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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query evil consent. Sort by date Show all posts

Sunday 15 August 2021

What does it mean to consent to evil? The danger of generic-abstract thought experiments

As Christians, we can be sure that God will not put us into a position where we can be 'made evil' against our consent. 

But if we consent to evil and do not repent; then we can make ourselves evil. 

One way in which people consent to evil is by entertaining generic-abstract thought experiments; and by concluding that is such a thing happened, they would capitulate to evil (or even that it would be better or right to capitulate to a specific evil as less than the alternative).  

Lets take a specific example - the birdemic peck. You know the kind of thing...

If somebody really recognized it as an evil, he would not consent to it. But then somebody suggests a thought experiment - 'supposing that' you found yourself in such-and-such a position, and if you did not take the peck then something terrible would happen (maybe threatening your loved ones)... Wouldn't it be okay to consent then? 

Or, if there were some thugs in white coats who credibly threatened to wrestle you to the ground and force the peck into you - then you might as well go along with it. 

My first point is that there an open-ended number of possible scenarios of what 'might' happen - and once you take any one of them seriously, then you open-up the possibility of being confronted by one after another without end - with the expectation or obligation that you examine and explain each. 

But my main point is not to examine any such scenarios; nor to recommend a 'reasonable' course of action for them. But instead as to point-out that this whole way of thinking represents a lack of faith in the goodness and power of God

Not (of course) because God 'would not let such things happen to anyone' in any kind of general way. But because God does not work in a general way

God's providence works on each individual person in the context of his own life and needs. God created and is creating this world moment-by-moment - and with the needs of each individual person in mind - because each is a beloved child of God. Thus he creates situations from-which each individual person is intended to learn. 

Such a God will not create any situation in which any person ought to be evil. 

But - I am not expected to take a God's eye view that encompasses the population of the world - and certainly I am not supposed to consider and pre-decide every abstract-generic possibility of what might possibly happen to anybody.

I am expected to attending to my own life and experiences and to learn from what actually happens to me in real life - especially here and now. That, specifically, I what I am supposed to learn-from. 

My job is to discern evil from good, and to know evil for what it is - not to consent to evil; but if I have consented to evil to recognize and repent the fact. That is, to be clear that what I did was evil, and that I therefore, for that reason, repudiate it.  

This is what a Christian must do to attain salvation and resurrection; because Heaven is a life without evil. For Heaven to be Heaven, all evil (no matter how small-seeming in the abstract-generic scheme of things) needs to be repented and discarded from the resurrected soul. 

We can therefore personally be sure that if we do not consent to the peck because we know it to be evil, then our salvation is secure. We can be confident that that is how our actual life will work out, somehow or another. 

But if we consent because we allowed abstract-generic considerations (e.g. based on thought experiments) to convince us that 'resistance is futile', all paths are evil, or whatever... then by thinking this way we have joined with The Enemy's agenda. 

We have decided, in advance of events, that God will allow our-selves to be put into a situation where evil choices are 'inevitable' - and therefore pre-empted actuality by probabilistic extrapolation: pre-empted divine providence with worldly calculation.  

Wednesday 21 October 2020

Defence against evil: negating the spiritual power of the Big Lie

The Big Lie (e.g. the birdemic, antiracism, CO2 global warming)  is usually analysed in terms of its practical benefits - i.e. that lying is instrumental, that dishonesty assists the attainment of certain goals. But the Big Lie is primarily and ultimately spiritual - regardless of whether or not it is strategically helpful*. 

It has become vital consciously to know the Big Lies as lies... And because the lies are conscious; so muct the knowledge of their falsehood be conscious.

(Instinctive resistance to lies, based on unconscious urges, is spiritually insufficient.) 


A lie is a sin and a Big Lie is a fundamental sin by which a person (a civilization) may be overthrown and self-damned. Satan was called the father of Lies for this reason. The Big Lie is a temptation.  

If we focus only on the practical (e.g. sociopolitical or psychological) effects of the Big Lies, we will neglect or forget the spiritual dimension - which is primary. 

And if we are (in practice) unable to resist the material roll-out of the Lies, then we will be tempted to give-up on resistance altogether - to go-along-with the lie spiritually as well as practically - and that may well lead onto spiritual acquiescence to the lie. 


But the reality is that Thoughts Have Power: spiritual power first, and thence practical power. 

Thoughts indeed have ultimate power: Conscious knowledge of a Big Lie is a power against Satan, demons and supernatural purposive evil; and consequently power against what they plan to do.  

(Totalitarianism aims to be total for exactly this reason. There must be No Dissent - because each dissenter wields a spiritual weapon.)


There is a limitation of evil, to do with its needing the consent of those whom evil intends to corrupt. 

(This limitation has to do with the primacy of God and creation; and that evil is negative, hence secondary: Evil is opposition to already-existent Good.)   

This limitation is symbolised in mythical terms by such phenomena as the assertion that a vampire must be invited to cross the threshold of a house; or that the super-villain must 'monologue' his plans to the superhero, before he can execute them... People need to be told what evil intends, before evil can do it. 

The reality behind such myths is, of course, spiritual not verbal. The reality is that when evil is known as such and rejected, then it is ineffectual - it has no power to fulfil its wishes. 

Victims must therefore (spiritually) agree to the evil done to them: victims of evil must become complicit with their spiritual corruption.

(Although, of course, victims may physically be corrupted despite spiritual resistance - since mortal life is about learning directed towards Heavenly eternal life - and experiences of this life happen for this reason. Yet even the physical and this-worldly practical evil is - to some extent, for reasons perhaps not known - repelled or thwarted by spiritual refusal; since the physical is secondary.) 

In resisting the Big Lie we are often up-against established habit, and habit may lead us unthinkingly (un-consciously) to go-along-with the practical implementation of evil. Nonetheless, direct divine intervention will (sooner or later) alert us to the reality; and then each person will be brought to the point at which he must agree consciously to evil - or reject it. 

(Consciously to 'delay' making that decision is In Fact to agree to evil, here and now, and to advance its corruption in oneself. Repentance has infinite power, but is binary. There is no neutrality about evil.)

And it is never too late to repent, therefore never too late to resist evil. 

Better late than never is a true saying - when better has an ultimate and spiritual sense; and 'better' is true however the practicalities of this-world evil implementation work-out. 

Any individual person that consciously knows evil - who knows the reality behind a Big Lie - is thereby weilding a real spiritual effect upon the power of evil: a power to resist evil - including a power against the practical implementation of evil strategy.

Which is why many, many bad things that might have happened - that were planned to happen - in fact have not happened!

*Note added: This is why the mass media always lie, even when They don't need to; in the major, headline news stories.

Monday 9 August 2021

Fighting the Fear: Faith & hope-based discernment is our best protection against evil

I am ever more convinced that evil requires our consent to harm us - and that most of the strategizing of evil is directed at getting people to consent to evil - to invite evil into the soul. 

And fear is the main (but not only) way that people are induced to invite evil - because fear is a kind of sin, and needs to be discerned and repented in order to lose its malign effect 

Of course, this is a mortal life in an entropic world; and we must accept that death and decay are necessary parts of our experience. For example; you and I are still alive because we have something important to learn from this world; and nobody can reach eternal Heavenly life except via death. 

So, contrary to the teachings of This World; we must learn not to fear the basic nature of this life - and to regard this life as essentially good if we (as individuals) take the opportunities it offers us. 

At the same time, Christians must recognize the transitional nature of this world. This mortal life is vital -  but secondary to eternal resurrected life. 

The combination means that Christians cannot legitimately deal with fear by ignoring the world - for Christians this amounts to pretending that evil does not exist, and pretending there is no spiritual war: pretending that evil is not-really attacking us...

Christians need both to recognize and to reject evil.

We don't need to 'think about' evil beyond this recognition and rejection, we don't need to understand all about it - but we do need to know evil when it impinges directly upon us - which it will, later if not sooner.  

At present the world is ruled by evil, and consequently our lives are full of threats designed to evoke the sin of fear. Most of these threats are unreal; because evil is a liar - systematically and compulsively. 

(Even when evil makes a true statement, speaks a true fact (something which is very painful for an evil being) this 'fact' will always be presented in a false and misleading framework. Specific truth will be put to the service of general falsehood; bits of reality will be twisted to reinforce the unreal.) 

Nonetheless, among the mass of lies to induce fear, there will also be scattered and seeded real threats - threats to our health, happiness, lifespan... 

Yet these 'true threats' must be treated with the same contempt as the mass of fake threats: which is to say, we must never allow ourselves to become colonized by fear, from whatever cause or no cause; and must always recognize and reject fear when it arises in us - and whether the threat is fake or indeed real.

When we feel fear arise in us, we need to recognize it as a doorway to evil being opened by purposive evil; a door which we our-selves are opening, and which we ourselves need to shut as fast as possible - before evil can pries it wider, enter in force, and begin colonizing our soul.  

How can a Christian close that door of fear? By faith and hope; faith in God who is the creator of this world, and who loves us each as his child - and hope in eternal resurrected life by following Jesus through death to Heaven. 

