Spencer Cox -- Nice guys get rolled

As a recent California refugee, I’ve seen many a Spencer Cox. Nice Republicans wanting, wishing, hoping to “disagree better” with our Democrat brethren.

How does one “disagree better” with a Party of people who call us Nazis and terrorists? Who imprison protestors without due process under bogus felony charges, or Christians who pray or sing outside of abortion clinics? How about calling parents “domestic terrorists” for wanting to remove inappropriate sexual material from the classrooms, or wish to be involved in the decisions that a child makes about their gender/sexuality?   

Democrats are all too happy to cooperate with “nice Republicans” when out of power, but always turn into tyrants when power is eventually seized, then they ram through their agenda and repress the opposition. (see: California)

Cox’s assertion that “we are confusing conservatism with anger and hate and polarization” is extremely offensive and grossly misguided. Cox alludes to conservative hatred for immigrants and the LGBTQ community. This is a leftist canard. We oppose illegal mmigration, not immigrants. There is a legal process for emigrating to America. Those who subvert this process are lawbreakers and need to come to America the proper way. Maintaining a Christian worldview is not hatred towards LGBTQ. It is only hatred when those in the LGBTQ community use their status as a cudgel to attack people of faith (see: Jack Phillips). I have been a conservative Republican since 1979. I have never met someone who “hated” minorities or gay people.  

Any anger that I have is towards those who are working to destroy our Republic. Those who chant “Death to America.” Those who use the media and intelligence agencies to subvert federal elections. Those who shield Americans from life-saving therapeutics, only to serve a lockdown policy, and tyrants who mandate untested, er, um, vaccines.  Those who intentionally work to overwhelm the social safety nets in order to fulfill Cloward-Piven’s strategy of collapsing capitalism.   

If this causes polarization, so be it. I’ll continue to stand for the values and virtues of our Republic and its founding principles, my faith in Christ, and the just application of the rule of law.

Spencer Cox – you’re a nice guy, but you’re gonna get rolled. Utah is in trouble. Maybe not today, or tomorrow, but the glide path that I see playing out, I saw play out 20 years ago in California.

Image: Ben PL via Wikipedia

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