is why the ambitious are well-advised to focus on quality over quantity, and why independent efforts of even limited success are far more likely to stand the test of time.

Fame is generally unpleasant for anyone who isn’t extroverted and pathologically needy anyhow. Look at how all the most famous and successful people eventually seek to go to ground and disappear from the constant adulation and attention.

In short, moderate your ambitions and don’t seek the approval of others. Instead, focus on improving the quality and consistency of your output. At least whatever modest success you achieve will be a) real, and b) your own. The reason so many “successful” people have so-called “Imposter Syndrome” is because they are, in fact, imposters, and they know it.


It’s Grilling Time

And the vegans are already getting a head start on being their customary obnoxious selves:

Just a gentle reminder to pleases close your windows when cooking meat.

As a vegan runner it is always hard for me.

I try to go out running several nights a week around dinner time.

When you are cooking with the windows open the smell of meat can be quite over powering.

Honestly the odor is offensive.

Please have empathy for your #plantbased neighbours by closing windows when cooking meat and only cooking vegetables if possible.

I do not want to be a stereotype so i wont go into detail on why cooking animals is offensive. But I encourage you to do your research and join the movement with others who are fighting back.

If that’s not a sign to go out and do a neighborhood pig roast, I don’t know what is. We are carnivores. Anyone and everyone who is “fighting back” against eating meat is literally anti-human. Give them neither courtesy nor quarter.

Notice how simply running somewhere else, or at a different time, or inside, on a treadmill, with the window closed, never even enters this officious vegan’s protein-deprived mind.