Faith and hope are what enable us to learn from this life and its experiences - instead of the false alternatives of being overwhelmed by threats or ignoring them. 

So, when we feel that stab of fear which the evil overlords work so hard to induce in us; then we can recognize the fear as a sin, place it in the eternal and joyous context provided by the faith and hope - and regard fear as just another chance to learn necessary lessons from our mortal life, living in this world. 

Friday 27 January 2023

Why the dystopia-mania?

Netflix have introduced a new category into their streaming services which is Dystopian Futures

In other words; one of The System's core propaganda sources is encouraging its audience to consume movies and TV programs which focus on future hellish societies; just as (since the summer of 2020) they introduced the category "Black Stories" as an approved category. 

This invites consideration; because on the surface it would seem to be counter-productive for The System to warn the masses about the nasty things The System intends to do with the masses... Yet, here we have it. 

The answer is quite simple, as indeed are all such matters of large scale System policy - because, if strategies were not simple, then they would be rendered ineffectual by the complex and varied multi-society implementation process. Only simple policies can be relied upon to have their desired effect across many nations and across extended timescales.  

The reason why Netflix is pushing dystopian narratives is related to their overall service to the core demonic agenda, which is the damnation of Men.

Overall (and on average) modern dystopias - under modern conditions - promote the agenda of evil; which is the agenda of The System. 

The damnation is Men is not an easy thing to achieve, because Men must choose it: that is, each Man must (as an unique individual) choose to reject the offer or eternal resurrected life in Heaven that is made possible by Jesus Christ. 

That is: a Man must be induced not-to-want Heavenly resurrected and everlasting life; but instead to prefer death and hell. 

In other words; Men must be made to want evil (not Good); and to desire evil entails that Men understand evil and its implications; understand the planned evil sufficiently to consent to evil, sufficiently to say yes to evil

Furthermore, Men be be induced Not-to-repent; because it is never too late (in mortal life) for any Man to repent and instead follow Jesus Christ. 

Damnation is never secure so long as Men retain an accurate sense of what is Good, and what is sin

Only when the evilness of sin is denied and its opposite asserted, is damnation secure. 

This means that - at some level - there needs to be a value-inversion whereby real Good is understood to be evil; and actual evil is understood to be Good.   

This is the spiritual function of Dystopian Futures - and indeed the reason for the mania for dystopian depictions in the mass media and arts, especially since about the millennium: to induce Men to consent to the evil which is planned for them, and to choose it in preference to Heaven.

There are many (unlimited in number and variety, although with some common themes) ways in which modern (especially post-2000) dystopian fictions can promote exactly the dystopias they 'warn' against. 

Maybe simply through depicting dystopia as inevitable - hence inducing the 'resistance is futile' mindset; which is just one step away from embracing the evil plans while trying, personally, to make the best of it. 

Depictions of 'apocalyptic' collapse likewise often promote an attitude of ruthlessly selfish personal-survivalism - indifferent to any spiritual or divine goals (which are implicitly depicted as unreal delusions when times get hard). 

For example; physical survival is assumed (but without stating it) to be the ultimate Good; therefore a 'whatever it takes' ethic becomes ultimate. 

Or; evil is promoted by opposing the depicted dystopias with leftist/ atheist/ materialist/ hedonic System ideologies. This means that both support-of dystopia and 'opposition'-to dystopia both share the same ideology, and both sides in the conflict are merely different aspects of the same (evil) System. 

For instance; Nazi-like 'racist' fictional dystopias are opposed (in-world) by 'antiracist' freedom-fighters - when in real-life antiracism is a core tool of the totalitarian System. 

Or when 'environmentally destructive/ indifferent' tyrannical and cruel rulers, are opposed by some 'eco-warrior types' aiming to save-the-planet - when in real life the environmental movement is utterly in-thrall to (indeed a creature of) the globalist agenda. 

And there are (many) fictions about  Artificial Intelligences. If these are 'evil' (i.e. cruel, selfish etc) this implies that there are also potentially 'Good' AIs (kind, altruistic etc). Fictions of 'Good' AIs, and 'nice'/ or beautiful robots - may have these depicted as better than (most) Men. 

In the end, the message is that AI is a real thing, and AIs are persons and might replace (in essentials) Men - and often the AI future is said to be inevitable anyway (again "resistance is futile"). 

Yet another strand of the propaganda is that futures are some combination of random materialism, scientific determinism, and the Man-made; such that divine creation is excluded completely from the range of possibilities. 

In dystopia Men inhabit a meaningless and purposeless world - because only the divine creation of a Good God has purpose and meaning; consequently those who are depicted as opposing dystopia in these worlds, implicitly accept the same nihilistic assumptions concerning reality, that are inevitable when creation is excluded from possibility. 

In other words; the 'dystopian' worlds portrayed are ones in which all depicted options, on all 'sides' in the dramatic conflict, are all servants of the demonic agenda - in one or another of its aspects. 

Past Dystopias were indeed sometimes genuine warnings against that which they depicted; but the vast expansion and promotion of the dystopia agenda during the past few decades is undoubtedly driven by evil motivations, and is intended to work in support of the evil System-agenda: to pave its way, reduce resistance, increase acceptance...

In a nutshell; 'dystopian futures' are depicted with the overall intent of - by one means or another - generating consent for a totalitarian and materialist society; and, further, inducing mind-sets, attitudes and responses to the unfolding global dystopia that support its development.

Modern dystopias encourage a wide-range of Jesus-rejecting, anti-God, spirit-disbelieving, leftist ideologies that feed-back-into The System, and indirectly but materially and spiritually support it; because in dystopia, all possible futures derive from exactly the same basic and fundamental assumptions upon-which dystopia has been built.     

Sunday 8 November 2020

The evil doppelgangers in Mens' minds (and electronic devices): How Satan (Ahriman) uses materialism to recruit souls for Hell on Earth

What follows may be one of the weirdest things I have written! Nonetheless, I am sure that it is on the right lines and there is something behind it. 

It derives from my personal interpretation, my decoding, of Rudolf Steiner's lectures published in 2016 as The Electronic Doppelganger; and particularly a lecture from 16 November 1917. Steiner's speculative essay, and this one, addresses the question: What happens to damned souls in an age of materialism? Where do they go, what do they do?


The matter is interesting because this is an age of Materialism in which the dominant form of evil is 'Ahrimanic' - that is, coldly-cruel, materialistic, controlling, bureaucratic;  an 'Antichrist'-type of evil that pretends to 'good' (i.e. altruism) and does its work of damnation behind a facade of 'caring' (healthism, antiracism, environmentalism, sexual liberation and rights, etc.)  

So - Materialism is the dominant ideology in our world - indeed, the only working ideology in public discourse. And Materialism has it that there is no God, no soul, no spiritual, no afterlife, no Beings, no love; the really-real is only that which is perceived by senses and physics, and modelled by mathematical and symbolic abstractions. 

Materialism mostly says that death is annihilation. We die and nothing of our 'self' is left-behind. But there is another possibility, a 'loophole' - not offered to all, but aspired-to by groups with the character of initiates ('secret societies', one might call them). I mean the transhumanist project of the abolition of aging and death by technology, of indefinite 'life extension' of a material kind. 

This combines with another strand of transhumanism which aims to combine Man and computer - in a cyborg fashion;  which aims (in various ways - surgical, electronic, genetic etc.) to 'integrate' the electronic and digital world of the computer, with the living flesh of Men.

This technological pseudo-salvation has been taken-up by some strands of explicit transhumanism; and also, but without that name, is now (2020) mainstream, dominant, global public policy; being a strategy for the Ruling Establishment in their UN Agenda 2030, the Great Reset idea and others.  

This idea of what might happen to sustain 'life' (or personal identity) after death, has been propagated in various ways; such as the mind being like a computer, and therefore down-loadable onto a computer; the cryogenic idea of preserving a brain for future reanimation; and even the common Hollywood (hence presumptively evil-motivated) trope that 'we live-on' after biological death, 'in the memories/ hearts of those who remain alive'. This trope may - deceptively - have a literal meaning intended; behind the sentimental metaphor.


Ancient Greeks and Hebrews, and probably others unrecorded, had an understanding that death was (mostly) a matter of the spirit being severed from the body; and surviving in an Underworld (Hades, Sheol...) as witless, gibbering, demented ghosts without consciousness or free agency or sense of self - but not suffering. 

Perhaps those materialists who want to live forever in a material way, are offered a 'deal' whereby instead of going to the underworld (or to Heaven, which they usually disbelieve; and mostly wouldn't want if they did believe it) - they instead remain on earth and involved with earthly life in return for serving the Satanic agenda

This is achieved by these 'ghosts' living-on in the material 'minds' ('brains', 'hearts') of the secret societies, and of any other men who the secret brotherhoods persuade ('brainwash') into providing brain-space' to these spirits. 

This may be one actuality of Biblical Hell; which is often referenced to being on earth, with demons being ghosts of the evil-affiliated deceased, still active among living people - i.e. the 'principalities and powers' - serving the agenda of Satan who is thus a 'ruler' of the earth in a literal sense. 


