The media lie even leftists can’t ignore

Have the far-left media ever been honest?  We of the pro-freedom right know they lie on a myriad of subjects, but are they ever truthful, or is it always a baseline of BS?  

It’s not that they suddenly discovered that Biden is senile.  It's that their lies in trying to cover this up have been exposed to everyone.  That’s why they are suddenly in an “aggressive panic.”  They are scrambling to cover up their past denials from even a few days ago.  The problem is that the internet is forever, and we’ve been dutifully watching them and archiving their abject lies on the Internet Archive and

Right now, we’re in a holding pattern as to what will happen.  Anti-liberty leftists are between a rock and a hard place in what to do.

No matter what happens, we need to capitalize on the fact that the far-left media are abject liars once again.  It’s important to consider that this wasn’t a one-story mistake or an ill worded headline.  This was a cover-up across an entire industry over several years.

Journalists have one job — objectively reporting the facts — and they failed to do this for years until circumstances forced them.  So consider these key takeaways from this situation, and what we should do about it.

They’re all puppets, so it doesn’t matter who is at the top of the ticket.

We need to point out that although the machinations of the fascist far-left ruling class are still to work themselves out — and we could write a whole essay on just how wrong that is — it doesn’t matter, because whoever ends up as the candidate will still be pushing their societal slavery.

The far-left media are vulnerable now because they’ve been exposed as liars to the entire country.

Anyone paying attention, and unwilling to accept the lies from the far-left media, could easily see the Biden decline in real time.  It was right in front of us every day.  Even worse, the “Journalists” on the scene would have witnessed it up close and been perfectly aware of his condition.

Yet it was covered up, like every other lie from the far left, in a few cases with a “conspiracy theorists” insult kicked in for good measure.

Everyone they were lying to unexpectedly learned the truth, so now they’ve had to scramble and pretend they suddenly saw this themselves and instantly decided that Biden had to go.  But we’ve all seen similar examples in the past.  The Biden debate debacle was somewhat worse, and the split-screen didn’t help, but it wasn’t that big of a revelation.

It’s time to cite this as an example to bring down the far left’s house of cards.

This is why we asked the question: have the far-left media ever been honest?  Things were different in the distant past, but it’s hard to think of a policy field of the left’s socialist national agenda that isn’t set upon a foundation of lies.  And the problem with that kind of structure is that knocking out one support brings down the whole rotten edifice.

Some people can turn a blind eye to the causes of inflation.  Or they will watch only certain news channels that ignore the illegal invasion and all of its attendant crises in the cities.  But these same people also listened to the same sources on Biden being perfectly okay.

If those same sources were lying about Biden, then can you trust them on anything else?  If they were lying about Biden, their explanations for inflation and the illegal invasion are also under suspicion.  Then the rest of the lies start to disintegrate.  That is why the fascist far left is “aggressively panicking.”

Focusing on the obvious issues of their Biden decline denial opens them up to questions on all their other lies, and the folks who depend on “fact-checking” everyone else can’t start down that road, because it leads off a cliff.

Start asking people if they trust the media that lied about Biden, then ask if they tell the truth on anything else.  The far-left media desperately want to get away with their obvious lies.  A few questions on just this issue should destroy their credibility once and for all.

D Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, former director of communications for a civil rights organization, and a longtime contributor to conservative websites.  Find him on Substack.

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