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We Stand Together: LPGA’s Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Our culture at the LPGA is built on a powerful principle: “Act Like a Founder”. Our 13 Founding members were passionate about making golf more diverse – in the broadest sense - and leaving the game better than they found it.  They were determined, tenacious, creative and feisty.  And, they had the courage to stand up for their convictions.  The LPGA does not tolerate racismIn 1967, when a Black tour member was denied lodging with the rest of the tour, players from the tour responded: “We all stay or we all go.”  

Our goal at the LPGA is to change the face of golf, making the sport we love more accessible and inclusive.  Diversity, equity and inclusion are at the heart of who we are and what we do. 

Diversity is about understanding and valuing what makes us different. Dimensions of diversity include – but are not limited to - race, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical abilities and appearance, socio-economic status, religion, political beliefs, etc.  We are “golf’s global tour” – serving members from approximately 50 countries.

Equity is about fair treatment, access, opportunity and advancement for all.  Golf helps develop relationships, self-confidence and important life skills. Over golf’s history, women and other diverse groups have been under-represented in the sport.  We are working to change that.  Where there are barriers that prevent participation by some groups, we are working to overcome them. 

Inclusion is about creating an environment where individuals or groups feel welcomed, respected, supported and valued.  We are committed to bringing more diversity to golf and to the LPGA.  And, we are committed to bringing golf – and all that it offers - to more countries, races or tribes. We are committed to an Association that embraces individual differences and the rich dimensions of diversity. And, to build bridges of understanding with cultures and beliefs that are different from our own.

As we honor our culture of “Act like a Founder” and the spirit of “we all stay or we all go”, the LPGA stands up against racism, sexism, discrimination and bias.  And, we stand together.

For comments, suggestions, questions or to report an incident regarding our DEI Policy, please email diversity@lpga.com

The Amundi Evian Championship Evian-les-Bains, France
Round 4 To Par Thru
1 Stephanie Kyriacou -14 10:36 AM
T2 Lauren Coughlin -13 10:36 AM
T2 Ayaka Furue -13 10:36 AM
4 Pajaree Anannarukarn -10 10:25 AM
T5 Ally Ewing -9 10:25 AM
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