The Clowntardery of Color Revolutions

If your grand strategy for winning wars relies entirely upon political regime change unseating a singular individual, you are almost certainly guaranteed to lose. Contra the historical propaganda about WWI and WWII, nations do not engage in all-out industrial warfare because one individual seeks war. China will not become more or less militarily capable whether Xi is in charge or not; it invaded Cambodia to drive out the North Vietnamese under Deng, the much-lauded “Westernizer”.

And China’s insistence on the One-China policy not only long predates Xi, it will long survive him regardless of whether he succeeds in the reunification of Taiwan island with the mainland or not.

Thus is the mechanism behind the simplistic information attack: Destabilize Russia under the scheme of exaggerated panic in order to sow social unrest and dissatisfaction with the leadership’s responses. Make it seem like Putin is “losing grip” on the situation, and that the brewing ‘instability’ is a result of society rising up, a narrative that will naturally be chained along and amplified by the Western corporate press. It’s a very run-of-the-mill psyop technology package.

The great irony here is that it is not the nationalist leaders who are losing their grip on the situation, nor is it the nationalist leaders who are increasingly unpopular in their own nations, but rather, the servants of Clown World and its fake “democracies”.

The psyops that worked on unstable, militarily-negligible countries with fragile regimes when the US President was the unquestioned “Leader of the Free World” don’t work anymore. Not only does everyone now know how they work and by whom they are funded, but the decreasing influence of the global media means that fewer and fewer people around the world even take them seriously, much less accept them at face value. There is no longer anyone anywhere on the planet who believes the demented walking corpse of “Joe Biden” is a more credible head of state than any of Clown World’s current targets for regime change.

And if a lack of popularity hasn’t caused the governments of Trudeau, Macron, Sunak, Netanyahu, or the Five Bidens to collapse, then why would it cause the governments of Putin and Xi to collapse, even if they were unpopular, which they aren’t.


Joe Must Go

The New York Times reads from the script to shut down the Fake Biden administration:

Mr. Biden has said that he is the candidate with the best chance of taking on this threat of tyranny and defeating it. His argument rests largely on the fact that he beat Mr. Trump in 2020. That is no longer a sufficient rationale for why Mr. Biden should be the Democratic nominee this year.

At Thursday’s debate, the president needed to convince the American public that he was equal to the formidable demands of the office he is seeking to hold for another term. Voters, however, cannot be expected to ignore what was instead plain to see: Mr. Biden is not the man he was four years ago.

The president appeared on Thursday night as the shadow of a great public servant. He struggled to explain what he would accomplish in a second term. He struggled to respond to Mr. Trump’s provocations. He struggled to hold Mr. Trump accountable for his lies, his failures and his chilling plans. More than once, he struggled to make it to the end of a sentence.

Mr. Biden has been an admirable president. Under his leadership, the nation has prospered and begun to address a range of long-term challenges, and the wounds ripped open by Mr. Trump have begun to heal. But the greatest public service Mr. Biden can now perform is to announce that he will not continue to run for re-election.

Isn’t it fascinating how Clown World will often come right out and tell you the truth, but do so in a way in which you naturally assume a less-insidious interpretation?

Mr. Biden is not the man he was four years ago.

They expect you to take it as a metaphor. But it isn’t. That’s the literal truth. That dotard on the stage was Biden #4. I doubt Biden #1 is even alive now.

Anyhow, the signals are being sent out. And all the various schools of SJWs, liberals, and progressives will dutifully change their course in perfect formation now that the elite media are broadcasting the new Narrative.

UPDATE: The Uniparty is in one accord on the matter.

Joe Biden should be replaced as US president, having shown he is “not up to the task” during his debate with Donald Trump, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has said.


