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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger MagnusStout said...

A very thought-provoking post.

The mirror analogy is very powerful. Intuition and experience are routinely denigrated today. The Birdemic reveals our values: personal experiences and intuition are summarily denied, excluded and mocked in favor of “mere intelligence and demonically-poisoned arbitrariness.”

Perhaps this is part of the link between the increase in demonic activities in the world and the explosion of “virtuality” and technology. Perhaps that is the “final step” in the System: to not only link all other systems into TheSystem, but, finally, the human mind. Traveling “into” the mirror?

If we are all ultimately accountable for our actions this mortal period, then we cannot be excused for choosing Evil—even if we relied upon (“well-meaning”) external authorities. If we seek God and open up our hearts completely, then the gift of the Holy Spirit is the one, essential guide we need. I think this is essentially your point that “All church tradition, theology, authority and scripture must be evaluated by experiential spiruality - which discernment is now primary.”

While I do think there is enormous treasures contained in the writings of the Church Fathers, my instinct is to rely upon what people do, rather than what they say (even Satan quotes Scripture and can cloak himself as an Angel of Light). Thus, authority should flow from right actions and right actions should flow from right discernment. Conversely, failing to discern leads to immoral action. And, you’ve rightfully pointed out that the vast majority of priests and pastors simply bent the knee to Caesar without any outward discernment of Good and Evil.

We must choose. And, I think most people—if they really listen to that voice of conscience—should simply “know” (and “see”) that this is Evil. “Discernment” today is like the wearing of the “sunglasses” in that 1988 American science-fiction campy action horror film written and directed by John Carpenter, “They Live.”

30 October 2020 at 18:56

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

"“Discernment” today is like the wearing of the “sunglasses” in that 1988 American science-fiction campy action horror film written and directed by John Carpenter, “They Live.”"

Yes, except there are more aliens than humans, nowadays.

30 October 2020 at 23:16