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Full of Eyes series cover
Full of Eyes episode cover

Full of Eyes

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The purpose of this series is to help you see (by faith), savor (as all satisfying food to your soul), and sing (in all of life) the beauty of the One True God as he is revealed in the crucified and risen Jesus throughout all of Scripture. This is not an arbitrary goal since the God for whom we—and all things—exist is communicated to his creation with definitive authority in the incarnate Son (John1:14,18), and with climactic finality at the cross (John 8:28, 17:1,5). The implication that derives from this truth is simple and yet, like the wardrobe in C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia, contains worlds of glory within it: if we would know the glory, the beauty, the identity of the One True God, we look to the resurrection-illuminated cross of Jesus Christ. - by Christopher Powers (