Desperado, why don’t you come to your senses?

Maybe the desperate Dr. Jill will come to her senses and see the writing on the wall.  In other words, no one told U.S. voters in 2020 that they were getting a “10am to 4pm” president.  Terrorists and bad guys don’t work on bank branch hours.  Iran and China are 24/7 adversaries.  Russian ships did not travel to Cuba when our president was awake.

So the time is up and desperate ones show their desperation, including some of their friends in the media who carried their water for so long.  This is from The New York Sun:

The editorial in the Times calling on President Biden to quit his campaign for a second term is really something — a study in journalistic desperation. Mr. Biden has just won a primary race that has put him in a position to be the Democratic Party’s nominee. Now, at the first whiff of a campaign debate, the Times wants him to quit. ‘The president’s performance in the debate,’ it says, ‘made it clear that he is not the man he was four years ago.’

Then again, too, the Times isn’t the paper it was four years ago. Four years ago, it issued an endorsement that tried to palm off on the paper’s noble readers the idea that Mr. Biden would be a president for all Americans, ‘even those who do not support him.’ The paper was so full of itself that it issued a separate piece noting that its endorsement made ‘no mention of Donald Trump.’ The ‘case for the former vice president,’ it averred, ‘needs no foil.’

Goodness gracious. Four years later, we seem to have a different Times altogether. Not only is the paper calling on Mr. Biden to quit, it’s mentioning Mr. Trump by name. One can only imagine what an internal uproar that ignited.  Yet we digress.  It notes that Mr. Biden claims to have the best chance of defeating the tyranny of Trump. “That,” it says, “is no longer a sufficient rationale for why Mr. Biden should be the Democratic nominee this year.”

Sounds like desperation?  Yes, four years ago they thought that Mr. Biden could beat President Trump, so they didn’t care about mental acuity.  They don’t think that he can beat him now, so desperation sets in and it’s time to call on President Biden to move on.

The game is over.  They can’t defend him anymore because everyone saw the debate.  And no new debate is going to change a thing.  The “Get Trump” cases are going nowhere.  Judge Merchan is probably looking for a window to save his reputation.

It’s over and there is desperation everywhere.

P.S.  Check out my blog for posts, podcasts, and videos.

Biden at debate

Image: YouTube video screen grab.

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