The Knives are Out

Joe Biden #4 gave a historic performance in the presidential debate that even The Economist describes as “an unmitigated disaster”:

The mission for Joe Biden in the presidential debate held in Atlanta on June 27th was clear: to prove his critics wrong, by showing that he was mentally fit and thereby reverse the polling deficit that makes Donald Trump the favourite to win the American election in 2024. Unfortunately, his performance was an unmitigated disaster—perhaps the worst of any presidential candidate in modern history. The president, who is 81 (and would be 86 by the end of a second term in office), stammered indecipherably, struggled to complete his lines of attack and proved his doubters completely correct. Although Mr Trump was in his typical form—meandering, mendacious, vindictive—he somehow appeared the more coherent and lucid of the pair. Mr Biden’s decision to seek re-election rather than standing aside for a younger standard-bearer now looks like a reckless endangerment of the democracy he claims to want to protect.

Merely quoting Mr Biden’s rhetorical bumblings do not do them justice, but they do give a sense of the shambles. Consider one of his lines at the very start of the debate, the first indicator that the president was in poor form: “Making sure that we continue to strengthen our health-care system, making sure that we’re able to make every single, solitary person eligible for what I’ve been able to do with the…uh, covid…excuse me, dealing with everyone we had to do with… look, if we finally beat Medicare…” The moderator interrupted before further damage could be done, one of several coups de grâce graciously administered.

I don’t see how the Democrats can seriously expect to field any of their five Joe Bidens as a candidate, although at least it would purport to demonstrate how many people will vote for a Democrat under any circumstance. That, of course, assumes that the elections are real, which we know they are not.

So, the point of showing that Biden is incapacitated, and permitting the media to trumpet his incapacity now that the primaries are over is to put someone else in the office. Whether that is Trump or not remains to be seen.

Of the various replacement candidates on offer, I think RFK is the most credible suggestion, Michelle Obama the least. I also think that Newsome was the original plan, but that is less viable since California has been imploding faster than anticipated.

The lesson is this: once you take the ticket, no matter how high you rise, you will eventually be thrown from the high horse.


Veniunt, Infamaverunt, Mortui Sunt

Another platform for hit pieces aimed at the Big Bear and me is headed for the dustbin of history:

The Daily Beast is gutting its senior editorial team after implementing voluntary buyouts last month, with nearly 70% of unionized staffers leaving the outlet, TheWrap has learned.

The senior staffers taking buyouts include media reporter Justin Baragona, political investigations reporter Jose Pagliery, senior national reporter Pilar Melendez, senior reporter Emily Shugerman, and more, according to an individual with knowledge of the situation. Twenty-five unionized staffers took the buyouts, equivalent to nearly 70% of the guild, including almost all of the outlet’s senior staffers.

Additionally, non-union editorial staffers are expecting another round of layoffs at the end of the month. “We’re currently watching the collapse of The Beast,” the individual told TheWrap. “There is no doubt the site won’t be able to recover from this.”

They come, they slander, and then they die.

It’s rather amusing to see how they always assume they are powerful and influential enough to discredit, deplatform, and destroy us, and yet they’re not even capable of surviving without being constantly propped up with someone else’s money.

Our organic and unauthorized community of Dread Ilk and Bears, along with our allies in the Razorforce and the rest of the Unauthorized, is observably stronger, more resilient, and longer-lived than these organizations that are founded by billionaires, lavishly funded, and massively supported by their fellow media organs. Which is why their inevitable demises are worth celebrating when they occur.

At this point, I won’t be surprised if we outlast The Guardian, founded in 1821, despite it being the beneficiary of a massive trust fund. The Guardian stopped reporting its daily circulation in 2021 after falling from 161,152 in March 2016 to 105,134 in July 2021, and is now estimated to have a circulation of only 60,000.

Who’s Next?

UPDATE: Owen comments: “Yeah, bludgeoning is the go-to for a bear.”


