President Joe Biden Should Pardon Hunter | Opinion

Hunter Biden's conviction on gun charges exemplifies government overreach and unconstitutional lawmaking. Centered around a technicality involving Hunter's drug use, this case demands scrutiny of how federal laws consistently trample individual freedoms and set dangerous precedents.

The Second Amendment is clear: "The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Yet, Hunter Biden faces decades in prison because he checked the wrong box on a form, lying about his drug use when buying a gun. Are we really going to lock someone up for 25 years over a piece of paper? This isn't justice; it's a farce.

The law in question, which bars drug users from owning firearms, blatantly violates constitutional rights. If the government can strip your Second Amendment rights based on substance use, where does it end? Will they take your rights if you drink too much, have mental health issues, or engage in any behavior they disapprove of? And who decides what any of that even means? This isn't even a slippery slope at this point; the state has already been putting mechanisms in place like this—violating our right to keep and bear arms for decades.

President Joe Biden talks with his son
President Joe Biden talks with his son Hunter Biden upon arrival at Delaware Air National Guard Base in New Castle, Del., on June 11, 2024. ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images

Hunter's case underscores the absurdity of these laws. He had the gun for just 11 days before his partner threw it away. No harm came from his brief ownership, yet the system is ready to throw the book at him over a technicality. Moreover, proving that Hunter was addicted to drugs at the time of purchase is ludicrous. Addiction is a complex, often misunderstood condition. The law's vague definitions lead to arbitrary enforcement, leaving individuals at the mercy of an overreaching government. We all know how that goes.

The Second Amendment exists to provide the means to defend against a tyrannical government. As Thomas Jefferson famously said, "The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." The fact that the government attempts to regulate our firearms for our "safety" is incredibly ironic. It would be laughable if it weren't so dangerously consequential to our basic freedoms and personal autonomy. These regulations not only disarm peaceful citizens but also pave the way for greater government overreach and oppression, threatening the very fabric of a free society.

Let's not kid ourselves about the political motivations here. Hunter Biden, as a high-profile target, draws more attention. But countless ordinary people face similar injustices every day under these unconstitutional laws. This only further sets a precedent for all of us who dare to own these tools to protect our families. The government's role should not be to criminalize personal behavior and strip away fundamental rights based on subjective, intrusive criteria.

President Joe Biden should pardon Hunter, not because he's his son, but because it's the right thing to do. A pardon would send a strong message against the overreach of federal gun laws and reaffirm the constitutional rights of all Americans. It would shine a light on the urgent need to reform laws that infringe on our personal liberties.

Once Hunter is off the hook, we must work toward repealing these unjust laws. We must preserve the Second Amendment and ensure everyone retains their fundamental right to self-defense, regardless of personal struggles or choices. This isn't just about Hunter Biden; it's about every American's right to live free from government overreach.

As George Mason said, "To disarm the people is the most effectual way to enslave them." The government's attempts and successes with regulating our firearms is yet another dangerous step toward greater control. No matter who is targeted, it should be a cause for concern for every American.

The fight against unjust laws is never-ending, but it is essential for the preservation of liberty. Hunter Biden's case should catalyze a broader movement to dismantle these unconstitutional restrictions and restore true justice. The Second Amendment is not a privilege granted by the state but a right that the state must unequivocally respect.

Dylan Allman is social media advisor to the Libertarian National Committee.

The views expressed in this article are the writer's own.

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About the writer

Dylan Allman

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