Obama's chickens come home to roost

It was not too many years ago that Barack Obama was welcomed into the Presidency in messianic fashion. Change was needed, it was proclaimed, and Barack Obama was just the man to make that change. The death of the GOP was being joyously proclaimed, at home and abroad. Tears of joy streamed down the face of Jesse Jackson as “President” Obama became a reality.

In England the Guardian took a poll, just after Obama’s victory, asking the question: “Is the Republican party dead?”

They also editorialized: “Without a clear leader or direction, is this the end of the GOP?” 58 percent responded: Yes, start planning the funeral.

Eight years later the death of the GOP was affirmed as Robert Reich, former secretary of labor under Bill Clinton, posted on his blog: “I’m writing to you today to announce the death of the Republican Party. It is no longer a living, vital, animate organization. It died in 2016. RIP.”

Obama was hailed as the Machiavellian genius who had engineered the death of the rival party. 

Recent pieces here at AT proclaimed, first, that Obama was, as many have long believed, the mastermind who guided the Democrats first to victory over Trump, then through the nearly four years of Biden and now down the path of destiny to which they are now committed.

Last Thursday, the debate foreshadowed what even the staunchest of Democrats are conceding: The November election is now Trump’s to lose. States rarely in play for Republicans are now in play: Minnesota, Virginia and, hold your breath, New Jersey.

Admittedly schadenfreude among Trump supporters is running at peak levels. The misery of the CNN/MSNBC crowd has maxed out. There is no joy in Joy Reidville. The mighty Biden has struck out.

Editorials have been written in the New York Times and the Atlanta Journal-Constitution pleading for Biden to withdraw. The key to that possible occurrence is held by Jill, who has made it clear she is not letting go. But it is too late, as yet another AT article confirms that destiny is now cast in concrete. Expectations of an alternate to Biden are delusional, as indeed, the Rubicon has been crossed and there is no turning back. Destiny and defeat now await.

How ironic that Obama, the mastermind of the imminent ‘death’ of the GOP in 2008, is now the man who is most likely responsible for the pending electoral bloodbath in November.

Indeed, the Democrat chickens have come home to roost. It could not have happened to a more deserving group.

Image: Pixabay

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