HERMISTON — A racist letter that recent Umatilla County commissioner candidate Jonathan Lopez claimed was left anonymously in his mailbox was written by Lopez himself, according to Lopez and Hermiston Police Chief Jason Edmiston.

On Monday, July 6, Edmiston said in an email that Lopez had confessed that he wrote the letter. Edmiston said the case would be forwarded to the Umatilla County District Attorney’s office for review for initiating a false report, a Class A misdemeanor in Oregon.

(3) comments


Not to defend this person or his actions, but fwiw, lying that you served in the military isn't in the 2013 Stolen Valor Act; it's only if you both fraudulently claim military honors *and* you materially benefit from the lie.


He looks a bit like Jussie Smolett.

Cody Benson

Jade McDowell, what a great article, well written and informative. Thank you for reporting the truth in a time when truth will get you cancelled. I hope justice comes for this guy and that he can find understanding about how awful the thing he did and how much his lies hurt his community and those who associate with him.

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