This would mean that the Satan and the demonic powers recruit not just living Men to their side - including in secret societies dedicated to evil; but that some of these same Men, when they die, desire or consent to become 'evil ghosts', remaining on earth and still active in this world, in a form of perpetuated, materialistic (but not embodied) life; a 'reward' for which they pay by being bound to the service of Satan. 

The idea is that these spirits of the evil and deceased are materially instantiated in the brains, minds, symbols, rituals etc of living Men. These 'evil ghosts' live-on in the minds and brains of Men of the secret societies - Men who believe-in, know, and side-with Satan: the servants of Satan, in other words. These Satanic servants are are aware of the doppelganger, consent to it; and use the evil-ghosts in their evil strategies - e.g. for gathering information and covertly influencing other men.

And the evil-ghosts also live-on among the masses of materialistic unrepentant sinners, who have taken Satan's side against God. These masses are unconscious of being hosts of evil-ghosts; indeed they do not believe in ghosts, do not believe in Satan - and are standard, unthinking dupes to the incoherent ideology of Materialism. 

These masses of un-conscious, ignorant, God-denying, Satan-affiliated yet Satan-Disbelieving Men; are therefore acted-upon by the evil-ghosts of self-damned Men. This is what Steiner meant by his term 'doppelganger' - he meant the evil-double, unconsciously hosted, and unconsciously influencing the minds of those who host it. These are the dupes of Satan, rather than his servants.


(As always, the spiritual 'law' is that evil must be consented-to, must be - like an archetypal vampire - be 'invited-in', invited to cross the threshold into the mind. This, at least, must be a conscious decision. It corresponds to what some people call 'taking the ticket' - the Faustian bargain which is presented to almost everybody, nowadays sooner rather than later; of knowingly consenting to do evil, in return for some worldly advantage. But then most people explain-away, bury and deny this decisive corrupting-event - saying to themselves that they 'did nothing wrong'; and therefore they never repent it and must take the consequences. Of course, repentance would immediately negate the damnation, and anybody can repent at any time (albeit on certain conditions); but typical modern people do not believe in the reality or possibility of repentance.)


Evil ghosts may also live-on after biological death by inhabiting electronic devices, such as computers and the internet. This is possible because of the pseudo-brain/ nervous system, quasi-intelligent, cognitive-processing qualities of modern electronic media.  

Of course, 'electronic media' are not distinct from (not separable-from) Men's thinking - indeed nothing is distinct from Men's thinking (except primordial chaos). In other words, God's creation is made by thinking, as well as from 'stuff'. Our thinking is inextricably part of the world. 

(This is another insight of Rudolf Steiner's - articulated in his early philosophical books Truth and Knowledge and The Philosophy of Freedom.)

What this means is that we should think of electronic media, computers, the internet etc as part of the web of human thinking, continuous with human thinking, and indeed sustained-by human thinking. 

And this is the inverse of the transhumanist ideology, which considers human thinking to be wholly a matter of brain activity; and brain activity to be wholly abstract mental processing, which processing can then be instantiated in electronic media. This ideology makes the possibility of its own validity.


To conclude, Hell on earth is the hosting of evil-ghosts (who are the post-mortal spirits of evil men) by the minds of Men who have joined-with the agenda of Satan; and by the electronic media that are manifestations of materialistic, hence Satanic, thinking. 

Hell lives in the mind of evil-affiliated (unrepentant) materialistic Men, who may well be a large majority of Men in this year of 2020.  

These evil-ghosts can only influence by consent; so the doppelganger must be 'invited-in'. A few Men (servants of Satan) are aware of this 'double' and manipulate it, for evil purposes; but most (dupes of Satan) are unaware or in denial - and are therefore open to manipulation by their doppelganger. 

The vast modern world of electronic media also provides a dwelling place for these evil-ghosts; but again they can only influence those who 'invite them in' to their minds, for example those who are willingly addicted-to, and who subordinate themselves to, the ideology, propaganda and manipulation of the mass media.

But those who know the reality of Satan, and can discern his influence, and who have chosen to follow Jesus and accept his gift of resurrected Life Everlasting in Heaven - such Men are immune to the evil doppelgangers of mind and machine. 

Sunday 31 March 2013

Is it that God will not make us enter Heaven, or cannot?


If human free will is, in effect, an uncaused cause (as it must be, to be free); and if therefore free will is autonomous of God's will; then God cannot by any means force a human soul to enter Heaven - and therefore not all can necessarily be saved - even if (as I believe the Christian God does) God wishes to save all Men.

If the free will of each Man is part if the nature of things, then Man must choose Heaven, must choose to allow himself to be saved by Christ - otherwise Man will not be saved, because Man cannot be saved except with his own consent.


The operations of evil are about inducing Man to refuse to be saved; evil cannot block Heaven, evil cannot coerce choice, and evil cannot change the fact that Man is moral (more exactly, that man knows Good and seeks Good).

But evil works to distort and invert the concept of Good into anti-Goods, such that Man, despite knowing Good (and as a Son of God, each Man intrinsically knows Good), uses his free will to reject Good, and prefer anti-Goods.

An anti-Good is something which is Good-according-to-Man's ideas; Good therefore by denial of natural, spontaneous Good - an anti-Good is perceived as Good according to some new scheme of Good which necessarily entails the distortion, denial or inversion of Good.


Thus the essence of evil is not the specific choice against Good, but the schema (the system - for example the moral system) which redefines an anti-Good choice as Good.

Repentance is the recognition of the schema of Good, against which the choice against Good can be understood.

The failure to repent is to make the choice to adopt an anti-Good schema; such that one redefines Good.


The refusal to repent is therefore to be loyal to one's chosen schema of anti-Good; and failure to repent is the one cause of damnation because it is to make choice of a schema which redefines Heaven as Hell.

Salvation is refused by the unrepentant because - according to one's chosen anti-Good schema - salvation is redefined as evil.

Thus damnation - the refusal of Heaven - is not a consequence of hedonism, but for example may be a moral choice, made according to a personal (chosen) anti-moral schema.


In freely choosing an anti-Good schema - a schema which is not God's Good, but is instead Man's own personal 'Good' - a Man may ultimately choose to reject salvation which was won for him by Christ and is open to him simply on the basis of consent.


The evil of modern times in The West is not a matter of evil specific choices, but that anti-Good schemata are so prevalent.

People have en masse chosen to redefine specific anti-Good choices in terms of a false schema which evaluates them as being Good.

It is this societal choice of schemata which distort and an invert reality, which redefine evil as Good-according-to-the-chosen-false-schema - which imperils salvation on a vast scale in the West.


The triumph of evil is to induce so many Men to choose to refuse salvation on the basis that - according to the evaluations of modern Western schemata - salvation is evil.

Therefore, Heaven is shunned because (by the light of modern Western evaluations) Heaven is perceived as immoral, aesthetically-unappealing, and (anyway) a fake.

The paradox is the immorality, aesthetic revulsion and falsehood of Heaven are defined in terms of a schema which itself denies the reality of morality, beauty and truth.


The triumph of evil in the modern West is to induce Men to choose an anti-Good schema; one this has been achieved, damnation is assured since repentance of specific evils is impossible.

Damnation is assured - unless the false schema, the system of anti-Good, is recognized as anti-Good, and the schema is therefore repented and rejected.

Only after the anti-Good schema is repented will repentance of specific evil choices again become possible.


Tuesday 6 February 2024

This is about as obvious as evil gets

We have now reached the point where those who are motivated by evil (i.e. by their opposition to God, divine creation and The Good) are now being about as obvious and explicit as evil ever gets. 

Whereas in the past those who intended evil would do so under the pretense of doing good (e.g. early socialism); we are now at a stage where the people who intend evil tell us explicitly, and pretty much exactly, what it is they intend to do - before they do it and while doing it. 

They do not do so under the guise of doing good; but instead they now simply tell us that the evil which they intend, is actually Good

In other words, we are now in a situation of very pure, very simple, value-inversion

The recent wars and mass invasions have been remarkable for the way in which those who have provoked and escalated them (i.e. globalist totalitarians based in The West); have actually "said out loud", have described, the destruction of people, property, nations and land that they intend and regard as acceptable. 

And this intended destruction is sometimes described in terms of near complete annihilation: they want to have no more such people, no such culture or nation, buildings and artefacts will be removed or destroyed, the landscape wrecked and polluted... That's the stated strategy. 

Now, they don't say such  things every time they speak or all at once - but they do make explicit official statements, and say them several times; they incorporate these goals bureaucratically in laws, rules, agenda items, mass/social media policies; they boast about their intentions, and baldly assert that their plans will induce greater human happiness*...  

And they do the same inversion for Goods. 

Any-thing and every-thing which is truly Good (for Christians; and indeed also things recognized as good in all known societies through all of history) is now routinely, systematically, explicitly; stated to be evil, wrong, a threat, the cause of oppression, exclusion, suffering and death. 

The (seven?) classic virtues are now officially vices; common sense realities are treated as wicked hypotheses, basic assumptions of Mankind such as a spiritual world, or continued life beyond death, or a created reality; are now treated as lunatic notions or sinister manipulations. 


