Fraternity/Sorority Fundraising Ideas in the Time of Social Distancing

Fraternity philanthropy is a long-time tradition. Whether you’re helping out at your local soup kitchen or hosting a fundraiser for a larger organization like Doctors Without Borders, giving back is a rewarding activity and a great way to show your campus community that you care. 

The word “philanthropy” denotes a solemn, involving task, but hosting a charity event doesn’t have to be a drag. Fraternity/sorority fundraising ideas should be fun and creative if you want to get more participation from your house. However, it’s not that easy to come up with engaging ideas for philanthropy events, especially during COVID-19. We’ve compiled a list of creative fraternity fundraiser ideas you can do remotely or with social distancing measures observed. 

Start a GoFundMe

Four students in their cap and gowns

Why do fundraising? 

Not only does philanthropy work to solve a social problem that our community faces, but it also supports projects and endeavors that may be too unpopular or controversial to gain widespread support. But for college students, fraternity fundraising is about much more than solving social problems. 

The work involved with fundraising cultivates soft skills that will help you in your future career. One of the main skills you need to learn as a fundraiser organizer is communication. It’s difficult to convince people to donate their money without great communication and interpersonal skills. It also develops grit, multitasking, and social awareness, among other skills. 

As a fraternity, helping other people together is one of the best ways you can foster unity and camaraderie among your sisters or brothers. 

Fundraiser ideas for fraternities

Sell custom t-shirts

A college student can never have too many t-shirts. That’s why this is one of the most popular, and effective, fraternity/sorority fundraising ideas. Design custom t-shirts and sell them through an online distributor. The best thing about this idea is that your customer is not limited to college students. However, you should design with your fellow students in mind and make cool, exciting designs that many will want to wear. Be sure to include the message of the charity you’re raising money for and your fraternity’s brand.

Host a virtual concert

The show must go on, even with social distancing. Live streaming a concert is a great way to raise awareness for a cause because everybody will be looking at the screen. Direct people to a GoFundMe page where the campaign details are provided. Better yet, you can ask the performers to mention the purpose of the concert and how to donate every so often during their performance.

You can ask your frat members and other campus bands to perform or approach local artists to donate their time.

Online date auction

Online contests and competitions are fun, easy, and interactive, and it doesn’t get more exciting than a date auction. Create an auction that is connected to your cause, select a handful of frat brothers who are popular with the ladies, and ask everyone to join.

To raise money, participants should pay to enter and audience members should pay to bid. The winners get to have a two-hour “virtual date” with their catch and money is raised for charity at the same time.

Sorority fundraising ideas

Start a cookie delivery service

Get your sisters together and bake cookies to sell to your campus community. The best thing about selling food as a fundraising idea is that campus students are usually hungry. Spread the word with posters around campus and social media posts. Don’t forget to include information on the charity the proceeds will benefit.

When people make orders, have them provide an address so they can get the cookies dropped off at their doorstep.

Send a care package

Everyone appreciates a gift, especially when it’s a thoughtful one. School can be hard, and anything that eases the stress is bound to be appreciated. Your sorority can put together care packages and get people to order them for friends. This is one of the sorority philanthropy ideas that everyone can be involved in, as people can send packages to their significant others, their best friends, and more. You can raise more money for charity if you buy the items in bulk and make the care packages yourself.

Virtual rom-com night

Select a popular romantic comedy that you know your sisters will love, and then set a time for everyone to start the movie together. On the side, create a chat room where everyone can interact. Have a team of people facilitate discussions on the fundraiser and encourage donations through a GoFundMe page.

Philanthropy events for fraternities and sororities

Host a virtual walk or run

Walks and runs have been used to raise money for decades, so why not make it modern by hosting a virtual walk/run event. Anyone can participate in a virtual run–all they need to do is pay an entry fee. Frat brothers and sorority sisters can go the extra mile of asking their family and social circles to pledge or donate to the cause.

Attendees run whenever or wherever they like and log their distances and times when they’re done.

Start your fundraiser today 

GoFundMe, one of the best crowdfunding sites available, is the easiest way to get your fundraising ideas for fraternity philanthropy started. Just set up a profile, tell the story behind your charity, and upload photos and videos to start raising money for your charity.

Start a GoFundMe