安藤サクラは、人間くささを愛する──映画『BAD LANDS バッド・ランズ』インタビュー

『クライマーズ・ハイ』や『日本のいちばん長い日』などで知られる名匠、原田眞人監督の最新作『BAD LANDS バッド・ランズ』が、9月29日(金)に公開される。主演を務めた安藤サクラに、「演じること」へのユニークな視点から、共演の山田涼介への想いまで、じっくりと話を訊いた。
安藤サクラは、人間くささを愛する──映画『BAD LANDS バッド・ランズ』インタビュー

-English follows Japanese-

直木賞作家・黒川博行の小説『勁草』を、原田眞人監督が映画化した『BAD LANDS バッド・ランズ』。大阪の片隅で特殊詐欺に加担する橋岡煉梨(ネリ)と、その弟である矢代穣(ジョー)が思いがけず大金を手に入れ、さまざまな悪に追われる様子を描いたクライムサスペンスだ。主人公のネリを演じたのは、話題作への出演が続く、安藤サクラ。特殊詐欺の受け子のリーダーを生業とする役どころに、どう臨んだのか。

『BAD LANDS バッド・ランズ』より




トロンプルイユトップ ¥152,900、レザーパンツ ¥531,300、バングル(右)¥183,700(左)¥255,200 by LOEWE(ロエベ ジャパン クライアントサービス/03-6215-6116)


本当? うれしいです。


うそ!?(笑) あれはどこで見つけたんだっけなぁ……。今回は衣装が宮本まさ江さんで、昔からよく知っている方だったので一緒にいろいろお店を回って衣装を探したんですよ。

『BAD LANDS バッド・ランズ』より




『BAD LANDS バッド・ランズ』より


たとえば、撮影初日の前に、ネリが暮らしている部屋を見せてもらったんです。懸垂ができるような器具が置いてあって、台本には「家でトレーニングをしている」というト書きがありました。でも、そこでネリが「フン! フン!」って鍛えているのはイメージが湧かなかった。それよりも、せっかく部屋に鴨居があるんだから、これを使うほうが彼女らしいんじゃないかと思ったんです。


パンプス ¥137,500 by LOEWE(ロエベ ジャパン クライアントサービス/03-6215-6116)



『BAD LANDS バッド・ランズ』より



ニット ¥272,800 by JIL SANDER BY LUCIE AND LUKE MEIER(ジルサンダージャパン/0120-919-256)





『BAD LANDS バッド・ランズ』より


いや、本当に。こういうふうに『BAD LANDS バッド・ランズ』についてインタビューを受ける前に、撮影からけっこう時間が経っているし、自分の中でいろいろ思い出しながらスマートフォンにメモを作ってみたんですよ。そうしたら、ひたすら山田くんを褒めちぎるメモができあがっていたくらい(笑)。きっと今までもたくさんの人を魅了してきているだろうけれど、この映画でより彼の魅力を感じていただけるのではないかと思います。

スカート ¥145,200、パンプス ¥147,400、ブレスレット ¥107,800、リング ¥57,200(薬指)¥53,900(中指 ) by JIL SANDER BY LUCIE AND LUKE MEIER(ジルサンダージャパン/0120-919-256)









大丈夫です。……って言うとすごい大富豪みたいに聞こえますか?(笑) 平屋の一軒家が浮かんだけど、掃除が大変そうだなと思ったら「大丈夫です」ってなっちゃいました。















──几帳面? ざっくり?









今読んでいる本がすごくいいんですけど、題名も書いている人もどうしても思い出せない……。映画もそうなのですが、タイトルというものが全然覚えられないんですよね……。(編注:アリ・スミス著『五月 その他の短編』[岸本佐知子訳、河出書房新社]だと後に判明)








『ムチッ子物語』! 知りません!? 『おはスタ』でやっていたもので、CDまで買いました。







『BAD LANDS バッド・ランズ』

©2023「BAD LANDS」製作委員会

安藤サクラ(あんどう さくら)


取材と文・斎藤 岬、写真・SASU TEI
スタイリング・吉田 恵、ヘアメイク・星野加奈子(新緑団)

Sakura Ando, On Loving the Messiness of The Human Experience

"BAD LANDS," the latest work from renowned director Masato Harada, known for films like "Climber's High" and "Japan's Longest Day," will be released on September 29, 2023. We spoke in depth with lead actress Sakura Ando on her unique perspective on "acting" and her thoughts on co-star Ryosuke Yamada.

