If Trump is an alley cat, then Biden is an alley rat

Wallowing in Dem desperation, the Biden camp is incessantly hurling insults at Trump to see what, if anything, resonates. Like a trapped, wounded Demo-rat, Biden hissed and squeaked at a post-debate rally that President Trump has the morals of an alley cat. That’s rich, coming from an immoral alley rat.

The term “alley cat” is usually applied to ladies of the night, some who loiter around unseemly alleys. Even in its most negative connotation, it doesn’t suit President Trump. It’s just not clever. It doesn’t make sense, but one must consider the source.

Nevertheless, since Biden’s campaign is left-wing floundering as he is squandering support, and since the Dems are deeply depressed by his inept candidacy, let’s try to indulge them. For the moment, let’s pretend that Trump partly instantiates the persona of an alley cat (don’t worry, it’s all good). To be fair, we must also assign Biden an animal incarnation. I suggest alley rat.

By definition, alley cats aren’t owned by anyone. Contrast that to “The Big Guy” Biden, who, before receiving his 10% via Hunter, was owned by the bank industry. He’s an immoral rat infested with influence-peddling parasites.

Sure, alley cats can be scrappy when necessary, but they are also streetwise, independent, illustrious, spirited, and resourceful. They may not always be warm and fuzzy by effete standards, but they are fiercely loyal. In fact, those are some of the traits exhibited by Thomas O’Malley, the alley cat featured in the movie Aristocats.

Once upon a time, before Disney became afflicted with wokeism, they made some heartening, family-friendly movies, including the Aristocats. The main point is that it is alley cats who are the true heroes, particularly O’Malley and Scat Cat. In short, they demonstrate courage, devotion, spirit, determination, and chivalry in aiding the abandoned Aristocats (Duchess and her kittens) who were taken from their plush Paris-based accommodations and dumped off to fend for themselves by a jealous butler.

In helping the forlorn Aristocats return to their purring Paris opulence and rightful inheritance, they proved that they, the so-called alley cats, have true pedigree, if not noblesse oblige. They are scrappy, but mesmerize with their Stray Cat Strut along the high moral ground.

So, if Trump is an alley cat, he’s like the heroic O’Malley, who prances freely. Now contrast that to alley rat Biden. He’s a disease-ridden, germ-purveying, filthy rodent who infects the body politic.

They prefer mice, but alley cats will also chase rats who then scurry back to the swamp. When caught, they toy with them. They play rat-a-tat on them, then squish them. Ratty Biden might not last long enough to spread more “Demorat” contagion, however. Other than Jill and a few close confidants, the Dem rat finks clinging to power are ready to turn tail.

Here’s to the purr-fect alley cats, led by strutting Trump, who will help prevent the alley Demo-rats from spreading their leftist plague across America.

Image: PickPik

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