You may say that things are not so clear as all that... 

That there are many and frequent statements that contradict what I have said above. That the modern world is characterized by inexplicit unclarity, by deliberately induced confusion...

Sure - there is also plenty of that. Evil lies and misleads as its basic mode: habitually and manipulatively. We dwell in a fog of dishonesty. Untruthfulness is the besetting sin of our era. 

All true.

But what is really striking about here-and-now is how very clear, explicit, and detailed the leadership class so-often are; about exactly what they consider is good and necessary, and who they consider is evil and why; about what they intend to do to us (and "for" us) in the near future. 

What this tells us is how deeply corrupted we of the West have become.

"They" baldly, bare-facedly, tell us that good is evil and sin is virtue. They fully expect to get-away-with-it, thereby gaining our implicit consent.


And that is exactly why They are so obvious about their evil.

They tell us of their evil intentions. And we hear, but do not listen.  

They get-away-with-it because we give our consent. 

This - here-and-now, on a daily basis - is evil with the gloves-off; as clear, obvious and explicit as it ever will be. 

Have you noticed yet? 

* "The fifteen minute city" is an excellent example. They describe their detailed plan for a world prison in permanent lockdown; then tell us that this is A Good Thing, for our benefit, to make us happy. 

Saturday 6 March 2021

The test of our times: or, what should we do when Sorathic evil is Destroying the Ahrimanic System?

This is perhaps going to be the great test of our times... 

We have an evil, global totalitarian System - encompassing and linking all the major social institutions. This global System is getting more and more aligned to the side of Satan with every passing month - with a mixture of tacit consent and active approval from (it seems) the majority of the population - and only a few spiritually-religious individuals in explicit opposition. 

Yet this evil System is also what keeps us alive. It is getting less and less capable of keeping us alive, as it gets more and more evil - nonetheless the The System is still what maintains us...

But, evil being evil, the Ahrimanic "lawful evil" that wants us all under micro-surveillance and total control; is giving-way to a wholly-negative, Sorathic, "chaotic evil" of each-against-all in short-termist, destruction.

And the great test is when we are in a situation of considering whether to defend the lesser against the greater evil... Should we do it? 

It seems rational to defend the lesser evil? (At least, to some extent.) But is it in practice corrupting? 

All 'viable' options are evil. People start-out recognizing that fact, but in the heat of battle or the routine of work; they 'forget' and become corrupted into supporting the lesser evil.  

Instead of fighting on the side of God and Good in the spiritual war; people find themselves fighting on the side of Ahriman against Sorath - embroiled in civil war among the demons.

That is the test of our times: to fight for Good instead of for the lesser of evils. 

It is the test of salvation.


Monday 3 April 2023

We get what we want in this mortal life (including spiritual enslavement) - but, in the primary context of the life-experiences we need to learn-from

Serhei's excellent and thought-stimulating guest-post yesterday brings into focus that there is an important sense in which Modern Men get what they want in this mortal life. So that the spiritual (indeed physical) state of 'slavery' cannot be enforced on a population without consent, but instead people must be induced to desire slavery - and indeed to demand it. 

Yet we need to recall also that the primary purpose of living this mortal life is educational; God provides us with the experiences we most need to attain and prepare for resurrected eternal life. The slavery of Modern Man is a spiritual evil. 

This is because - 1. Modern Men are meant - by our stage in development - consciously to choose freedom and personal responsibility - not unconscious, automatic obedience; and also 2. the failure to choose freedom is compounded since the masses have chosen subjection to evil Masters.  

In exploring this matter; I shall use a specific example of the birdemic-peck; and whether an individual chooses to believe and obey the official narrative; on the assumption that the birdemic-peck is an evil-motivated strategy of the demon-controlled Global Establishment.

Suppose I choose to reject the birdemic-peck, disbelieve it, not to cooperate with the wishes of the Establishment? What then? 

For the consequences to be spiritually-good; there must be a positive, spiritual, and 'Christian-compatible' motivations for rejecting the birdemic peck: good outcomes require good motives. 

(By 'Christian-compatible' - I mean such motivations as a commitment to truth, to real values and morality, or to genuine beauty.)

And then there must also be a conscious awareness that this mortal life is indeed for our spiritual teaching; and acknowledgement that (overall, sooner-or-later) we will encounter life-situations (life-lessons) from-which we are intended to learn. 

Therefore, when a personal issue, a choice, emerges in our life; it needs to be recognized with seriousness, a recognition that our choices matter - and not just for our happiness now and soon, but also as affecting our situation and divine creation and forever. 

Life is cumulative, nothing is undone, we don't leave-behind past decisions - these are incorporated into what comes after...

Yet sub-optimal or bad choices can be turned to good, and right choices can be turned to evil. 

For instance; if a keen submission to the birdemic-peck plan is later repented, and a choice made to reject the agenda of global evil and instead to work in alliance with divine creation... Then this learning-from-experience will set a positive tone for whatever comes after.  

But if, in contrast, someone rejects the birdemic-peck propaganda but for the wrong reasons - such as a fear of damage to psychological or physical health - then this will constitute a commitment to another of the agendas of evil; and subsequent life will become increasingly health-fear dominated, and move in a selfish and hedonic direction... Perhaps towards intractable hypochondria; joining the mainstream-approved pattern of clinging to lifespan, and despair at the inevitability of death.     

One who chooses to submit to the birdemic-peck thereby accepts the "package" - the motivations and plans - of which it is a part (which is why this is one of the Litmus Test issues); which is explicitly (as well as implicitly) an agenda for de facto enslavement.

Thus slavery is chosen. 

But the significance of this slavery is primarily spiritual. It is in essence not a matter of you being subjugated to surveillance, confinement and micro-control of lifestyle. That is a means to the underlying spiritual goal of having you live in perpetual fear and resentment, self-hatred and despair...

A condition in which biological death is seen as annihilation of your-self...

Or else a continued half-life may be offered (and maybe sometimes actually given, under conditions) to those who consent to it; as an enslaved, ghostly spirit of evil perhaps; a 'computer download', or a life energized or extended by means of the predatory/ parasitic exploitation of human energies and vitality. 

In sum; physical slavery is chosen because it is a means to the end of spiritual enslavement - consent to a process of incremental value-corruption leading to self-damnation.

(Because all damnation is chosen.) 

Saturday 9 May 2020

Mass misdirection: How come - after so many dystopian novels, TV shows and movies - people still can't recognise evil totalitarianism when they are living it?

The thing is: They are clever! Not all-knowing, certainly not all-powerful - and highly fallible; but They are clever. A lot cleverer than most of their pseudo-intellectual critics who will explain-away the biggest, fastest, most universal and comprehensive change in the history of the world as some kind of random coincidence of something or another.

I mean that, just four months ago, the world was qualitatively different; and now almost everybody is living under an extremity of control and restriction that would have been literally incredible, just four months ago. All the talk is that this change will be permanent, in some form.

It happened. And - fundamentally - hardly anybody has noticed; and hardly anybody who has noticed can see the obvious cause; but instead grasps and holds-tight onto the transparently inadequate and incoherent excuse that everything is necessary because of the deadly birdemic plague - and the totalitarian world must continue because of the birdemic plague...

This is all the more surprising since - for the entire last generation - the best-selling, and biggest impact media have been all-about evil totalitarian dystopias; from Harry Potter and the Hunger Games through innumerable other variants of the same idea. And this was building upon the past century of similar products - The Time Machine, 1984, Brave New World etc.

These have been massively disseminated, in multiple media. Now, why would the Global Establishment be so keen on making and sustaining mass media phenomena describing totalitarian dystopias, if that is what they were planning to impose upon us?

The answer, I think, is misdirection.

We have seen many, many evil totalitarian dystopias; but the evil-ness of these societies has always been portrayed as militaristic, violent and murdering. (That is, Luciferic evil.)

This is indeed natural, because in a godless and secular society; directly causing physical suffering seems to be the only kind of evil that people recognise. Thus in these modern dystopias, the baddies are bad because they torment, torture and kill lots of people.

Therefore, when a totalitarian society arises that does not (any more than usual) torment, torture and kill great masses of people - and what is more, was implemented without any uniformed, marching armies and by consent - then it just isn't noticed, and is indeed denied.

Misdirection has worked. 

A godless materialistic society has no belief in any purpose or meaning to life; therefore the idea of evilness as micro-control of behaviour and thought has no reality. It cannot be grasped.

Such a society denies the non-material, the spiritual - indeed it barely acknowledges the autonomous free agency of human beings; who are continually redescribed and modelled in terms of being wholly-determined or statistically-random in their actions. The existence of evil spirits is regarded as being childish, dumb or an insane delusion.

In such a world - and this is mainstream and mandatory in Western discourse - there can be no genuine intent, not even of humans; and everything is explained by the forces acting-upon humans.

One would have supposed that the indescribably vast evidence of humans planning and scheming throughout history and into the present might have had some traction - but no.

The only acceptable view is that stuff just happens, either because it must - or for no reason at all; but at any rate, evil strategies are ruled-out a priori (by assumption) because evil Men are not self-motivated and evil spirits don't exist.

