Replacing Biden: More facts

Do I have great timing or what?

No sooner did my short piece debunking the possibility of replacing SloJoe appear than the question attained new urgency with his complete collapse in the first… “debate,” I hear they’re calling it. It seems that everybody -- Democrats more than anyone -- are now clamoring for the replacement of the inhabitant of the White Nursing Home.

The problem is that it’s already too late.

Along with the factors previously discussed – major party registration deadlines, primaries, delegates – even more major obstacles have arisen.

Heritage Oversight has discovered that two critical swing states, Wisconsin and Nevada, have election laws that prevent any presidential candidate from being replaced on the ballot after a certain date. (With the exception of death in Wisconsin, and death or insanity in Nevada. Hmmm.) In Wisconsin, this is any time after the primary, while in Nevada, it was last Friday, only three hours after the debate ended. In addition, South Carolina forbids a withdrawal for political reasons, while withdrawal deadlines for Texas (74 days before the election) and Georgia (60 days before the election) are coming up.

Both Wisconsin and Nevada are necessary for a potential Dem victory. So this pretty much kills any daydream that Biden can simply be switched out and a new candidate slipped in before anybody notices.

Could Wisconsin and Nevada repeal those acts and open the door for the standard Donk chicanery? Sure. Look at the huge favor the ostensible Republican Mike DeWine, with no quid pro quo or reciprocation whatsoever, did the Dems in Ohio. But this will take time, occur under constant scrutiny likely leading to a public uproar, and result in further tarnishing the Democrat party’s rep, if that’s even possible. More to the point, it will tag Gavin or Gretchen or whatever other fool they drag in as a cheat and a pawn straight out of the gate.

It also turns out that DNC rules state that delegates pledged to a candidate are controlled by that candidate right up through the convention. As Major Garrett states: “Biden has the delegates… and there’s not much anybody can do about it.”

So, no Kamala, no Gavin, no Meeeshell. The dice have rolled, the hand is aces and eights, and Mephistopheles stands at the door. They are strapped into the barrel with their demented, deteriorating kingpin and there’s no way out. They are headed for the falls, and there’s nothing that Mitch, or Mike D., or Paul R. can do about it. My heart truly bleeds for ‘em all.

Image: White House

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