Buckle up to vote, America

CNN has already made it clear that the debate this week will be rigged in Biden’s favor. 

So much for that — we saw it last time, remember?

No matter. The much-ballyhooed, speculative Trump/Biden presidential match ‘to come’ has swallowed up, already, most present and critical public information as to the very present and grave state of the future of America and its citizens. And as to state of voter fraud? Nothing is clear.

Neither presumed candidate has been nominated yet, and either could be replaced by politics or fate or trickery before the conventions, or later.

We need to take care that we are paying as much attention to America’s immediate and crying needs as to our future, post-‘election,’ of which happenstance we know far less.

As with 2020, we can expect a grueling November, post-‘election’ (how long to call it this time?) when lawyers prowl through the courts and the major media’s psychotic behavior finds its autumnal groove. And need we worry about the likes of Michelle Obama, and presidential stage Left? Oh, yes.

Today, there is much almost hidden detail on an impending national financial collapse, despite the complacent moderation from the Wall Street Journal and mainstream  news outlets. There is terrifying but far too closeted intel on illegal immigration, farm failures and huge federal, foreign, and elite buyouts of our national resources and property; intel, again, that we cannot really access.

Many, especially those who are relied upon in and by the conservative media,  may not  continue to be allowed to speak freely and past the censoring in the hiatus between now and the November election — if it happens in any legitimate sense.  Google and Microsoft have tweaked their search engines to the extent where honest information is mostly just unavailable online.

What are all the national crises being back-seated, and effectively so, to the Trump/Biden scenario? Illegal immigration, coming from very hostile nations now, daily accelerates and soon we will live in anxiety and fear in our own neighborhoods — all of us. Our youth and middle aged are dying from the COVID federal ‘management’  mess and from prescribed and ‘dirty’ illegal drugs.

The futures of our piteously disregarded children are blighted by wickedly immoral sexual ideology, a rogue medical complex, corrupt social media and the state’s attacks on a child’s own parents. Families are derided as unnecessary and even bad: tell that to the broken black families.

We are not getting many real facts except for what Google and Facebook have not yet ‘got at’ in dismantling the truth. The few months ahead are time enough to destroy the remnants of the American voter’s information sources. Google is daily tightening its search ‘algorithms’ and Facebook is preparing to duplicate its past efforts to ‘get out the vote’ through NGOs.

Can all of the above misery can be instantly reversed by an election, even an auspicious one? We can only hope so.

Yet, after all, it was the federal government’s top leadership that damaged Trump with their bogus lies and slanders and is still working to do so. No apologies yet from that quarter. There is no rational expectation in thinking that, were he elected -- and God bless him for everything he has done -- they will not bring Trump down. In fact, the Democrats, in majority, are already promising to reject a Trump presidency.

With the on-going ‘Republican’ House and Senate resignations, heralded by such as Buck and Romney, it is clear that the RINOs are still jumping ship, or being paid off, to ease a Democratic majority into the House — just in time. They already have the Senate, thanks to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, chiefly.

The current Supreme Court is being threatened and has issued some weak decisions. Trump’s Supreme picks have disappointed, and there are only two justices who can now be counted on to support our constitutional rights without qualification or fear. Many court issues crucial to the Nov. 6 voting outcomes remain unresolved today.

All of the middle and lower courts are corrupted in part or whole, and politicized, or bought off, beyond foreseeable redemption. Lawyers are lying in court, being routinely caught, and getting away with it.

Violent, abusive racism against whites is in the ascendancy and no fair voices are allowed to counter it. Women and men and children are increasingly debased and abused by gender ideologues and medical profiteers. Families and churches are being threatened and attacked; presumed innocents are being imprisoned. Many multi-year pre-trial imprisonments are effectively long sentences in themselves.

Jan. 6 prosecutions are still up and running the docket. The FBI breaks into family homes, makes political arrests, and even shoots Americans dead; who investigates the FBI?

Far worse than the above losses, already sustained and rapidly accelerating, of our precious freedoms, and far more dangerous, are the threats  we can’t vote out of office in 2024, or even, quite likely, next year, either: the entrenched, self-enriching bureaucracy, a.k.a, The Swamp; the pensioned federal departmental nabobs and quiet rule-makers, the autocrats in the IRS, DOJ, USDA, DOL, DoED, et al, and their NGO, social media and corporate co-conspirators.

Corporations are compromised by greed and power and by idiocies such as DEI; public and private education, all levels, is an historic moral scandal, and we are headed towards far worse crises: as soon, we may not have enough food to eat. Our cell phones will be worthless if  the towers are shut down. If the energy providers collude with the government, which we must anticipate they might, we may have no gas, electricity, or even water. The EV, windmill, gas stove, and solar ‘climate change’ mini-debacles are further signs of what we may have in store. Far worse is the loss of control and ownership of our agriculture and livestock.

America needs no more media-enforced distractions; we are awash with them. If we even get to the election, O.K., but it may be stolen. If it is not stolen, and if we get President Trump back in, he may be finally destroyed, by the Swamp legions and/or by the terminally, culturally crazed Left, and put down before he can do much of anything. If he is allowed to stay, what horrific resistance is in store for him from the District of Columbia? It hardly bears thinking of.

If we get anyone from the Democrat ticket, it will just be as it is now — and then some. We see no iota of regret or positive change from that camp.

Wisdom and patriotism demand that we deal with what we see in front of our faces, today. That means, prepare to survive and to defend our American citizenship, family and faith. Everyone must participate in the election turn out, at the polls, even though our true votes may not be secure.

We must ‘turn out’ now, every day, each in our own way, and make our voices heard in all four of the next months. We must do everything humanly possible to secure the vote. Later, in November 2024, God willing, we might cast a vote that is legally counted. Success must be massive. Constant prayer is totally called for.

Image: Thomas Crenshaw, via Flickr // CC BY-SA 2.0

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