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Anonymous ben said...

I think sorath is to greed what lucifer is to lust.

A nightmare scenario of everyone in the world senselessly, self-destructively attacking each other (jumping onto the train tracks for the thrillful horror of it) is exactly the sort of thing greedful sorathic vampires want to see.

21 January 2023 at 09:44

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@ben - The self-blinding in The West is something that never ceases to astonish me. What is happening - the fabrication of multiple virtual narratives utterly divorced from reality, and the set-up of multiple pressures and trends leading towards global war - is about as obvious as such things ever can be; and yet...

On the other hand, it *may* be that this business is precisely (what gets called) Karmic: i.e. simply the operation of causes and effects operating predictably but invisibly, at the spiritual level.

If enough people, especially among those with power, have internalized the value-inversions of Western ideology, then clearly the outcomes are inevitably going to be very bad indeed. People are simply getting what they covertly want.

21 January 2023 at 17:44