Leftwing pundits are very confused about the SCOTUS’s immunity ruling; I suggest they read the Constitution

The people who think the SCOTUS immunity ruling was erroneous clearly don’t know how to read, or can’t comprehend simple language, or they are simply liars willing to tell the public anything to destroy President Trump. Their sole goal is to elect a Democrat, any Democrat, to continue their efforts to remake (destroy) America.

The Constitution explicitly lists that certain activity in office is grounds for a president’s impeachment, and impeachment is grounds for removal: From Article II, Section 4:

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

The Supreme Court ruling did not change the Constitution or the law—but here, Rick Newman of Yahoo News puts out a piece of pure propaganda to scare people about what Trump might do if he were reelected:

7 crimes Trump could get away with in a second term

The July 1 Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity basically says the US president can’t face criminal prosecution for anything he does while in office, as long as it’s related to official duties.

Somehow, Newman came up with a list of crimes that he said Trump would now be able to get away with, as long as they’re “related to official duties.” This is not satire, but Newman starts his list by alleging that Trump could now offer bribes, and “buy off anybody as long as he could somehow link it to a presidential duty.”

Never mind that the Constitution forbids it, making bribes illegal and grounds for removal per the Constitution, but if Newman is that concerned about presidents taking bribes, he should look at Barack Obama sending over $1 billion in unmarked bills to the Iranian tyrants. Or, Obama dictatorially ordering the Justice Department to stand down and let the Hezbollah drug-runners go free, after a years-long investigation and despite a billion-dollar-per-year business, all so he could appease Iran.

Newman then alleged Trump could accept bribes, but again, still illegal per the Constitution.

After that, he said Trump would be permitted to sell influence—which is exactly how the Clintons and Bidens made/make their money. Yet, no matter how much evidence piled up, the media didn’t see anything and pretend these politicians have done nothing wrong.

Then, Newman cites “extortion.” Let me help him out: This is exactly what Joe Biden did with Ukraine, and even bragged about it. He told them that if they didn’t fire a prosecutor looking into corruption at a company that paid Hunter Biden millions of dollars, he would not give them the one billion dollars that Congress approved.

Next, we have “obstructing justice” and here is the example from Newman:

In his 2019 report on Russian interference in the 2016 election, former FBI Director Robert Mueller highlighted at least 10 instances where Trump may have obstructed justice by intimidating possible witnesses, stonewalling investigators, and trying to derail the whole inquiry.

There was never any evidence of Russian collusion or interference, so there was nothing to obstruct. There should never have been an investigation, because it was all built around a fictional “dossier” that was bought and paid for by Democrat operatives to sabotage Trump. If Newman or anyone else cared about obstruction, they would look at Obama and Eric Holder and Operation Fast and Furious: Obama’s administration withheld documents for years, continually obstructing the public from seeing what really happened, and all the things his people did that violated the law. And, PBS reported this:

Obama administration sets new record for withholding FOIA requests

Newman then said Trump could manipulate financial markets without consequence, saying that sometimes, Trump tweeted about companies and that somehow is the same as manipulating the market. That is obviously not a crime, or else every time that Biden speaks about destroying oil, coal, and natural gas companies, or falsely says that greedy corporations caused inflation, he would also be guilty of “manipulating markets.” Perhaps stealing from taxpayers to artificially prop up a sinking industry full of “green” scammers is more accurate.

Hilariously, Newman suggests Trump could “use [a] private email to avoid transparency” without fear of investigation—but the people who actually do this are the Democrats. Obama, Hillary, Biden, John Kerry, and Anthony Fauci all used private emails to hide unethical and criminal behavior, yet few in the media cared, but now they are supposedly worried about Trump. Everyone should just call them out for their B.S.

And here are things that Trump has been charged with and is being prosecuted for, that are not crimes:

Having values of properties on your personal balance sheet that are higher than what a judge and attorney general thinks they should be, especially when the financial statements are footnoted to tell banks not to trust the values;

paying a nuisance for a non-disclosure agreement;

classifying bills that you pay to lawyers as legal expenses;

not disclosing embarrassing things from your personal life when you are running for a political office (can anyone imagine the clogged courts on that one?);

challenging elections and electors, but only when you’re a Republican (or a lot of Democrats would have gone to jail);

and telling people to march to the capitol “peacefully” and “patriotically,” especially when you suggested to Nancy Pelosi that she secure the capitol with the National Guard.

Summary: The Supreme Court did not change anything with their immunity ruling. All they did was properly clarify that a president must have immunity when acting in his official capacity to be able to function.

Maybe Newman should realize that the politicians he supports—Obama, Hillary, and Biden—have committed all of these crimes, but he and other people posing as journalists have intentionally looked the other way or cover up the crimes by not reporting on them while they are campaigning.


Image: Free image via Picryl.

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