Install Emergency Blue Lights on University of Georgia's Campus

Install Emergency Blue Lights on University of Georgia's Campus

February 22, 2024
This petition made change with 25,969 supporters!

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Why this petition matters

Started by UGA Student

As female student at the University of Georgia, I am deeply heartbroken and alarmed by the recent murder that occurred on our campus. This tragic event happened in a park where many women, including myself, used to feel safe. Many students this morning even spoke of plans to visit Lake Herrick to enjoytoday's beautiful weather. Lake Herrick is owned by UGA, a place we trusted. 

The lack of emergency blue lights has been an ongoing issue that can no longer be ignored. These lights can instantly contact the police and make them aware of a dangerous situation. They can also deter crimes. According to the National Institute of Justice, improved street lighting led to crime reduction in about half of the areas studied (Farrington & Welsh, 2002). By implementing enhanced lighting systems across campus and installing blue lights for emergency calls, we can significantly improve safety conditions for all students. Campuses across the United States are pleading for better lighting as a safety measure. 

Many students walk around campus at night to attend classes or study sessions. Our female students, when first visiting campus, notice UGA's roads and sidewalks are remarkably dark or dimly lit at night. The fear of being unsafe should not be an additional burden on their academic journey. 

The University of Georgia created UGASafe, an application that has abundant safety features, including a mobile blue light. We plead for additional safety measures. Students may be unfamiliar with the application, and a smartphone may offload the app after prolonged periods of no use. Blue lights would provide a guaranteed form of communication in times of danger. 

We are calling upon the University of Georgia administration in Athens, GA to take immediate action. We urge them to prioritize student safety by implementing these necessary changes swiftly and effectively.

Please join us in this crucial effort by signing this petition today. Let's ensure our campus is a safe space for everyone who calls it home.


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