A Narrative Fail

What we observe in the aftermath of The Guardian’s most recent hit piece on yours truly is the declining ability of the mainstream media to drive a narrative. Consider the search results on several different search engines:

1. The Guardian
2. Sigma Game comments

1. Sigma Game
2. The Guardian
3. Press Reader Australia
4. Vox Popoli

1. Sigma Game
2. The Guardian
3. Sigma Game comments
4. Press Reader Australia
5. Vox Popoli

1. Sigma Game
2. The Guardian
3. Vox Popoli

Ironically, giving the small subset of Guardian readers that actually read any one story that isn’t a front-page headliner, it is very probable that more people either read about the hit piece on Sigma Game or here on VP than they read the piece itself in the newspaper or on the paper’s site. And the fact that Google is the only search engine where the Guardian appeared first is quite likely due to Sundar Pikachu’s shadowbanning of any site related to me.


The Sad, Stupid Rise of the Sigma Male

The Guardian has come a long way since it first started trying to discredit me back in 2013. Back then, I didn’t merit identification by name, but was merely “one particular individual” and John Scalzi’s “bête noir”. They started identifying me as Vox Day in 2016 when the Rabid Puppies upended the Hugo Awards, but now that the concepts of the Sigma Male and the SSH have entered the mainstream discourse, I’ve been upgraded to full “real name” status, complete with unequivocal libel and false attributions:

The sad, stupid rise of the sigma male: how toxic masculinity took over social media

The “sigma male” emerged from this primordial testosterone swamp largely thanks to a 55-year-old American science-fiction writer and publisher named Theodore Robert Beale, who blogs under the name Vox Day. A proud Christian nationalist, racist and misogynist, Beale has argued that black men are genetically more inclined to violence than white men, that women should not be allowed to vote, and that feminism was “a seductive but destructive Jewish ideology that was more incoherent than communism, more bloodthirsty than nazism, and more histrionic than fascism”.

In 2010 Beale wrote a blog post in which he attempted to expand the “overly simplistic” division of men into alphas and betas. He came up with his own “sociosexual hierarchy”, with alphas at the top – “the male elite, the leaders of men for whom women naturally lust” – followed by betas, deltas, gammas, lambdas, right down to omegas – “the losers”. Sitting outside this imaginary pyramid of masculinity were sigmas – “the lone wolves”. Beale defined sigmas as “outsiders who don’t play the social game and manage to win at it anyhow” and who “often like women, but also tend to be contemptuous of them”. They were on a par with alphas, but just didn’t show off about it.

“There is very little – if any – convincing science behind the notion that personality types exist or are fixed,” says Debbie Ging, professor of digital media and gender at Dublin City University. “It’s basically a really simplistic, misguided and bio-determinist account of human behaviour, which doesn’t take into account the sociocultural construction of gender identity or the impact of economic and political forces on people’s choices or lack thereof.”

The purpose, of course, is to seed Wikipedia and provide other publications with identification and spotting in order to encourage them to fire for effect. That’s why the full name, nationality, and age are provided, to ensure that the journalists in the SJW school follow this particular turn of direction correctly. So, we can anticipate a few more hit pieces from the lesser media sites, although I expect the Swiss journalists have learned their lesson about the validity of Internet sources by now and are less than enthusiastic about sitting down for another round of interviews with the police.

The piece by a pretty good specimen of journalistic deceit. The author, Steve Rose, is almost certainly aware that the idea that “black men are genetically more inclined to violence than white men” is not my argument, but rather an observation by the British editor of Science, Nature, and the science section of The New York Times, Nicholas Wade, in his controversial 2014 book A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History.

Rose knows this, because there are no less than 11 references to Wade’s work on this blog, including the direct quote from the book that is the basis for the argument to which Rose is referring and falsely attributing to me.

“As it happens, the promoter for MAO-A is quite variable in the human population. People may have two, three, four or five copies of it, and the more copies they have, the more of the MAO-A enzyme their cells produce. What difference does this make to a person’s behavior? Quite a lot, it turns out. People with three, four or five copies of the MAO-A promoter are normal but those with only two copies have a much higher level of delinquency…. He and his colleagues looked at the MAO-A promoters in African Americans. The subjects were the same 2,524 American youths in the study by Shih mentioned above. Of the African American men in the sample, 5% carried two MAO-A promoters, the condition that Shih had found to be associated with higher levels of delinquency. Members of the two-promoter group were significantly more likely to have been arrested and imprisoned than African Americans who carried three or four promoters. The same comparison could not be made in white, or Caucasian, males, the researchers report, because only 0.1% carry the two-promoter allele.”