The actually-existing Ahrimanic nature of modern evil is beyond comprehension; hence unrecognised; hence unopposed. The evilness of a society of omni-surveillance and total-control is seen only when this is used to pursue violence; and there is no conception of materialistic reduction being evil in itself.

In sum; when reality is spiritual, but Men are materialistic, then the basic nature and point of life become utterly invisible to consciousness. At an unconscious and inarticulate level; Men retain an awareness of spiritual realities - and it is this that causes the demotivation, fear and despair underlying much of the world today. But unconscious and inarticulate does not suffice.

Therefore, the best and most important thing that we can do is to bring to explicit consciousness these vague feelings and hunches about what has happened and the nature of this current situation. We need to make our-selves aware of that understanding already latent in us.

This is the indispensable first step... But towards what? The answer is: To the salvation of our souls, to life everlasting beyond death.

Those who don't want Heaven can get what they want under totalitarianism - they have no problem with being misdirected.

Those who want Hell or self-annihilation for themselves have no problem with totalitarianism, because it is a demonic mechanism of damnation. They can continue to live under misdirection.

But you may be different. If you want Heaven, if you are a Christian, you need to understand.

Saturday 2 July 2016

What is happening after Brexit? What caused it? What does it mean?

Whatever it is - it is not happening in the mass media, in the public domain.

Uncharacteristically, I have been scouring the mass media this past week for some wise discussion of Brexit; and have found none. Zilch.

My point is that nobody at all in the mainstream media is speaking from a true and real basis in the life of Britain. I detect wrongness and incomprehension everywhere.

The amazing thing is that vote and what it came from! There is (because there must be) some kind of unarticulated root or basis - something that came-through despite everything stacked against it. The very fact that it is unexpressed and unrepresented is how this Brexit motivation survived so strongly among the English in the face of solid and unrelenting adverse propaganda - soft- and hard-sell. 

Mainstream and visible politics is framed such that it neutralises and demonises the views implicitly revealed by the Brexit vote. The reality of the majority view cannot appear in the mass media - anything which does occasionally appear from that source, is so selected or distorted by the time it has appeared, as to be false and grossly misleading.

The Brexit vote is indirect evidence of a level of communication which is imperceptible; the nature and distribution of the vote combined with the nearly-total lack of any detectable spoken or written expression, demonstrates that there has been and is some kind of mutual linking of minds at a spiritual level.

And this spiritual network just does affect things. Why exactly has Brexit triggered both political parties to seek leadership change? (A mere swip-swapping of obviously and demonstrably inadequate personnel.)

It makes no sense - when you think about it logically; yet is seems 'inevitable' and it has happened. Why have the British and Euro elite gone crazy with hatred, except to try and reverse their collapsing morale and engulfing despair?  Their world view has proven to be dangerously (from their perspective) wrong. So why are they so keen to maintain it? Again, this makes no sense, except that they feel compelled to behave this way.

The elite leadership haven't a clue about what has just happened. A week later, the mainstream mass media has 'healed-over' and it is 'business as usual' with the whole matter reframed - but what else can they do? The source of Brexit is not objectively perceptible or measurable, and the majority of the elite will not risk attempting an empathic identification with motivations and understandings that they despise and fear.

(However, some surely will - and therefore we can expect to see sincere - as well as faked and subversively intended - significant spiritual repentance and rebirth from the intellectual elite.)

My understanding of the special evil of the modern world is that it is literally demonic, its source is 'supernatural' purposive evil entities - that is, personages imperceptible and undetectable by our senses and by scientific instruments. And their ultimate, strategic objective is to make the mass of people actually desire evil.

In the first place it is about such things as hypnotising the masses, getting them to sleepwalk into evil, unresisting, like sheep to the slaughter... but from an ultimate perspective, this is not enough. The underlying idea is not merely that people will passively consent to evil, but that they must be brought to a state of actively asking for and wanting evil. Only then the demons will have won.

People need to be induced to want ugliness, lies, and the destruction of virtue in all its forms. What is sought is the inversion of Good - so that what is truly Good is interpreted as evil; and what is evil is sought as a higher-Good. This is the ideal.

Such inversion of Good is extremely ambitious, to be sure - but there has been great and almost-uninterrupted progress towards the ideal over the past fifty years.

Modern evil has kept our eyes away from the reality of moral inversion, and - mostly - advertised its own higher good by refraining from direct violence.

(In a sense, moral inversion has been built upon pacifism. By making violence the ultimate evil, and non-violence the ultimate Good, secular Leftism has been enabled to destroy all other Goods. Demons spontaneously love violence - the physical infliction of pain and suffering; but by refraining from it they have been enabled to advance many other evils unobserved, unimpeded and indeed celebrated. For them, pacifism is a price worth paying! At least in the medium term. Presumably, when the fullness of evil is being approached, then the plan would be that  'normal violence will be resumed', and at that point regarded as a positive good. And with the public advocacy and celebration of sado-masochism as a sexual lifestyle option - this is something indeed already well-advanced.)

Since Brexit revealed that there is in fact a powerful and active system of human communication which is 'supernatural'; then it is clear why the Establishment rules have been, for several generations, that the supernatural will be ridiculed, ignored or denied in all pubic discourse - the supernatural has been declared not to exist, as a matter of metaphysical assumption. Yet, that is precisely where Brexit comes-from.

The ultimate source of purposive evil knows perfectly well the reality of the supernatural - because demons are themselves supernatural! However, the great mass of Establishment people who serve their purposes utterly deny even the possibility - and it is these people who are in the main, those whose brains 'exploded' on 24th June, and who are suffering a kind of melt-down of morale. They know that things - real things - can never be the same again (knowing what is now known) yet their only response to Brexit is to pretend that it can, will and should be deleted and forgotten.

The only response of the intellectual elite to to replace the facade.- But whereas until a week ago many people believed that the facade was real; now everybody knows that it is just a facade, including especially the people who are currently remaking it. The virtual reality of the mass media has been perceived as virtual - hence false; despite that nothing else, no alternative, exists in the explicit and perceptible realms. 

What of the demonic masters behind the Establishment? Their most loyal human servants have behaved in a wild, hysterical and counter-productive fashion - and thereby revealed themselves as untrustworthy and incompetent. And - even worse - they now know that they are not winning in the way they believed that they were. They now know that there is some kind of big thing going-on which they cannot detect or control; that the mass majority of people are not the atomised and alienated despairing units of perverted desire that the demons had supposed them to be. They know that the English (and to a lesser but significant extent British) people are joined by an invisible network; an unsuspected communication system.

Suddenly the demonic masters have recognised that - despite all appearances - they may perhaps be losing the battle rather than winning it.

Losing not in worldly terms; but in the ultimate and real War in Heaven, the 'game' of salvation and spiritual development towards divinity. There is a wide-spread but hidden knowledge, hidden consciousness, hidden communication - which they do not and cannot understand because they do not have access to it.

What will happen next in worldly measurable terms is unclear - and indeed of secondary importance. Because for those with imagination - as well as five senses - primary reality has shown itself to itself; and the consequences are certain to be profound, one way or another.

Monday 28 August 2023

Positive spiritual reasons for resisting the Empire-that-never-ended, for striving to escape the Black Iron Prison

Further considering the possibilities of life as a "secret Christian" - broadly along the lines of Philip K Dick's insight-fantasy - I am struck by the need for this to be more than merely a form of resistance to the oppressive power of the Empire-that-never-ended. To resist for long and without the support of others (which, nowadays, cannot be relied-upon); we need to be resisting for a reason; and that reason should be clear, positive and personal. 

Such double-negative day-dreams have been all-too dominant for the past couple of centuries; and have failed to provide either sufficient motivation to remain true to the Good, or to provide sufficient clarity and coherence of direction to overcome the temptations of an increasingly evil and System-dominated world. 

From my experiences and observations; the only thing that can positively motivate genuine resistance strongly and over a long timespan; is having some-thing/s innerly-motivated that one spiritually-needs to get done in life - but when this thing is opposed by the Empire. 

And this some-thing (or things) needs to be discovered in oneself, made explicit, and freely-given inward endorsement. 

Having something from within-oneself, and that thing regarded as Good, and contributing to divine creation... All this is a very powerful core motivator, and a motivation that may prevent inward acquiescence to the unrelenting and escalating System demands for ultimate obedience and thought-control. 

Of course; such a specific factor can only make a general difference when our understanding is generalized; as when one's own inward motivation is recognized as a part of that something much larger which is divine creation; when this apparently-distinct factor is understood as in truth a manifestation (real, however tiny) of love of God and fellow Men. 

In personal terms; this might mean that the basis of resistance could be the seed of recognizing that The System wants to crush exactly that within you that is most important and Good; that The System insatiably desires to enlist you personally to a very different, external - and evil - agenda. 

And that this external-evil agenda is in practice imposed-upon us, by the method of getting us to welcome it voluntarily; which is usually achieved by tapping-into that internal agenda of potential-for-evil which we all carry within us. 