"BAD LANDS" is a film adaptation of the novel "Keisou" by Naoki Prize-winning author Kurokawa Hiroyuki. This crime suspense film portrays Neri Hashioka, a young woman involved in a large-scale fraud scheme in the seedy underbelly of Osaka, and her younger brother, Joe Yashiro. The two unexpectedly come into a large sum of money and are pursued by various evils. Acclaimed actress Sakura Ando plays the role of Neri. How did she approach this role, where she portrays the head of a team of professional “deliverers” who work for fraudulent schemes?

"I wanted the protagonist to leave a subdued impression."

── What did you think of Neri when you first read the script?

Despite her being a criminal, I was drawn to the moments of kindness that I could see in her. I wanted to hold onto that aspect of her with tenderness. When I met the director, I told him I wanted the protagonist to leave a “subdued impression” on audiences. I wanted to portray her in such a way that only her essence would remain in the hearts of the audience rather than a character that carries an overwhelming intensity. I didn’t want to say, “Neri is this kind of person, so let’s express her like this.” Instead, I tried to convey her simply, portraying her as someone who is literally “living” in the cinematic reality she’s in. That was my goal in working through Neri’s character.

──The presence you described, this idea of conveying someone simply existing as an individual, came across on screen. And you looked incredibly cool doing it.

Really? I'm happy to hear that.

──Personally, I was very into Neri’s cap look. I've even been looking for a similar cap.

No way! Where did we find that hat? The costume designer for this film was Masae Miyamoto, someone I've known for a long time. We visited different shops together to put together Neri’s aesthetic.

The Relationship Between Character and Movement

──Another thing that left an impression on me was Neri’s physical dynamism. Whether she was stepping over something in an apartment hallway or running up metal stairs, I felt like each movement, however fleeting it may be, revealed something about her character.

Interestingly, my body moved incredibly well during the filming period. I didn't specifically train for it, but my abs kept getting more defined. Creating a role is not just my “mind” working through it. The costumes, makeup, script, and the things I see and feel on set all contribute to character formation throughout my body. Even the center of gravity in my walking changes if the outfits and shoes differ. So, everything I've received, I use it with a deep sense of gratitude and resourcefulness.

──So, instead of “character building” in the traditional sense, it’s as though the character comes to life as you are experiencing each moment.

For example, I got to see Neri's room before the first day of shooting. There was a pull-up bar in the room and a scene in a script that said, "She is training at home." But I couldn't picture Neri grunting and straining herself while working out. I thought, “It would be more like her to use the bar in the room since it was already there.”

So, I took a video of myself hanging from the pull-up bar and sent it to the director. Harada is very detailed in his script directions, but he was flexible enough to allow some changes on set that better suited Neri and my disposition as an actor. We may have been able to achieve that lightness because of how intricately the script was written. In that way, the character of Neri was influenced by many moving parts.

──There’s a scene where you’re hanging upside down, gripping the bar with your legs. It seemed to convey Neri's playfulness and the brutality of a society that requires physical strength to survive.

Neri is physically strong, but she hasn’t had any sort of professional training. So, I thought it would be interesting if the fighting scenes were clumsy and raw. In the actual script, there were supposed to be these incredible, dynamic action sequences. But in reality, most of us won’t be able to pull off something like that! I liked that every character had a pathetic and lopsided quality to them.

──It definitely wasn’t your typical, well-choreographed action scene; everyone seemed to stumble a bit, but that gave it something extra.

It’s common in dramas to look at “character” and “action” as separate entities. But I believe that everyday movement is also “action.” For example, even picking up a piece of lint is "an action." In that sense, I consider myself an "action" actress. My acting arises from these movements, and what is commonly called "action" is merely an extension of that—just fighting that's a bit more intense than usual. I think we were able to enjoy that element of acting this time.

