Giving Dems the benefit of the doubt

There are some things with which it is hard to argue:

As democracy is perfected, the office of the president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron. —H.L. Mencken

(In 2024, that would be two downright morons, a definition that includes the VP. Though she is not technically the resident of the WH, she does, on occasion, adorn it.)

There has been much talk since the recent debate that the mental acuity of the Downright Moron-in-Chief (JRB) is amoebic and that the Dems have been covering up this fact for a long time.


Image: Joe and Kamala. YouTube screen grab.

Certainly, the Dems have their share of liars, e.g., Stolen Valor Blumenthal.

But I am a person filled with Christian grace and do not like painting others as liars when there may be a more charitable explanation.

There is.

What we have witnessed is a chorus of Dems averring to the sharpness of Poseur Biden’s (D-uh) cognition (e.g., Schumer, Pelosi, Harris).

As with beauty, smarts are relative. E.g., I feel confident saying that most of us would agree that Stephen Hawking was bright and, when it comes to physics, he was likely brighter than we are.

Charitably, the Dems are in a similar position to ours.

For the overwhelming majority of Dems, including JRB’s VP, JRB is brighter than they are.

Despite Joe appearing to be on the decline for years, the Dems continued to repeat the how-smart-he-is mantra. I am willing to believe that they recognize torporous, demented, compromised, in-his-dotage Joe as their mental superior.

So rather than claim the Dems are liars, let’s be generous and recognize that Dems are not all liars but are, instead, a mix of liars and uber-morons.

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