The external-evil agenda is put-forward to our evaluation, as the best (or only possible) means to some internal goal - a goal that is usually evil, but may in fact be overall-Good... 

When, for instance (and this happened to me many times, and I saw it many times) service to the system Now, is depicted as the best way to achieve one's own best and inner objectives at some point in 'the future'... 

Thus have I (and many scientists, academics and doctors of my acquaintance) often been seduced by expedient evil options; actually inviting evil into our hearts; while telling ourselves that - by serving The System in the short-term, and thereby doing mediocre or even harmful work; we will (at some point in the longer term, not too far off) become better placed to escape The System demands...

If only (They say) you will consent to assist in building and staffing the Black Iron Prison for a little while; then soon you can become strong enough to escape, and set-up your own free community somewhere outside its reach!

And Then (at last!) we can really do that best work of which we are capable; and which we have carried in our hearts through the compromised-times of abetting-evil... 

Yet all too often, and indeed nearly always, the short-term service to the evil System is what actually happens in reality; and the long-term state of freedom to do what is right and best... never arrives - or, at least, is never actually implemented. 

The reasons are obvious enough; but the root is often that the person did not have some-thing that he really wanted to do: that his motivation was too weak to resist the manifold and unrelenting temptations to serve. 

I have come to believe that - in these modern conditions of human consciousness (because this was Not always the case in the past) - this is because: 1. our inner motivations and goals must be discovered by ourselves; 2. the motivations and goals must become clear and explicit to us; and 3. we need to take personal spiritual responsibility for pursuing those goals towards which our motivations are pointing. 

As I have already said; this is only a beginning in transforming negative-resistance into a positive life - but it is a beginning: potentially, if we choose to make it so. 

(And then the fantasy may become a reality - because each of us will then have become one of the "secret Christians" - always present, always active, never overcome!)


Saturday 29 October 2022

Demonic spite and resentment, on the cusp of nihilistic destruction

The recent act of European energy-supply sabotage - taken in its actual context - impressed me as one of the most shocking and blatant acts of calculatedly nihilistic destruction of which I am aware. 

That 'The West' is (here and now) capable of such a thing, defensible only by ridiculous lies and absurd projection. Yet exactly that insultingly-ridiculous absurdity was solemnly asserted throughout the globalist mass media and by (not-) 'national' (not-) leaders; and (apparently) believed by the unfathomably idiotic masses of the West, including those most affected! 

Well... in such a world, nothing of evil is ruled-out; almost anything could happen - even when it does not materially benefit anyone (any human, that is - which is the clue). 

I always expected that if the side of God, creation and The Good ever came to threaten the 'progress' of atheist-materialist-leftism; then the ultimate response of the dominant Establishment would be self-destructive; an attempt to blow-up The Whole Thing, and/or bring it tumbling-down. 

So, what is stopping the powers of destructive evil? Why are we still here; why are you reading this?

Well, those humans who are utterly in thrall to demons and in positions of power, are still in a minority; and must work with the consent of a larger assemblage of the greedy, the depraved, the power-crazed and the stupid. 

Destructive evil must still be cloaked in excuses and rationales - albeit the cloak may be flimsy and semi-transparent. 

These cloaking rationales do not need to be plausible by the standards of the past; because Men's minds - Men's thinking and insight - are by-now thoroughly corrupted by many decades of pervasive and rising materialism-atheism-leftism; willingly invited-into Men's hearts, and there nurtured.

But it is easy to see the cloaking process at work in the Western media (and, apparently, among the Establishment). 

Simply by talking incessantly about taboo possibilities, their shock and revulsion value is diminished by habituation. The once-unthinkable is actually thought; the once-undoable is modelled, and its pros and cons weighed. 

The clarity of stark moral simplicities is buried beneath (permitted) wrangling over (permitted) details, 'evidence' and rival models. 

The process is long-established in the media, in relation to all of the Big Lies upon which  the major strategies of evil are based (CO2 climate environmentalism, mass migration, antiracism etc). Stark, simple false assertions are buried beneath irrelevant quibbles over the 'validity' (and 'authority') of proximate 'data'. 

Anyway, there is no doubt in my mind that there is a powerful element in The West who are currently actively-engaged in the necessary 'manufacture of consent' among those with the necessary power; to escalate the Fire Nation versus West conflict into the most destructive possible conflagration

This goal of Mega-Destruction ASAP; is not 'for' any reason, other than that is what these individuals want; destruction is what gives them personal gratification. It comes from sheer spitefulness, triggered by their loss of global control. 

They do not need to gain from the destruction in terms of (for example) wealth, power, status or lust. They gain from the destruction of their 'enemies' - and that is enough. Such is the nature of spite. 

Indeed, when spite has mastery, individuals will self-harm, or even self-destruct*, in order to inflict suffering on those they most resent. 

(*e.g. This is seen in some suicides; and is indeed sometimes explicit in suicide messages or notes. "I'll kill myself, and then she'll be sorry." "You drove me to do this, and I want you to feel guilty for the rest of your life.")

The very fact that the Fire Nation has brought even a glimmer of hope to a world that - just two and a bit years ago - seemed to be caught inescapably in the grip of a unitary global totalitarianism that explicitly desired the full impoverishment, omni-surveillance and micro-control of nearly-all the population; is what fuels this spiteful destructiveness. 

We are seeing the very first movements of a tidal change against the core agenda of evil. Seemingly, the tide has actually turned, and events are (in totality, overall) moving against the totalitarian-progressive-leftist trend in several substantial parts of the world, for the first time in decades. 

This is, of course, existentially intolerable for those who have come to believe in the irresistible progression of their kind of inversional evil. 

They have had it all their own way for decades, but now - just as the world was in their grasp! - much of the world is turning-against them, defying their plans, opposing their values!

Materially speaking these are uniquely dangerous times. 

If the spiteful destroyers (at or near the top of power structures) get their way; we will soon (or today) begin to see acts of unprecedented destructiveness - designed to escalate rapidly and uncontrollably.

In my judgment; this will happen, unless those responsible are stopped from doing it. 

And the reason for stopping will have to be spiritual - since the world of material argument has been colonized and controlled by evil. 

In other words; there is currently an increased potential for spiritual growth among individuals in the West, as the spiteful become mastered by their destructive impulses, and as their cloaks of reasonableness and idealism become ever flimsier and more ragged.

I believe that this can be observed. It is part of things 'coming to a point'. 

The side of evil is getting more evil; and the side of good is separating-out, separating itself from evil goals bit by bit... and becoming more conscious of its own affiliation to God and creation. 

This divergence is observable on a month-by-month timescale - as can be seen from a comparison of the untruthfulness of leadership statements from either side. 

One side has incrementally built an empire of lies; lies built on lies, protected by ever-more (and more absurd) lies; with blatant projections of their own sins and motivations onto 'the enemy'. 

While the other side (remarkably!) has become more honest; and displays a increasingly balanced and complete understanding of the global situation, and the values and ideals at stake. 

All of which means that if mass destruction (of one kind or another) does Not happen soon; then things are probably looking-up, spiritually, for The World (if not for us in The West).  

Sunday 7 February 2021

But do Christians *really* need to discern evil? (Surely a Christian ought to give people the benefit of the doubt?)

Do Christians really need to discern evil? Yes! 

Christians really do need to discern evil, in the sense that evil is those who have taken the side against God; and Christians need to know who is on that side

When somebody (or some social institution) is on the side against God, we need to take a different attitude to them - towards what they tell us and what they do - than if they were on the side of God. 

Since we all live in society, and all must deal-with other people and with social institutions - we simply must discern which of these people and intuitions are overall and by motivation working against God, the Good and divine creation. 

And if we get it wrong, then we will will have joined the side of evil. 

If Christians mistakenly 'give the benefit of the doubt' to people and institutions (instead of trying to discern the truth as accurately as they can) - they will falsely regard actually-evil people and institutions as Good. 

And then these (self-identified) Christians will believe and propagate Big Lies; will act dishonestly in support of evil; and consent to be manipulated strategically, in multiple and coordinated ways, to destroy the virtue, beauty and truth of divine creation... 

Which is, of course, normal and mainstream behaviour nowadays among the millions of people who suppose themselves Christian but who actively serve Satan. 

That's how important it is to discern evil. 

Tuesday 9 July 2019

Evil must be invited-in; protection asked-for

Evil is very powerful and pervasive; but must be invited-within if evil is to damage our souls. Otherwise, we can grow and develop by our interaction with evil - we may build our strength against its resistance.

Protection (spiritual protection) is universally available, but must be asked-for. The Good Shepherd, the Holy Ghost, are always there; but we must choose to follow them.

This is because we are all mini-gods, gods in embryo; spiritual beings of (in some ways) immense power.

Especially in a negative sense. We can defy any amount or intensity of evil, simply by knowing evil and repenting it in our-selves. We can also - alone, unaided - deny, defy, or reject God the creator! (Many do.)

Of course, such inviting and asking is not merely verbal; but is an act of thinking; what is more, a conscious act of thinking. And because it is an act of thinking; it cannot be compelled, nor can it be prevented.

(To invite evil or ask for protection is a free act - which it could not be if it were unconscious.)

