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Anonymous Laeth said...

speaking only of real life relationships I can say that most are wilfully blind, they refuse to face the facts, even when the stated goals and the actions are so openly and obviously contradictory, as all the birdemic moves were. since then I have had a few long conversations and even though they seemed to follow what I was saying, a couple of weeks later we were having the same discussion, and they were back to the platitudes that it's really just all about greed, and that what is happening, from the birdemic to the invasions to the wars, is really just about business and keeping the system intact. how bad does it have to get for the reality to sink in? I almost don't want to know the answer because maybe there isn't one, and the majority will simply be absorbed, lulled to paralysis, and content with the misery forced upon them.

6 February 2024 at 10:50

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Laeth - "how bad does it have to get for the reality to sink in?"

Clearly, it is not a matter of severity of badness, or else (especially after 2020) reality would already and long since have sunk in.

Quite the contrary - in the UK media there has recently been a big push to suggest that the lockdown was too little and too late.

This despite the actual mortality from "the birdemic" being officially something like one fiftieth of that "predicted" (at least before the numbers were inflated by repeated inflationary changes of definition - but even then, the numbers were something like a tenth of predicted).

6 February 2024 at 13:57

Blogger Jacob Gittes said...

So very true. I've come to the conclusion that only a focus on one's spiritual path is worth time and energy of any kind. The collapse of the West is over-determined: that is, there are too many concurrent causes going on for the removal of any one to "save" the West.
I would even say that the collapse of the current system would be a net good, despite the suffering and death that would entail, because the System is now causing so much suffering and depravity (while keeping its victims alive, sort of), that the collapse would be preferable, come-what-may.

In the USA, we can't even build save airplanes any longer - see the debacle at Boing (spelling error intentional).

6 February 2024 at 14:15

Anonymous Laeth said...

you're probably right. it's just difficult to deal with when it's family and friends, and to know how to react.

6 February 2024 at 15:03

Blogger a_probst said...

I saw a report yesterday by a journalist asserting that corruption and graft in the Chinese military forces may have rendered China unfit to take on a major war of choice, i.e. the invasion of Taiwan, that China is a "paper tiger."

This would be more reassuring to me if I didn't fear that China is a grade 5 office-paper tiger and the West becoming a crepe paper tiger.

6 February 2024 at 18:57