How the debate could end the Ukraine War

The first thing that crossed my mind after watching the Trump-Biden debate was the famous book Ten Days That Shook the World, written by the American journalist John Reed.  In it, he describes the ten days in October 1917 during Russia’s Bolshevik Revolution, which indeed justified the book’s title.  What happened on June 27?  One should exercise caution in saying this, but I believe that it added a step toward ending the war in Ukraine, thus saving the world. 

Of course, one can criticize Trump endlessly, but there is one thing that even his harshest critics and haters cannot deny.  Donald Trump has not started a single war, and during his first presidential term, he had friendly meetings with Russia’s Putin, China’s Xi, and North Korea’s Kim.  He repeated this intention during the so-called debates — “so-called” because it was a highly embarrassing exchange for the country that pretended to be indispensable and exceptional. 

Mentioning some of the most humiliating moments is unnecessary, since they are constantly repeated and replayed throughout mainstream and social media.  However, the most remarkable fact is that staunch supporters of Democrats and Biden, like the New York Times, the Washington Post, and CNN, made the most devastating of these remarks — devastating, that is, to Biden.  In addition to columnists, the New York Times editorialized, “To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave the Race.”  The Washington Post admitted that “Democrats panic over Biden’s debate performance, doubt his future.”  CNN said, ”Biden’s disastrous debate pitches his reelection bid into crisis,” followed with “Foreign diplomats react with horror to Biden’s dismal debate performance.”

Comparing the present state of affairs in the U.S. with the USSR has long become the habit of conservatives, who call the WaPo and the NYT “Pravda on the Potomac” and “Pravda on the Hudson,” respectively.  To follow this logic, what happened in the U.S. media after the debate would be similar to the Soviet Pravda and Izvestia denouncing Leonid Brezhnev during his term as the general secretary of the Communist Party.  One might add that CNN would be compared to Soviet Central Television then.  

The only logical explanation for this spectacle is that, anticipating Biden’s loss in November, the DNC facilitated the early debate (usually done after both candidates’ final nominations) and expected his defeat to force him to withdraw from the race before the Democrat Party Convention in August so that they would have enough time to find his replacement. 

Call it a conspiracy, but who knows?  Someone like the new Julian Assange at some point will disclose the DNC’s dirty games, as he did during the 2016 presidential campaign.  At that time, they conspired against Hillary Clinton’s competitor, Bernie Sanders, and when Assange made this public through WikiLeaks, she accused him of being Putin’s agent, together with Trump.  The Russiagate story still reverberates today and has contributed to the current crisis.  

Whether Trump is the one who actually saves the world, we don’t know, but it is Biden who is mainly responsible for the war in Ukraine.  It was he who had a Ukrainian portfolio during the February 2014 coup over there, as “f--- the E.U.” Victoria Nuland, who coordinated this coup on the ground, admitted in the leaked phone conversation with U.S. ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt.

To summarize, though this debate will be remembered as the most embarrassing one in American history, the expected removal of Biden from the game provided a glimpse of hope for peace.

<p><em>Image: Gage Skidmore via <a  data-cke-saved-href=

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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