The devil cannot take us against our explicit wishes; and also God cannot shape our lives without our request; not even 'for our own good'.

We must consent. This is how it is.

Why is the sexual revolution so potent as an agent of self-damnation?

It is when evil is consented that it does spiritual damage.

If evil entities torment people without their consent, the person may be spiritually enhanced by the experience. This is why wars may (like WWII in the UK) apparently lead to a Christian revival - as people fight evil.

But evil consented-to is evil internalised - like with the sexual revolution.

The magnitude of an evil is, in the end, less important than whether it is resisted or embraced. An embraced trivial sin is generally far more harmful to the soul than a major sin repented. Even a trivial sin unrecognised as such, leads inexorably to more and worse sin; but a major sin repented is not harmful to the soul, and may be beneficial (St Paul, for example).

Sex is probably the second-most-powerful motivation in 'natural' men - religion being the first. Now moderns have dispensed-with (real) religion; for modern Men, sex reigns supreme as human motivator.

Most of the sexual sins are relatively trivial, in the great scheme of things. Therefore, modern people say: why not? Unasked, since they deny God in their hearts, is the proper question of whether some-sexual-thing is what God could plausibly want from them?

The danger is that with the sexual revolution what starts as why-not-it's-trivial? remains unrepented; then becomes no sin at all; then - since there are only two sides in the spiritual war - then becomes a virtue (to be defended, celebrated, funded, enforced...).

In such a situation, even a trivial sin rapidly becomes spiritually lethal; as we see all around us.

The Big Problem with the sexual revolution is, therefore, the combination of relatively-trivial sins combined with powerful motivation to embrace one or more such sins.

Obsessive desire synergizes with a perfect excuse to yield pride-full self-damnation and public advocacy of the same for other - which is an extremely evil result. 

Sunday 23 January 2022

The peck is a spiritual issue (ultimately and primarily) - because by Not imposing it universally, consent to pecking has been made into a spiritually decisive affiliation to evil

Francis Berger has highlighted a crucial negative fact, easily missed: that the peck has not been imposed on everybody in the world.  

Since early 2020 (and under the blanket excuse of the birdemic) there is a global System of totalitarian governance that has shown itself capable of rapidly (by mere diktat) imposing and enforcing international economic closures, house arrest of vast majorities, all manner of blocks to travel and basic human contact... 

Furthermore, it is able to impose ludicrously incoherent and labile 'narratives' that disguise and justify its own activities - by a monolithic control of all mainstream news and social media sources. 

In other words; we can observe here-and-now an orders-of-magnitude greater accumulation and concentration of both physical and psychological power than ever before in the history of the world. 

Therefore, and given that opposition to this centralized and totalitarian power has been rare and feeble, it is quite reliably possible to infer the intentions behind those who wield this power. It is possible, in other words, to infer what the powers are trying to do from what they have done - and in particular from what they have Not done. 

The peck has Not been forcibly imposed. 

The world population has been compelled to do, and not to do, a zillion things since 2020. 

Yet, people have not been forced to take the peck, despite that it certainly seems to be the number one agenda item for the global powers. 

I assume that the peck is physically harmful and the ultimate (top level) motivation behind its introduction and promotion includes the intent to harm billions of people in various possible ways, including death.

Includes this intent - but the intent to harm physically is not the ultimate intent. 

The ultimate intent is spiritual, not physical, harm - in other words the intent of the peck is damnation, not disease or death. 

As Francis Berger has explained lucidly; the peck could have been imposed on everybody in the world, everywhere in the world, but it was not. 

Many, many things have been imposed - but not the peck. 

The powers clearly desperately want all the masses to agree to take the peck. 

Propaganda to this effect is extreme, pervasive, unscrupulous, grossly dishonest, and relentless. 

Vast and elaborate systems of incentives have been put into place - so that people are rewarded for asking to be pecked; while those who refuse the peck have been punished with multiple and severe sanctions. 

Yet, the peck has not been imposed. 

From this can be inferred that it is of vital importance to the powers that each person (as many as possible) makes a personal choice to take the peck. 

Even the propaganda has been tailored in a personal way. It has been made a cause for celebration, an act of personal and moral development, of altruism and social solidarity. It is an officially-validated advertisement of virtue to take the peck. 

Conversely, the peck-refusers are depicted as selfish, dumb, cowardly, psychopathic - evil

All this makes clear (to spiritual discernment) that the peck is ultimately, but decisively, a spiritual choice - which in official materialist discourse translates as a choice of values

The peck is presented officially as a spiritual choice, and it is seen as a spiritual choice by many serious Christian - indeed, by serious Christians of all denominations. 

Therefor the choice about the peck is a choice of value-systems - which, for Christians, means a proxy for the choice between the two sides of God and Satan the spiritual war. 

The dispute is  about the nature of the two sides pro- and anti-peck. Which side is Good and which is evil? 

The peck is a product of The System, and is being advocated and implemented by essentially-all major institutions, corporations, governments and media - everywhere in the world with unprecedented sustained aggression. 

Therefore, one side in this spiritual war of values is clearly the side of The System. 

Therefore, our choice about the peck is necessarily a decision either for, or against, The System; because compliance with the peck is a choice in favour of System values and goals. 

Agreeing to the peck is a spiritual act of affiliation to The System, its values and spiritual intent. 

Therefore, every Christian in the world needs to decide for himself whether The System is Good or evil; in service to God or Satan.

Every Christian needs to decide whether The System is motivated towards our salvation or damnation; our help or our harm.

Such choices always are personal, never can be compelled. 

The System could have removed the peck from the arena of choice and forced it upon the world. But then it would not have been a spiritual choice. 

Instead The System decided to leave the peck unenforced,  exactly so that our choice of yes becomes a spiritual choice, a decision of affiliation to The System.

Because when The System is ultimately demonic; then to choose system values is also to choose our own damnation.    

Note: It is, of course, possible for a Christian to repent any sin - any choice of affiliation to the side of evil - and thus attain salvation. But repentance has to be chosen -and that requires acknowledgement of having-sinned. 

Evil must, like a vampire, be invited-in. The greater the degree of choice, the less the degree of compulsion - the less likely is repentance. 

The peck strategy tries to present itself as-if mandatory, to provide an untrue excuse for peck-choosers; while ensuring that in reality consent has been chosen. 

The peck-complier may say that he 'had to' take the peck, that he had 'no choice'; which rationalization conceals his own decisive act of consent, his own sin. 

This insidious combination makes repentance less likely. 

Saturday 13 January 2024

The Empire Strikes Back! The current Ahrimanic (globalist) backlash in the United Nations

(For once!) I seem to have been correct in my prediction that the current Arrakis war is being exploited (and, very likely has been set-up) as a way of re-asserting globalist totalitarian bureaucratic control, especially via their long-favoured tool of the United Nations. 

The current quasi-legal proceedings against CHOAM is being accepted as A Good Thing by many supposedly awakened and skeptical radicals who, a mere few months ago, would have recognized the UN as an agent of Ahrimanic evil; an institution designed to be a prime agent of the intended internationalist tyranny of a System of mass omni-surveillance and micro-control. 

But now; this same UN is being regarded as a beacon of impartial law, defender of the weak and innocent, wielded against a rogue-state; and its powerful, wealthy, reckless and cruel Western backers*...

(*Although the worst that can be said against The West and CHOAM is true; on the one hand this was made so by those same powers who are now shrouding themselves in the mantle of Justice; while on the other hand the solution on-offer is as evil - in its different mode - as the problem it affects to address.)

To me, the situation has, very obviously, been manipulated into being by the Empire (that is, the Empire that never ended, the Black Iron Prison); who are fighting back against the chaos-loving, war-mongering, destructive Sorathic factions (arising within the Empire itself) who delight in human suffering and death for its own sake - and even at the cost of weakening or breaking The System; and who have are waxing ascendant in the ruling classes of The West since at least the summer of 2020^.

(^This may need clarification. My understanding is that The Empire is an Ahrimanic project; but that Sorathic individuals arise within it as a kind of psychopathic and parasitic element, and these individuals form a faction who band together expediently to indulge their purposively destructive agenda. This can be seen, perhaps, in US politics where a small but powerful faction within the leadership - successfully cooperate to create and amplify torture, war, famine, mass death - and other forms of chaotic destruction.) 

The Ahrimanic agenda includes the discrediting and elimination of all nations, especially those with power or who display any desire for autonomy. There is zero national loyalty among the totalitarian bureaucrats - although they are happy to allow and encourage nationalism insofar as it can be manipulated towards that destructive end. Which is precisely what is afoot. 

They are very keen to destroy all the Western nations, who are all very keen to be destroyed; and even keener to destroy any nations such as CHOAM (and the Fire Nation) who desire to survive. This is attempted by trying to reshape nationalism into resentment, and transform the desire to survive into the desire for revenge - both of which will be likely to lead to reckless and self destructive behaviour. 

So far this has failed in the Fire Nation, but succeeded spectacularly in CHOAM, which is behaving in ways almost guaranteed to lead to its own utter annihilation. 

