Acknowledgments NPR Ethics Handbook: Acknowledgments


This version of NPR's ethics handbook draws on the insights and experiences of countless NPR journalists. Thanks to all the reporters, producers, editors and others from throughout the organization who generously contributed time, thoughts, questions and case studies. Thanks also to the many NPR news managers whose guidance over the years is reflected in these pages, including Bruce Drake, John Dinges, Jay Kernis and Ellen Weiss. And of course, this document would not exist without the support and direction of Vivian Schiller, Joyce Slocum, Gary Knell and NPR's Board of Directors.

A council of individuals from throughout NPR was instrumental in the composition of this handbook, including Stu Seidel, Jonathan Kern and Ashley Messenger. The work that went into this effort could not have come together without the coordination of Molly Hart. The words you see throughout this book were written by many different authors, but its structure and content were created and compiled principally by Mark Memmott and Matt Thompson. Finally, this project owes an extraordinary debt to the leadership of Margaret Low Smith, NPR's Acting Vice President for News, and Bob Steele, Director of the Janet Prindle Institute for Ethics at DePauw University.

Published, May 2012