Now, why would my fellow former contributor to the Atlanta Journal/Constitution – Rose didn’t mention that either, naughty naughty – falsely attribute my reference to Wade’s book and Shi’s study as being an original argument of my own? Because it’s just another hit piece, of course.

Anyhow, just as the Swiss hit piece only made me look like a prescient genius with regards to the Russian military victory in Ukraine, this British hit piece is going to demonstrate, once more, that I’m well ahead of the scientists and the current state of scientage. Because while the mainstream Narrative is asserting, correctly, that there is no “convincing science behind the notion that personality types exist or are fixed”, they are too low-IQ to understand that scientage is a dynamic and incomplete collection of accepted knowledge, some of which is verifiably true and some of which is provably false.

There is little, if any, scientific evidence for generally fixed behavioral profiles because I am the one who provided the original hypothesis, just as I was the one who provided the original hypothesis in 2007, now supported by the scientific evidence of several studies, for the link between atheism and autism. The fact that the evidence has not yet been provided by professional scientists for a new scientific hypothesis says absolutely nothing about the hypothesis being supported or falsified by the scientody required to produce, or fail to produce, the scientific evidence.

And the fact that the SSH is a taxonomy, one that describes real and observable patterns of human behavior, means that the evidence to back the hypothesis will inevitably be forthcoming. There are no amount of experiments and studies that will deny the existence of the readily observable; deny the okapi all you like, but everyone can go and literally see it at the zoo.

Which is why I find this particular hit piece to be both informative and extremely useful. It’s informative because it tells us that the SSH is getting popular enough that Clown World wants to either a) disappear it or at least b) sever its link with me, and it’s useful because it will serve as additional proof of precedence for what will eventually be my well-deserved claim to be the father of anthrothesiology once the scientists begin to catch up with the concepts I’ve introduced and begin not only substantiating them, but utilizing them.

The Rise of Anthrothesiology


46 Billion

Sometimes, I can almost empathize with the clowns whose job it is to suppress the various Unauthorized creators and prevent us from becoming mainstream figures. It’s got to be frustrating to keep us off all of the mainstream platforms, and yet see our ideas still winning out over all of their ticket-takers and approved, algorithm-pushed, and well-funded pet intellectuals. From Wikipedia:

Sigma male
Sigma male (or simply sigma) (/sɪɡmə məɪl/ ⓘ) is a term in internet slang used most often to describe archetype of a male who is a “lone wolf”. The name is a product of the manosphere message boards in the 2010s, the term has gained widespread prominence within internet culture, and since the early 2020s, has become an internet meme. Commonly regarded as the “rarest” type of male, a sigma male is typically denoted as an archetype of a male who is similar to the alpha male. Unlike an alpha male, sigma males are more introverted and seek to dominate themselves, in other words “self-mastery”. On social media, the term is often used to describe the idolization of masculine characters from films and TV shows, or celebrities.

Alternatively, the term has taken on an ironic and satirical meaning, mocking the concept of the manosphere and the sigma grindset.

In 2023, #sigma gained over 46 billion views on the social media platform TikTok.

I find it more than a little ironic that a) it is deemed a “contentious topic” and b) despite it having its own page, there is no reference to it on the Wikipedia page about me. It appears the Wikipedia admins would prefer to believe that I am known for imaginary things I’ve never said than for genuine things I have.

Anyhow, this is why you should contemplate subscribing to UATV if you haven’t already. It will put you somewhere between ten and 20 years ahead of the curve, depending upon the topic.


Nothing is Real

From very large and significant matters to very small and trivial ones, the media is constantly massaging your perceptions of reality:

Vanity Fair France has apologised after it was found to have photoshopped an image of actor Guy Pearce, removing a pin of the Palestinian flag that he wore at the Cannes Film Festival. The ‘Time Machine’ and ‘Prometheus’ star posed for a photo shoot wearing a badge displaying the Palestinian flag on his jacket. The item was reportedly visible in the French magazine edition of Vanity Fair, but absent from images shared by the publication’s website and Instagram account.

