Are we past the election cheating era?

No cheating in this election!

Well, not none, but it may be very little, actually.  The why is very important.

It is not because of ethics.  It is not because of a lack of effort.  It is not even because of new laws in some states.  It is because of the debate performance.

When a leader asks his followers to suffer for the greater good, they often will set aside their personal concerns, sacrificing time, effort, blood, sweat, tears, and even in some cases their lives.  They see the cause of their leader as noble (whether it is or isn’t), and in attempting to advance it, they accept the risks it entails.

What cheating achieves is more important to them than their own self-respect and their own risk.  But when the cause is already lost, what then?

"Forward, the Light Brigade!" 
Was there a man dismay’d? 
Not tho’ the soldier knew 
Some one had blunder’d:

Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die.
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

However, the pawns in the game of election cheating are not the disciplined soldiers of the Light Brigade.  Instead, they are lower-level bureaucrats, managers of NGOs, computer geeks, and ne’er-do-wells.  Will they ride into the valley of death?  Would you?

Up until the 2020 elections, such cheats could count on anonymity, protections from higher-ups, prosecutors who would “null prosse” any charges, and fellow travelers who were so compromised that they couldn’t reveal the misdeeds.  This insulation from consequences had been historically effective.  Looking back, the cheaters felt so confident that they would commit felonies without any real thought of the consequences.  When their guy won, everyone who helped had a get-out-of-jail-free card.

Not only were they confident that there be no allegations , no indictments, and no prosecutions, but they expected significant rewards, such as grants, cash payoffs, promotions, make-work jobs, and promises of more such goodies in the future.  It was hard to imagine what the downside might be.  Recruits were plentiful, and the pool of talent for the mission is still loaded with a bumper crop of minions, willing to do almost anything for the cash and cash equivalents involved in rigging an election.

But the world has changed.  Many of the fervent conservatives have investigated the activities of this cabal and understand how the cheating is being done.  Cameras revealed the night work of double-scanning, adding ballots, stuffing mail-in drop boxes, and more.  Computer programs can now single out addressees living 20 to a room, residing in dorms, inhabiting vacant lots and commercial building, and living out of state or double-voting.  So the care required to avoid detection is greater than it has ever been.

In just three years, the risk of apprehension has risen dramatically.  That alone will deter some significant elements of the election corrupting organizations, but what really puts the icing on the cake is the likelihood that it will fail.

So as Joe Biden sinks into the mire created by Jill and the Democrat machine, it appears he loses even if they cheat.  Cheaters are not able to control enough states, with enough confidence, to be assured of a win.  So the after-action report on the elections will identify some of the cheaters — and this time they won’t have their guy in a position to help them.  Biden and his agents, including the Soros D.A.s, will not be around to block investigations.  This time will be jail time for those caught with their hands in the affair, and the little guys will break when they are apprehended.  Higher-ups, who operate the non-profits, and those who fund the agitators and the ballot-stuffers may see themselves in the docket as well.

So how many of these selfless individuals are willing to throw themselves on their sword for Joe Biden?  Not so many this time.  The debate has shifted the odds so significantly that even this crowd of cheaters have lost faith in their ability to save his candidacy.

By defeating Joe Biden, we may also vote ourselves into an era of honest elections.  Those who have worked so hard to make it possible will be largely unrecognized.  But they set the stage for a much cleaner election, and Joe Biden goes along — clueless that his troops have abandoned him, much as he abandoned our troops in Afghanistan.

In power, the conservatives can shore up the election systems that have worked against them.  The new heroes will be those who labored unrewarded in attempting to bring veracity, accuracy, and audit trails to the election machinery.  After that, the cheaters will have an even smaller world in which to work their evil.

The debate didn’t just doom Joe Biden; it may have doomed the cheating that has been used against conservatives for decades.

Turnabout is fair play.

<p><em>Image: kgroovy via <a href="">Flickr</a>, <a href="">CC BY-SA 2.0</a>.</em></p>

Image: kgroovy via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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