I'm looking through you

The debate was over as soon as President Trump said that he didn't know what President Biden was saying and that he didn't know either. Hard to recover from that, as Mark Penn wrote:

Democrats exited the presidential debate Thursday night in a panic as President Biden’s appearance left a nation questioning his ability to govern for another term.

While well-prepared with facts and figures, Biden’s shaky voice and rickety manner without a Teleprompter, quickly became the headline of this debate. 

The raspy speech, the halting nature of some of the answers and occasional lapses into non sequiturs revealed a Biden that had been carefully shielded from view.

It will be hard for Biden to recover from this performance and the risky gamble that the campaign took with an early debate. 

Yes, it will be hard to recover and let's pray that President Biden does not get the 3 a.m. phone call before noon January 20th.

It was a bad night for those protecting him, too. I am talking about the media so invested in Trump Derangement Syndrome that it did not force him to have a press conference. It's fair to say that a genuine press conference would have exposed the man we saw last night.

What about his wife and family? Why didn't they call on him to pass on the reelection and avoid this travesty of a debate? I’m sorry, but his family doesn’t care about him. He is the channel to get rich or a seat on the official plane. Nobody cares about this man.

For many Americans, it was going to sleep and wondering how in the world this man got elected in the first place. He did because he was protected and hidden from us in the name of seeking power.

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Image: Gage Skidmore

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