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Roosavelt clashed with members of the Supreme Court, including Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes (centre, front row), over his New Deal policies. Liberals and conservatives joined in opposition. Getty Images hide caption

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I Pledge Allegiance To Linguistic Obfuscation

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"How do you explain to a 2-year-old or 4-year-old there's nothing to eat?" asks Kathy, a homeless mother. Michael Nye hide caption

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Michael Nye

Photographer Captures Stark Portraits Of Hunger

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A Historian's Long View On Living With Lou Gehrig's

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Courtesy of SANAA


Even if you don't have access to fresh pike and whitefish, you don't necessarily have to turn to gefilte fish in a jar. Portland chef Jenn Louis makes hers with salmon and halibut. William Thomas Cain/Getty Images hide caption

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The Tea Thieves: How A Drink Shaped An Empire

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T. Charles Erickson

In Oregon, A Theater Thrives Despite The Downturn

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