
How to get the best life insurance and the cheapest price

Life insurance isn't the most enticing of purchases but it could end up being the most important financial product you ever buy, as it will protect your loved ones if family disaster strikes. We explain what you need to know and how to get the best life insurance policy and the cheapest price.

AIG knocked £23k off life insurance payout over a £253 birthday mistake

Even honest mistakes can mean insurers dock how much they pay - and for life insurance that is often only discovered after the death of the policyholder. Major life insurer AIG only paid out the £23,000 after we intervened, so the problem serves as a cautionary tale for policyholders to check their details carefully.

But many insurers sold whole-of-life policies with very cheap initial premiums which then soared by up to ten times in price, according to law firm WLI Claims.

Too fat for life insurance: Edmund is one of 1.4MILLION people whose weight means they

With a new wife and a baby on the way, personal finance blogger Edmund Greaves decided it was time to take out a life insurance policy. But when he contacted one leading firm it was made quite clear that if he proceeded with an application, he would be declined cover. The reason was his weight. Aged 34, Edmund weighed in at 25stone - meaning he had a body mass index of 49.3.

One in five of us is likely to suffer a major illness before retirement, but the majority of us have no financial protections in place if things do go wrong.

This type of insurance pays out to you if you can't work due to an injury. It doesn't pay you out a lump sum - instead it will provide a monthly income until you return to work or retire.

I am a single mum with two children and I got life insurance when my eldest was born. Now I’m wondering if it’s worth having in addition to the work life cover or if I should cancel it?

A stock photo of a doctor and nurses wheeling a patient in gurney down hospital corridor.

CWJK6M Doctor and nurses wheeling patient in gurney down hospital corridor. Image shot 2012. Exact date unknown.

Nobody likes to think about bad things happening, so it's little surprise many people fail to take out protection insurance. We explain what you need to know.

Your rights at work if you fall ill

When you are diagnosed with a serious illness, including cancer, there are a whole host of practical issues you unfortunately need to tackle alongside treatment for the disease. One of the most significant being your job. For some this means juggling work alongside your treatment while for many people the struggle is getting back after recovery.

Grappling with the benefits monster can be daunting, particularly for those struggling with common side effects such as nausea, fatigue and chemo brain so here's everything you need to know.

Those going through cancer treatment and coping with the after effects are faced with a whole host of extra costs. Here's where you can get help from energy bills to wigs.

Mention the 'C' word and insurers see pound signs - either that or they slam the proverbial door in your face. At least that's how it can feel. Here's our guide to getting cover with a pre-existing illness.

Sorting out your personal finances can be difficult at the best of times. But what's it like when you're seriously ill?
