Uphold the Authenticity of Tolkien's Middle-earth in Lord of the Rings Online MMORPG

Uphold the Authenticity of Tolkien's Middle-earth in Lord of the Rings Online MMORPG

May 10, 2023
Signatures: 23Next Goal: 25
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Why this petition matters

Started by Will Whitfoot

To: Standing Stone Games

As a passionate community of J.R.R. Tolkien enthusiasts, we have long appreciated the opportunity to explore the captivating world of Middle-earth through the Lord of the Rings Online MMORPG. We recognize the challenges inherent in adapting such an iconic and beloved work of literature into an interactive experience, and we commend your efforts in bringing Tolkien's vision to life for millions of fans worldwide.

However, we feel compelled to address our concerns regarding the recent inclusion of new avatar customization choices for the race of men in Middle-earth. These additions feature African and Asian-looking avatars and facial hair options for female humans, which, while well-intentioned, are not part of J.R.R. Tolkien's original legendarium. As devoted fans, we believe that the integrity of Tolkien's Middle-earth must be preserved to maintain the immersive experience we have come to expect and cherish.

Moreover, we are alarmed to learn that loyal players voicing their concerns about these changes have been banned from the official company forums. We believe that open dialogue and constructive criticism are essential to fostering a healthy community and ensuring the continued success of the game.

In light of these concerns, we, the undersigned, respectfully request the following:

  • Reevaluate and reverse the avatar customization choices that deviate from J.R.R. Tolkien's original descriptions and intentions for the races and characters in Middle-earth. As scholars and admirers of Tolkien's work, we believe that preserving the authenticity of his legendarium is crucial to the game's continued appeal and success.
  • Reinstate the loyal players who have been wrongfully banned from the official company forums, allowing for a respectful and open dialogue about the game's direction and adherence to Tolkien's vision. By fostering a sense of community and understanding, we can work together to preserve the enchanting world of Middle-earth for future generations.
  • Encourage active engagement between Standing Stone Games and the Lord of the Rings Online community, involving scholars, fans, and players in discussions about potential changes to the game. Through collaborative efforts, we can ensure that the game remains true to its source material while providing a rewarding and immersive experience for all

We understand that the task of adapting Tolkien's Middle-earth for an interactive medium is a complex and nuanced endeavor. However, we remain steadfast in our belief that maintaining the integrity of Tolkien's vision is paramount. We thank you for your consideration and eagerly await your response.

Will Whitfoot

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Signatures: 23Next Goal: 25
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