So - the situation is set-up in which there is apparently a forced-choice between (Ahrimanic) global totalitarianism, and (Sorathic) global war; that is - between tyranny and death. 

(Indeed, in an ultimate sense, the choice between chosen slavery to Satan, and indirect suicide.) 

And, as always with evil - the choice is real in the sense that (to be spiritually effective) we need to consent to evil: to invite evil into our hearts. For example, by enthusiastically regarding as our saviour and supporting the UN... with all that implies+.  

In such a situation; the only escape from embracing one or another of the twin evils of worldly expediency, and thereby taking the side of evil; is a perspective that is Not of This World

As seems more and more often the case: the age of neutrality is passed, things have come to a point; we are being corralled into making an ultimate existential choice for God and Heaven - or actively enlisting against them.

+Note added: I do not think that this current Ahrimanic backlash will be effective in reversing the progression towards Sorathic destruction; partly because this trajectory is the inevitable direction of those who are allied to evil; and partly because reckless destruction is so much easier and more rapid than making and sustaining a System of global totalitarianism

Thursday 29 July 2021

An ongoing world system of mandatory multiple pecking/ implanting: The real choice about pecking

"The peck" is a misnomer - not only because "peck" includes many and different agents; but because what is at stake is not one, nor two, nor any specific number of pecks of any particular kind - but a world where mandatory pecking (and, we should presume, any other insertion of technological devices or substances) is simply part of 'life' - something that continues as often as the authorities wish and without end or limit. 

So "the" peck is doubly misleading. What is already at stake is that several interventions - with different methods, effects, and adverse effects -  are being talked of as if they were one; and as if it didn't matter which was given. This is clearly the case: despite differences, the authorities do not mind which peck is given so long as every person submits to pecking - as and when 'required'. 

Furthermore, the evidence is already obvious (and was knowable in advance) that the pecks are unnecessary, ineffective and harmful. This makes the escalating insistence upon them at best nonsensical, more accurately gross (unprecedented) malpractice, from a medical perspective. 

Yet if these pecks are understood merely paving the way for a system of continuous mandated pecking with... whatever the authorities decide should be inserted into humans... then the whole thing makes sense. 

"They" don't distinguish between different pecks because the focus is not upon the birdemic, but upon a establishing a new and invasive system of social control. The idea is that in future (i.e. the next few eeks) everybody should always accept whatever pecks They require - however many pecks, and pecks for whatever purpose

(Knowing what we (ought to) know about the people running the world; these purposes could plausibly include making specific people or populations sick in specific ways; and killing either individuals or masses in a deniable fashion - by multiple agents, or agents with multiple/ delayed lethal effects. And if you think this scenario is absurd, then I'm afraid you must either be ignorant or self-blinded by false assumptions.)

This is not my discovery, nor is this agenda anything new. David Icke, for example, has been telling us that exactly this is coming for a couple of decades. Such correct predictions are possible because the aimed-at destination is known. Pecking is interwoven with the global totalitarian New World Order agenda that goes back more than a century, with Agenda 2030, with The Great Reset, with the transhumanist agenda - and seems to be based upon the intention to make people into some kind of hybrid between Men and technology. 

The 'promise' would be that this envisaged 'world-of-pecks' would be good for human happiness, health and functionality. But the genuine yet covert intent would be surveillance and control of human behaviour (and ultimately, They believe, human thinking) - and the actual effect of multi-pecking on human happiness, health and functionality is of little or no interest. 

The birdemic peck provides us with an example of what is coming - if They are able to follow Their plans. We can already perceive from the fact that the peck is in-practice unnecessary/ ineffective/ harmful - yet They still want to force it upon everybody in the world; that They are indifferent or hostile to human happiness, health and functionality. 

This fact ought to tell us a great deal about Them and Their motivations. And warn us of what They would be intending to do with unlimited ability to inject/ insert/ implant whatever They wanted into human bodies

The intent is that They will unilaterally decide how (and how much) to modify Our bodies; and We will accept whatever They insist-upon, gratefully.

Now - I do not believe that the transhumanist project is possible - in particular I do not believe that human thinking can be monitored or controlled by technology. That idea is just an erroneous consequence of materialist modelling, that ignores such primary realities that real thinking is spiritual in nature, and a 'product' of our real self which is divine. 

Thinking just isn't the kind of thing that can be monitored or controlled. 

But crude kinds of surveillance tracking bugs, or drug/ hormone manipulations could be accomplished by 'injectable' agents and technology. Pain could be inflicted, disease encouraged. 

As we are seeing with the birdemic peck; increased mass suffering and deaths could easily be imposed, sometimes deliberately, at others due to stupidity and incompetence. 

My point here is that the decision we are confronted-with Now is not between getting 'the peck' or not. The choices will not stop here. This is just the first of many choices. 

The eventual choice is about whether we agree to a long-term system of mandatory, imposed, continuous pecks for multiple reasons and regardless of their effect. 

That is where we are being led - step by step. They want Us to want that kind of world - want Us to agree that would be a necessary and Good way of living for everybody in the world to submit to... whatever They say is Good for Us. 

"The" birdemic peck is only the first of many steps. But we need to remember that this is a spiritual war, a war over souls; and Their objective is to make people reject salvation and choose damnation. 

In principle, as totalitarians ruling a compliant materialist/ atheist/ leftist mass population, They could forcibly impose any evil on anybody. But their goal is to make people want evil. 

That is why the birdemic peck is the first step. If the people can be induced into wanting that which is unnecessary/ ineffective and harmful just on the say-so of an Establishment-media that is known to be evil. And to want this imposed everywhere, on everybody and forever - and whatever.

If that stuff can become desired by Men - then those Men are damned. 

But those who perceive the truth of 'what is going-on' and withhold their consent from being recruited-into this plan and onto the side of evil; have already defeated this strategy of evil in themselves. 

Note: Just because the world-of-universal-endless-pecks is planned, does not mean that it will happen. It may never happen, it may not happen everywhere, it may not happen soon. For that reason even merely delayed compliance is important - especially when delay is extended and extended. Plus - every act of delayed compliance to evil itself requires the evil system to expend more resources, and creates thereby more difficulty and inner tension - it weakens evil a little. So if in doubt - delay, delay, delay. 

Friday 2 July 2021

The birdemic peck - Why Not?

The way things work under a totalitarian demonic dictatorship is... instructive. 

Those of us who have been the subject of politically correct witch hunts over recent decades, or who have friends or colleagues thus demonized, were given a vivid advance-experience of what everybody-in-the-world is now getting. 

(Albeit, very few of the witch-hunted learned the right lessons, or indeed any lessons - then as now. Experience only favours the prepared mind - and in a materialist, leftist, atheist world - extremely few minds are prepared to learn from experience.) 

Everybody-in-the-world has-been or will-be confronted with the decision of whether or not to accept the birdemic peck. 

Of course - at some point, maybe soon - pecking may become mandatory and compelled; but the demons regard it as spiritually important that we consent to our own corruption (ideally we should embrace it, want it); so compulsion may not affect our spiritual decision. 

Because to be physically-compelled to participate in evil, against one's spiritual judgment; and/but then to repent this - is in fact a victory for God. 

The matter of the peck is confused by materialist expedience

Of course it is physically harmful (that is a genuine no-brainer) - only the scope of which is uncertain; but that is not the real point... 

If pecking is avoided because of physical harm as such - this is not a spiritual decision but merely one kind of expedience - an expedience that values physical health above social acceptance. 

So peck-rejecters might well be ultra-materialists, hence on the demonic side. 

In sum; to be good, the peck must be rejected for the right reasons

The peck is a unprecedentedly-massive illustration of the established facts that the social activities, the professional and powerful institutions of science and medicine are dead - having been incrementally absorbed into the single global bureaucracy over the past 50-plus years, and become systemically-dishonest. But even if they weren't dead; neither science nor medicine are grounds for existential decisions concerned with salvation. 

So why not the peck? If material expedience should not be our priority, then why not go along? Why Not inwardly consent to the easiest, the mandatory, path? 

Not many people will be able to avoid such a thought rising in their minds. And the 'why not?' question is unanswerable for many/ most modern Men - especially given the extreme cowardice and habitual dishonesty engendered by denial of God and the spiritual. 

Is there any simple and clear answer to this deadly formulation of Why Not? Preferably an answer that does not require multiple assumptions and long chains of reasoning. An answer that fits with common sense human reasoning, and does not require expert knowledge of exactly what the peck may do, or is intended to do...

I think the best answer comes from knowledge of the spiritual war of this mortal world between God and evil; and the inference that those who advocate the peck are on the side of evil. 

Once this is clear, then it is obvious that we should not do what They are very keen we should do. 

We may not, probably do not, know exactly why They so-very-much want us to do 'it' (whatever 'it' may be); but (given their clear and sustained intent) we can be confident that 'it' will be for a bad reason and to cause us spiritual harm: tending towards damnation. 

When dealing with evil people, that is with habitual and gross liars, it is often (in practice) impossible to establish what specific evil reason They are intending. 

But whatever it is, we can be sure that it is evil; and is meant to damn us. 

And that is all we need to know.