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オリジナル作品へのリスペクトが各所に散りばめられた本作には、「これこそがゴジラ」と評する声も少なくない。東宝は新時代のゴジラとどのように向き合い、そして何を描こうとしたのか? 歴代作品に携わってきたゴジラ映画のキーパーソンであり、東宝取締役でもある市川南に、新作の製作背景を訊いた。

©2023 TOHO CO., LTD.
【監督・脚本・VFX】山崎 貴








「昭和ゴジラシリーズ」「平成ゴジラシリーズ」などと呼ばれるように、過去には、毎年のように新作が公開されてきました。しかし、やはり興行収入はつねに右肩上がりとはいきません。その結果、興行がストップした歴史もある。正直に言えば、『ゴジラ FINAL WARS』(2004)以来、12年ぶりの新作となった『シン・ゴジラ』も、我々は非常に腰が重かったのです。状況は違えど、今回も重圧の下での発進になったことは否定できません。






©2023 TOHO CO., LTD.













©2023 TOHO CO., LTD.
山崎 貴

Akira Yamada
市川 南



"Godzilla -1.0" (Godzilla Minus One): Insights from Minami Ichikawa, the Tour de Force behind the Godzilla Movies - "We Wanted to Create An Immersive Godzilla Experience."

The film "Godzilla -1.0" (Godzilla Minus One) is set to be released in theaters on November 3rd, 2023. We had the opportunity to interview Minami Ichikawa, a key figure in the Godzilla films and the TOHO Company.'s Director.

The Pressure of Godzilla

The film “Godzilla -1.0” is set in post-war Japan. Godzilla mercilessly destroys the newly rebuilt Tokyo throughout the film. Cutting-edge VFX technology was employed to create a vivid sense of fear in the audience. Sprinkled with nods to the original work, this movie has been described by many fans as a true reflection of what a Godzilla movie should and can be. How did TOHO approach the new era of Godzilla, and what did they hope to depict? We talked to Minami Ichikawa, a key figure in the Godzilla franchise with a long history of involvement in the series, who also serves as the Director of TOHO Company, to learn about the background of this new production.

──This newest film will be the 30th addition to the Godzilla franchise. It’s been seven years since " Shin-Godzilla " was released in 2016.

“Shin Godzilla” surpassed our expectations and became a social phenomenon. The box office revenue alone reached 8.2 billion yen. Thanks to the exceptional skills of directors Hideaki Anno and Shinji Higuchi, the film received high praise for its storytelling.

However, this success didn’t mean we were at the end of the road. For TOHO, Godzilla is our most iconic character, and we must find ways to continue the legacy of Godzilla constantly. It goes without saying that we struggled to come up with a concept that could follow the success of "Shin Godzilla."

Three years after "Shin Godzilla," we got in touch  Director Takashi Yamazaki, who had just completed the production of "The Great War of Archimedes" (2019), with an offer to work on a new Godzilla film. Myself, alongside other producers, joined in, and we started developing the story in collaboration with the director.

For Yamazaki, "Godzilla -1.0" will be his 20th film; coincidentally, all his works have been distributed by TOHO. By the way, during the release of his first film, "Juvenile" (2000), I was part of the Promotion Department and contributed as a promotional producer. Although I moved to the Production and Editorial Department afterward, I continued to be involved with Yamazaki's films in one way or another. So, there was a history and familiarity with Yamazaki and his filmography.

Additionally, the producers within TOHO have immense trust in Yamazaki. He has consistently made entertaining films that have grabbed the hearts of many people. From VFX to scriptwriting, he’s a man of many talents. I don't know of anyone more suitable for making Godzilla films. After all, Godzilla requires a substantial production budget, especially since we wanted to create something that could match the quality of "Shin Godzilla.”Because of these circumstances, we unanimously believed that Yamazaki was the only one who could take on this role.

──That must’ve been a lot of pressure.

As has been the case with the "Showa Godzilla Series" and the "Heisei Godzilla Series," new films used to be released almost every year. However, box office revenue didn't always follow a consistent upward trend. As a result, there were times when the franchise came to a halt. To be honest, even for "Shin Godzilla," which marked the first new installment in 12 years since "Godzilla Final Wars" (2004), we were pretty hesitant. Although the circumstances were different, we can’t deny that this launch also came with a lot of pressure.

