Democracy, Democrat style

Democrats love to incite fear in voters that a Trump/MAGA/Republican takeover of government imposes an existential “threat to democracy!”  They base their fear campaign primarily on the report of the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol, citing Trump as the leader of an insurrection.

But was the Jan. 6 storming of the Capitol an attempt to overthrow a duly elected administration?  Not really.  It was a protest against what was believed to be a corrupt election process.  In that sense, it was an action taken to preserve a democratic process, not to subvert it.  The committee should have been charged with determining if the event were indeed an insurrection, not with prejudicially defining it as such and proceeding with prosecution.  (The committee consisted of seven Democrats and two Republicans —- Adam Kinsinger who endorses Biden for 2024, and avowed Trump hater Liz Cheney.)

If elected, Trump will be a fascist dictator who will never rescind his position as president.  He will wreak revenge — even death — on his political opponents (….and you may be next!).  He is an agent of Putin.  If we want to preserve our democracy, he must be defeated.  Biden, at a NYC fundraiser in Sept. ‘23:  “And let there be no question.  Donald Trump and his MAGA Republicans are determined to destroy American democracy.”  Exactly how Trump might execute such an historic upheaval in permanent Washington has yet to be divulged.

And how, by contrast, is the Democrat Party defending and upholding democracy?  Let us count the ways:

  1. Embracing judicial activism by establishing a DOJ guided by personal and political bias.  Utilizing contrived legal arguments to incarcerate a political opponent.  Railing against the Supreme Court for adhering to Constitutional restraint rather than yielding to leftist ideology.  Openly espousing the goal of stacking the Court with liberal justices.

  2. Supplementing closed ballot voting on Election Day with corruption-prone mail-in and absentee ballot harvesting to combat “voter suppression”.

  3. Contriving to replace a presidential candidate already chosen by popular vote in primary elections with one nominated by the party elites at the DNC.

  4. Stacking Congress with Democrat politicians by promoting the granting of statehood to D.C. and Puerto Rico, establishing a permanent Democrat majority.

  5. Perpetuating D-I-E, providing academic and career advancement for favored groups based on race and gender rather than ability and achievement.

  6. Indoctrinating the young with anti-American, anti-religious, anti-family rhetoric, disconnecting them from all traditional values to become dependent upon the state for security and purpose.

  7. Opening the border to unskilled immigrants so as to expand their voter base.

  8. Employing identity politics, dividing the nation into oppressor and oppressed groups and attacking the oppressors as the root of all “social injustices.”

  9. Eliminating the Electoral College to weaken the influence of rural, red states in presidential elections.

  10. Utilizing the media as a Ministry of Propaganda.

The Democrat Party’s idea of “democracy” clearly is one of attainment of one party totalitarian control of government.  In their self-designated and disingenuous role as champion of the oppressed, the victimized, the subjugated, they are entitled to employ any means possible to attain that end.  Now THAT’s democracy!

AI image with prompt from Olivia Murray

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