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The South

Letter from the South

The Death of a Relic Hunter

Bill Erquitt was an unforgettable character among Georgia’s many Civil War enthusiasts. After he died, his secrets came to light.
Annals of Nature

Swamps Can Protect Against Climate Change, If We Only Let Them

Wetlands absorb carbon dioxide and buffer the excesses of drought and flood, yet we’ve drained much of this land. Can we learn to love our swamps?

“A Childhood” Is One of the Finest Memoirs Ever Written

Harry Crews’s account of hard labor and hard living in the American South, first published in 1978, animates nostalgia and then annihilates it.

“Work Lunch”

A poet’s freewheeling odyssey through American appetites inspires meditations on labor, loss, and the collective costs of our daily bread.
The Front Row

Weekend Streaming: “The Neon Bible,” a Coming-of-Age Tale Set Amid Music and Horror

Terence Davies’s adaptation of John Kennedy Toole’s novel puts a boy’s life at the crossroads of family crises and historical traumas.
Second Read

The Uneasy Afterlife of “A Confederacy of Dunces”

The book has long been considered a classic. But, forty years after its publication, its virtues seem inextricable from its flaws.
Second Read

“Do You Think You’re Not Involved?” The Racial Reckoning of “Blood at the Root”

The poet Patrick Phillips’s painful survey of a decades-long reign of terror in rural Georgia stands out as the kind of reckoning that other Americans might well undertake now, wherever they call home.

Is Capitalism Racist?

A scholar depicts white supremacy as the economic engine of American history.
The Front Row

“Sword of Trust,” Reviewed: A Mumblecore Comedy That Takes on the Pro-Confederate Right

Lynn Shelton’s movie is not only sparked by the urgencies and the outrages of the moment, it insightfully tethers them to long-standing underlying forces in American politics and culture.

The Luck of Kokura

Photo Booth

The Color of Humanity in Sally Mann’s South


Last Battles

John Cassidy

Should the Democrats Give Up on the South?

Onward and Upward with the Arts

Composition in Black And White


How the Deal Went Down

Briefly Noted

The Southern Journey of Alan Lomax


Southern Discomfort


Casting Votes

The Sporting Scene

King of the South

Briefly Noted

You & Me