A cancelled trip

Well, I didn’t actually cancel the trip, but I will cancel my request for the vacation time (which had been approved). 

You see, I told another family member about my AT article and she promptly forwarded it to the relative who had offered me the vacation. So far, I haven’t formally been told it is canceled, despite asking, but I have also not been given any indication it’s still on. 

As someone who works hard for vacation time, and can’t simply change plans on a whim, I felt it best to reclaim the vacation time and forget about the trip. 

In a way it is a very great relief. I am not a seasoned traveler, and I don’t particularly like planes (I used to love planes, but that was then, and this is now, and DEI has made planes unsafe). But the real reason for my relief is that I presented myself honestly, and if I suffer for that, well, okay. 

Because here is what really happened, in as simple a format as possible:

  1. Author privately expresses sorrow over a family rift. 
  2. Relative thinks it would be good to heal rift, offers trip. 
  3. Same family member then insults author and author’s community. 
  4. Author hits back, publicly, but not in an identifiable way. 
  5. Author admits writing public article to different family member. 
  6. Different family member informs original relative. 
  7. Original relative doubles down on insults, won’t give firm answer on trip. 
  8. Author reads tea leaves and cancels vacation time. 

But the real takeaway that this author has is this: Nouveau Liberal/Progressive/leftists aren’t used to being opposed. If you hit back, they are mortified and suddenly become quite intolerant and exclusive. 

They are used to playing the race card, the poverty card, the gay card, the oppressor card, the intersectionality card, and whatever else card. And Republicans/Conservatives/Classical Liberals roll over, every time. Then the magnanimous relative forgives the apostate and the apostate takes the all-expense paid vacation.

And validates the Left. 

At least we used to. But not so much anymore. Finally, we are finding the spine to hit back! They hate that! But we must, for this is not a fair fight. This has been a beat down, over the decades, of all principles of conservatism. We never really conserved anything, we only rolled over, and by so doing we were steamrolled, flattened, destroyed. 

Because we never wanted to give anything up in the service of upholding our principles. And now we stand to lose everything because we weren’t strong enough to save anything. We were too fearful of words, of being called “oppressors,” or “racists” or whatever, that we forgot how to say “NO.”

Then came Donald Trump. And he is showing us the way to fight back. A vote for any other candidate is a vote for self-destruction. 

I will not apologize for my article. I will not apologize for my stance. I will not beg my relative to give me a second chance. The vacation that never was and never will be is not a loss. I never expected it in the first place. 

But standing up for my community, my friends, and my country is a victory, and I will die on that hill any day. 

It is in this sprit that each and every one of us who has a choice between losing something we might value in the short term, like a vacation, or a job, or a promotion, needs to realize that what really matters is the long run. If our forefathers were willing to give up life, liberty, and property to create freedom, the pursuit of happiness, and prosperity, we should be willing to do the same. 

Today, right now, Donald Trump is doing exactly that, and it has given me the courage to do the same. May it inspire you, too. 

Hit back, peacefully. Don’t allow the Left to define you. And always look a gift horse in the mouth: sometimes the price is too high. 

Image: AI Emojis Generator

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