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To the unpaid Snopes intern/Gates family PR slave above me : Frederick Taylor Gates just happened to be present in the Greater Seattle area in 1891, THE SAME YEAR Bill Gates Grandfather was born, the supposed furniture store owner. What are the odds of that? Get out your Snopes calculator. Furthermore there are ZERO public explanations as to why Bill Gates has III for a Suffix, and his father II, when there are clearly TWO additional preceding William Henry Gates in succession prior to his Bill's father, NOT ONE. This is significant because Bill Gates should be IV, and his father III, yet they are not numbered correctly. This is a huge red flag and puts the focus on the supposed existence of this fourth William Henry Gates that precedes Bill Gates' Grandfather. The completely unexplained "error" in their numerical suffixes, combined with the fact that Bill Gates' dad has changed his name twice, first "changing" it from William Henry Gates II (supposedly this is what he was born as), to William Henry Gates Jr (which is what is on his military records - meaning MOST LIKELY what he was actually born as), to later William Henry Gates Sr, and there is more than a reasonable suspicion that the original William Henry Gates (Bill's supposed Great Grandfather) doesn't exist. In addition, the various reasons for the two name changes are awkwardly inserted into his Bios, Wiki, Obits, Interviews, etc. It's constantly added as an anecdote, in a very forced way, yet none of these excuses for his twice changed Suffix explain why there are FOUR William Henry Gates in succession, NOT THREE, yet Bill Gates is numbered as III. Again, when considering the clealy "misnumbered" suffixes, combined with Bill's dad's multiple Suffix changes and forced explanations being inserted in numerous places unsolicited, this would lead to a more than reasonable suspicion that the first William Henry Gates (Bill's Great Grandpa) DOESNT EXIST. And what an odd coincidence that Frederick Taylor Gates is present in the Seattle area when this supposed original William Henry Gates is supposedly witnessing the birth of Bill's Grandpa... What are the odds that Frederick Taylor Gates is there in the Seattle area when Bill's Grandfather is being born???? Especially given the fact that as the original questioner correctly stated, Frederick Taylor Gates was from an East Coast family?? It is Highly Likely that Frederick Taylor Gates, John D Rockefeller's main advisor, creator of of the wicked Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research that carried out secret vaccination experiments on the US Army (headed up by his son (Dr Frederick L Gates) that created the Bacterial Pneumonia outbreak known as the "Spanish Flu" that killed hundreds of millions of people, is in fact BILL GATE'S GRRAT GRANDFATHER.

To all of those covering up and obscuring this connection, just know that you are participating in evil beyond your wildest dreams and if you care about goodness even in the slightest, you should stop now. You either have no idea what you are talking about, are deliberately lying, or are too stupid and/or lazy to research the Rockefeller/Gates history of Medical Experimentation. You have no idea what you are involved in defending/obscuring and would be advised to cease your activities.

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9y ago

I think that it may be significant if Bill Gates is descended from Frederick Gates, and it seems possible, if not likely. John D Rockefeller, around the turn of the twentieth century, was believed to be the richest man on Earth, like Bill Gates some hundred years later. John D Rockefeller also was embroiled in the most significant fight with the U.S. Government who tried to curb Standard Oil's apparent monopoly and what it saw as unfair practices coming out of that monopoly, in a very similar way that Gates and Microsoft were involved in similar battles. How does this relate to Frederick Gates? John D Rockefeller used Frederick Gates as his number one adviser, and often said Frederick Gates was the smartest businessman he knew. Frederick Gates became rich is his own right, most likely through his association with Rockefeller. In a biography about Frederick Gates I read some years ago, Gates was quoted in telling this story on how he met Rockefeller: Apparently, Gates met Rockefeller on a train journey, possibly finding a way (both had strong links to the Baptist Church) to be invited into Rockefeller's private rail car. Rockefeller complained to Gates that he was loosing money he invested in silver mines in Colorado, apparently through silver miners spiriting the silver out undetected. He said he would reward anyone who could find out how this was being done, so they could catch the culprits. Frederick Gates then travelled on trains passing through the area of the silver mines, on the cheapest coach fares, so as to be seated with miners traveling to and from the mines. He soon befriended the miners, and listened closely to their stories about the silver mines. He quickly uncovered the means by which the silver was being smuggled out, and passed this on to Rockefeller. Gates was rewarded with his role as adviser to Rockefeller. Apparently, although he could easily afford to travel first class, Frederick Gates always bought the cheapest tickets when traveling, to maintain contact with the common man, and what was happening in that world. It is interesting to note that Bill gates also always travels coach class and gives a similar reason. Although Rockefeller had an apparently very public persona, he also was known for keeping his family life very private. My own grandfather, who came to the US when Rockefeller was amassing his wealth, was a keen follower of Rockefeller. He often told me Rockefeller anecdotes. One was that John D Rockefeller had a small house on the outreaches of his estate where he raised his children, as if he were a lowly employee on the estate. His children shared a bicycle and were kept in the dark about the family's wealth, until they were sent off to school. Frederick Gates himself was a very private person and kept his family and own dealings away from the public gaze, except for his work setting up Rockefeller's charitable foundations, which was where the public were directed when enquiring about the Rockefeller's. This could be seen as echoed in Bill Gates present public persona. What might mitigate against this connection is that the Frederick Gates and his family seemed very well settled on the East Coast, rarely moving much further west than Chicago. However, it could also be possible, after Frederick passed on, to help maintain the family's privacy, they could well have moved on to Seattle.

ADDED (August 27, 2014): It is most uncanny, that both Gates' were and still are heavily involved with the destruction of the American education system.

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Tami Heather

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3y ago

Bill Gates is not directly related to Frederick Taylor Gates. Bill Gates' father is William Henry Gates II, an attorney from Washington. His great-grandfather (the generation of F. Gates) William Henry Gates was a furniture store owner - also from the State of Washington.

Why is this significant? Because of late there has been an attempt to demonize Bill and Melinda Gates by wrongly linking him to F Gates who was connected to the Rockefeller's in the early 1900's.

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