How Your Fundraiser Description Length Influences Donations + Tips to Show Up in Search Results

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| 4 min read Fundraising Strategy

Adding the right details, and ensuring you have enough of them (aka word count) is a helpful factor in generating online donations for your crowdfunding fundraiser. While there is no guarantee or exact formula to ensure your fundraiser will “rank” on search engine pages, we have a few tips to help it show up when searched for. With our advice, it’s simple to learn how to make your fundraiser description length the perfect amount to heighten visibility and attract donations.

Read on for details about using our recommendations to:

  • – Use exact names when possible, not just abbreviations. For example, if you are fundraising for a club or program, use the full name in addition to the abbreviation
    – Increase your fundraiser’s visibility by aiming to add enough details about what, who, why you’re fundraising (~400 words)
  • – Choose keywords to make your cause easier for supporters to find in search engines (For example, instead of just “U10 championships” say the state, city, etc.)
  • – Prioritize important details in your story that inspire donations
  • – Using the update feature in your GoFundMe dashboard, post regular updates to increase awareness and support for your cause and keep the fundraiser active
  • – Add a public YouTube video link

1. Description length increases your fundraiser visibility in online searches

Aim to add enough details that add up to at least 400 words in the description of your cause. Adding enough details to your fundraise increases the likelihood of visibility on search engines like Google. The better you describe your current hardship, your reasons for needing to start a fundraiser, and detailed plans for how you are going to use the money you raise, the more often your fundraiser will show up when people search.

This increased visibility will have a direct correlation on the amount of money you can raise. For best results, we recommend no fewer than 400 words; 800 is better, and around 1,000 is ideal.

2. Use words that make your online fundraising page easier to find

When comfortable, use the full name of the beneficiary (person or organization you are fundraising for) in your fundraiser name and URL, so that it is easy for people to find a fundraiser and donate. Many people will decide whether to visit your page solely based on the text in your URL link and page title, so choose these words carefully. Don’t miss our blog post about fundraiser title tips.

Be thoughtful about your choice of words, personalization, spelling, and quality of the content on your fundraiser page. 

3. Details motivate compassion and online donations

How does each sentence of your donation page help people get to know your beneficiary? Descriptions lead to online donations by helping viewers develop compassion and understand how their support will make a difference.

Make sure your text is honest, personal, and specific in explaining your beneficiary’s situation, why help is needed, and what results you expect. For a sampling of successful approaches, these fundraisers offer inspiring descriptions of more than 400 words each:

4. Add a YouTube video

Did you know you can make your fundraiser image a YouTube link?

YouTube videos are a great way to tell your fundraising story and provide an extra way for people to learn about your cause. For more information, check out how to add a YouTube video to your GoFundMe.

5. Post updates to keep your fundraiser fresh

Your GoFundMe Dashboard makes it easy for you to keep donors and potential donors updated on your process or need. By posting milestone or timely updates that contain more information, you keep supporters in the loop and offer them news to share on social media. Follow these fundraiser update tips for more information.

Wondering how many words you’ve written? To find the word count of your description, paste the text into a web-based word-counting site, such as Word Counter.

To start raising money online, create your fundraiser. For more advice about developing your description, use our tips to write your fundraiser story.

Start your fundraiser

Written by GoFundMe