Ryosuke Yamada’s Appeal

──This is your first project with Ryosuke Yamada, who plays your brother, Joe. You mentioned in an interview before shooting the film that you looked forward to "the sorts of chemical reactions that might occur." How was it?

I was ecstatic to have this opportunity to portray literal “partners in crime” with Ryosuke. The actual experience of it was something else. I came to learn that he has a kind of expressiveness and spontaneity that I don’t possess, and that, in turn, stimulated my performance. I feel like I got a firsthand look at the "grandness" that someone who has stood on big stages possesses.

Sometimes, the director liked to throw improv prompts for Ryosuke’s character, Joe. But Ryosuke played with that with so much confidence. His courage blew me away. And even if there was some hesitation, he would still find a way to express that as his character authentically. On top of all of this, despite being so skilled at portraying these subtle moments, he has these raw, nervous moments as well. I found his human-like qualities to be very charming. When I watched the finished product, I immediately told the director, "Ryosuke Yamada is amazing!" and said, "I'm going to promote this movie as a Ryosuke Yamada fan!"

──The enthusiasm is incredible!

Of course! Since a lot of time has passed since we shot "BAD LANDS," I tried jotting down some thoughts and memories on my smartphone. What I ended up with was a note full of praises for Ryosuke! I'm sure he's charmed many people until now, but this movie will allow audiences to experience even more of his allure.

【23 Questions with Sakura Ando】

──What kind of music do you like?

I've liked funk and old disco music since I was a kid.

──What would you do if you had a week off?

I'd go for a dip in the ocean.

──What would you do if you had three months off?

I'd do what I always do. Honestly, I'm frequently free for three months (laughs).

──What would you want if you could buy anything in the world?

"I don’t need anything." ... Does that make me sound like I'm a very affluent person? I don’t know. I imagined a small, single-story house, but then I thought about how annoying cleaning would be, so I’m going for, "I don’t need anything."

──What was your childhood dream?

To be an actress.

──What would you give yourself out of 100?

Let’s go with 100 points. I personally think I'm worth about 20 points, but the people around me are worth 100 points.

──What do you do to unwind?

I go out and feel the rivers and the sea. I look at the mountains.

──What’s your current obsession?

The radio.

──Do you cook?

Yes, I do.

──What’s always in your fridge?

There's always some sort of homemade pickled stuff.

──What would your last supper be?

Freshly made rice balls.

──Are you meticulous or laid-back?

I used to be very type A, but that exhausted me, so I switched to being pretty laid-back.

──Favorite movie?

"Nashville" (Editor's note: Directed by Robert Altman, 1975).

──Which actors/directors have inspired you?

Matt Damon, Emir Kusturica.

──What was the last movie you watched in the movie theatre?

"Super Mario" (Editor's note: "The Super Mario Bros. Movie").

──The book that’s left the most significant impact on you?

I'm reading a brilliant book right now, but I can't remember the title or the author for the life of me... I'm bad at remembering titles in general... (Editor's note: It was later confirmed to be "The Whole Story and Other Stories" by Ali Smith, translated by Sachiko Kishimoto, published by Kawade Shobo Shinsha).

──Favorite color and why?

Let's go with blue for today. Because I like the ocean.

──What’s your three-step morning routine?

Get up, go to the toilet, start the laundry, turn on the radio, fold the futon, and brush my teeth. You can pick any three you like!

──What do you do before going to bed?

Drink water.

──A TV show you have fond memories of?

"Muchikko Monogatari"! You haven’t heard of it? It was on "Oha Suta.” I even bought the DVD.

──Favorite place you've traveled to?

The ocean!

──Is there anything you want to try in the future?

Sports and music.

──What's your motto?

"None in particular!"

──Thank you!
Sakura Ando

Born in 1986 in Tokyo, Sakura Ando made her acting debut in 2007 in the film "The Other Side of the Wind," directed by Eiji Okuda. She won several awards for her role in the movie "100 Yen Love" (2014), including the Japan Academy Prize for Best Actress and the Blue Ribbon Award for Best Actress. She received her second Japan Academy Prize for Best Actress for her role in "Shoplifters" (2018). She also won the Japan Academy Prize for Best Supporting Actress for her role in the 2022 film, "A Man." She continues to be at the forefront of the industry, primarily in film and television dramas.