We also had to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic on top of all of this. Production began in 2019, but we had to postpone filming after about a year of script development. However, we didn't simply sit idle. During the hiatus, we revised the script and eventually arrived at the story for this film.

Going Beyond “Shin Godzilla”

—Comparisons with the previous film, "Shin Godzilla," are probably inevitable. "Shin Godzilla" was a political drama exploring politicians' responses amid a national catastrophe. It depicted the "worst weeks in Japan's history" as Godzilla wreaked havoc throughout the nation. At the heart of it was Anno’s distinct style, marked by elements that evoked "Neon Genesis Evangelion," which contributed significantly to the public discourse. On the other hand, "Godzilla -1.0" builds its story from a more fundamental premise, where ordinary civilians confront Godzilla.

"Shin Godzilla" began with Anno's vision to portray Godzilla from a political perspective. It was a highly successful, fresh take on the quintessential Godzilla narrative. On the other hand, our goal in "Godzilla 1.0" was to create an immersive experience. Set in post-war Japan, with no military or weapons, the film illustrates the overwhelming threat of Godzilla. It shows people trembling in fear but still uniting to fight back. We aimed to create a film that allows the audience to empathize with the characters more directly.

We similarly approached the casting. An actor with a messy, rugged look could’ve been suitable for the role of a returning war veteran. However, we intentionally asked Ryunosuke Kamiki to depict the character. Similarly, while the image of Minami Hamabe may not immediately fit that of a woman struggling to survive in the devastated landscape, we felt that contemporary audiences could relate to and empathize with both actors. That's why we asked them to join the cast.

──There was quite a buzz around the leads, too.

Ryunosuke Kamiki and Minami Hamabe, who played the leading roles, became a well-recognized duo across generations thanks to this year's NHK "Asadora" (morning drama) series, "Ranman." However, many may not know that the offer for "Godzilla" and the filming process happened before they participated in the "Asadora." Interestingly, the film's release took place right after these two lead actors had become national stars, and in a way, the challenging circumstances of the pandemic favored the movie. Nevertheless, waiting seven years for the next installment was probably a long time for everyone!

Global Release and Godzilla’s Next Moves

──I heard the response to the international trailer for "Godzilla -1.0" has been exceptionally positive.

The film is set to be released in over 1,000 locations in the US on December 1st, 2023 (information as of October 31st, 2023). The wide-scale release of a Japanese live-action film in the U.S. is unusual. The international trailer posted on YouTube has received a significant response, too. The trailer has 4 million views in Japan and has surpassed 8 million views in the US, further cementing the excitement surrounding this film (again, as of the interview date).

──Are there any differences between the Hollywood and Japanese versions of Godzilla?

25 years ago, TriStar Pictures created the Hollywood version of Godzilla. "GODZILLA" (1998) was quite different from the original, with a distinct visual aesthetic and structure. As a result, it received mixed reactions. To be more faithful to the Japanese Godzilla, TOHO secured a contract with Legendary Pictures, responsible for the production since 2014. This allowed us to guide and preserve the image and concept of Japan's Godzilla.

Nevertheless, Godzilla has been famous in overseas markets since its first appearance. However, the robust response to this newest installment might come from the design and narrative elements that evoke the original Godzilla's essence. Additionally, Director Yamazaki's proficiency in VFX, which can rival Hollywood standards, is likely another contributing factor.

──Please share your vision and plans for future Godzilla movies.

We established a dedicated "Godzilla Room" division at TOHO in 2019. We're collectively considering the future of the Godzilla character. We’ve had things like animated Godzilla films in the past, so we’re brainstorming new avenues to expand the Godzilla universe, including publications, merchandise, and collaboration products.

However, I don't feel the need to rush the next installment of a live-action film. Good films are all about quality. We want great ideas, an excellent script, a talented director, and the right cast to work on it carefully. Godzilla deserves to have that level of intentionality.

Minami Ichikawa

Minami Ichikawa is TOHO’s Director, Senior Managing Executive Officer, and Member of the Board Head of Motion Picture Group. Ichikawa joined the company in 1989. While in the Promotion Department, he worked on projects such as ‘Spirited Away.’ In 2001, he transferred to the Film Coordination Department, where he organized the distribution and production of films. Notable works include ‘Crying Out Love in the Center of the World,’ ‘The Eternal Zero,’ ‘Your Name.,' and 'Shin Godzilla,' among others."