Now, in the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t matter in the slightest if an actor wears a Palestine pin or not. But his doing so violates the Narrative, which is that all good and right-thinking people support Israel’s right to defend itself by bombing refugee camps full of women and children situated on foreign territory, and therefore his action has to be disappeared before it reaches the public eye.

Never forget that if the media is reporting it, it is almost certainly false or misleading in some way.


You Get What You’ll Pay For

Now, I’ve never paid any attention to either the Kardashians or Kanye West, and wouldn’t grieve in the slightest if the entire Hellmouth vanished in a nuclear tidal wave triggered by a Russian super-torpedo. But that being said, people complaining about nepo babies being given opportunities that are denied to less-talented nonentities is an illogical appeal to a nonexistent meritocracy which never really existed and very much does not exist today.

The reason the third-generation Kardashian daughter was gifted the coveted role in The Lion King is entirely obvious:

Earlier this month, it was announced that North was cast in the live-to-film concert event which ran for two nights on May 24 and May 25. The Hollywood Bowl can notably hold up to 17,500 people and tickets for the concert began at $60.

She was given the role for one of three reasons, and it may very well be that all of them apply:

  • Her parents helped fund the event.
  • Her parents’ fame helped sell tickets for the event.
  • The event organizers are either seeking or repaying a favor done to the parents or one of the various organizations to which the parents are connected.

If you don’t like nepotism, stop supporting the parents. The individual who decries North West being handed a celebrity career on a silver platter but watches the Kardashians or listens to Kanye is literally responsible for the very thing she – and it’s usually going to be a she in this specific case – is decrying.

Furthermore, the idea that there is any meritocracy in the world of entertainment in general, or the Hellmouth in particular, is totally absurd. The Big Bear has to hold his comedy events in a barn or an aircraft hanger since he’s not allowed to perform in comedy clubs. I have to publish my own books since I’m not allowed to publish them through mainstream book publishers. We both have to stream on alternative channels and our access to marketing is limited since we’re banned from YouTube and X, among other places.

They metaphorically have to line us up 20 meters behind the starting blocks and weigh us down with weights just to be able to compete with us! How is that a “meritocracy” of any kind?


The Gazacaust is Bad PR

Mitt Romney is bewildered. He can’t figure out why Israel is suddenly getting all this bad PR when all they’re doing is defending themselves from an attack that took place seven months ago.

Social media is partially responsible for the widespread international criticism of Israel’s conduct during its military campaign in Gaza, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has suggested. The top American diplomat made the comment during an exchange with Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah) at the McCain Institute’s 2024 Sedona Forum in Sedona, Arizona on Friday.

Romney asked Blinken why “the PR [has] been so awful” for Israel amid the conflict in Gaza. “Why has [Palestinian armed group] Hamas disappeared in terms of public perception? An offer is on the table to have a ceasefire, and yet the world is screaming about Israel,” he said. “Typically, the Israelis are good at PR. What’s happened here?” Romney said.

The Secretary of State recalled that when he started working in Washington in the early 1990s “everyone did the same thing,” which was reading newspapers like The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal, and watching national news networks to get information about world events.

But now, in the 2020s, “we are on an intravenous feed of information with new impulses, inputs every millisecond” and social media “has dominated the narrative,” he said.

Now, I’m no marketing expert, but it strikes me that the combination of a) mass graves being found in Gaza, b) unprecedented crackdowns on college protesters, and c) passing anti-Constitutional laws to threaten anyone who objects to genocide is not particularly amenable to positive public relations.

When you’ve lost Scott Adams to the point that he is dropping more F-bombs than an Iranian drone strike, it can’t be long before you lose the rest of the Boomers.

UPDATE: The IDF expanded its defensive operations with airstrikes on the city of Rafah tonight.