A proper frame for November, 2024

As the left continues to double down on the weaponization of government against its political opponents, the frame for the 2024 election emerges clearly. The lawfare is so unprecedented in our republic, so offensive in both its particulars and its totality to historic norms, and such an outrageous assault on our constitutional democracy, that the critical question for every American, especially those on the left, necessarily becomes this:

Which is more important to you, your distaste toward one individual or your love of country?

Unless an unmistakable message is sent in November that this weaponization cannot stand in the Land of the Free, we will lose our democracy. The left will only be encouraged to ratchet up the weaponization to even greater heights, if such were indeed possible. Elections will be stolen even before the voting begins.

I offer this frame to my liberal friends, and while not all are convinced, to their credit, some are. It is encouraging to me that the number seems to be growing the closer we get to the election.

To those not yet persuaded, I offer this additional question: What is the cost to you, really, of voting to condemn the weaponization? It is only to have to endure the temporary discomfort of holding your noses when you vote for the long-term survival of America as a democracy. President Trump can only serve for four years and once his term is over, you can revert to form after having helped save our nation.

If the vote against weaponization is overwhelming enough, perhaps even the left will be chastened to eschew trying it again for the foreseeable future. What a great benefit to us all that would be!

AI image with prompt from Olivia Murray

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