The generational gap : Consider This from NPR After the October 7 attack by Hamas on Israel that killed more than 1,100 people, President Joe Biden expressed America's backing for its Middle Eastern ally.

But that same month, polls showed that support for Israel among American voters was not unwavering. And that, in fact, support was split across generations.

That split between young voters poured out into the streets in November. Two big marches – one organized by pro-Palestinian groups and one by pro-Israeli groups – occurred in Washington.

Whether or not Joe Biden gets re-elected in 2024 will depend a lot on if he can repeat his 2020 success with young voters. But a split over U.S. support for Israel may get in his way.

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When it comes to the Israel-Gaza war, the split in opinion is generational

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After the October 7 attack by Hamas on Israel that killed more than 1,100 people, President Joe Biden expressed America's backing for its Middle Eastern ally.


PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: My administration's support for Israel's security is rock solid and unwavering.

PFEIFFER: But that same month, polls showed that support of Israel among American voters was not unwavering and that, in fact, support was split across generations. Here was NPR's Domenico Montanaro, reporting on an October 13 NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll.


DOMENICO MONTANARO: The real split here is by age and by race. Younger Americans, those under 45, much less likely to say that they want a strong show of support publicly from the government for Israel. Just 48% said that, compared to 78% of people 45 or older. We saw that the older people were, the more they wanted that support for Israel, and the reverse was also true.

PFEIFFER: That split between young voters poured out into the streets in November. Two big marches, one organized by pro-Palestinian groups and one by pro-Israeli groups, occurred in Washington. NPR's Elena Moore was on the ground and spoke to some of the participants, like 27-year-old Nuha Adwan, who said she voted for Biden in 2020 but now regrets the choice.


NUHA ADWAN: I think there's a split between whether or not we're going to be voting Republican or submitting a blank ballot, but Joe Biden will never, ever, ever get my vote ever again.

PFEIFFER: Twenty-three-year-old Prachi Jhawar thinks Biden is in trouble with the Gen Z vote.


PRACHI JHAWAR: Gen Z cares so much about human rights as a movement, and to have our commander in chief not actually follow through with that and not support that is really disheartening.

PFEIFFER: We're now eight months into a war that has left more than 37,000 Palestinians dead and millions of people in Gaza in dire need of aid. And condemnation of Israel among young voters has only gotten louder. That's evidenced by the college campus protest that rocked the final months of the 2024 academic year.


UNIDENTIFIED PEOPLE: (Chanting) Shut it down. Shut it down. Shut it down.

PFEIFFER: Consider this - whether or not Joe Biden gets reelected in 2024 will depend a lot on if he can repeat his 2020 success with young voters. But a split over U.S. support for Israel may get in his way.


PFEIFFER: From NPR, I'm Sacha Pfeiffer.


PFEIFFER: It's CONSIDER THIS FROM NPR. The Biden administration is struggling to win over young voters. They were a big part of his presidential victory in 2020. But recent polls find weakening support for President Biden among voters under age 30, and that coincides with their increasing disappointment over his backing of Israel and its war in Gaza.

Meanwhile, older Americans are more likely to approve of Biden's longtime support for Israel. So what's driving this generational divide? For some insight, we called Omar Wasow. He's an assistant professor in the political science department at the University of California, Berkeley. We started on the question of why he thinks President Biden may be losing younger voters more than older voters on the Gaza issue.

OMAR WASOW: For an older generation, Israel is defined by the Holocaust and hard-fought wars for survival. And in their eyes, Israel is really understood as the underdog. I think for a younger generation, Israel is increasingly defined by its treatment of Palestinians, particularly under the last 20 years of right-wing governments led by Netanyahu. And for them, Israel is seen as the top dog.

PFEIFFER: That's interesting. So in a way, lived experience or maybe lack of lived experience for younger voters because they're simply younger. They don't remember so much the history of Israel that might give Israel so much support and sympathy among their elders. Is that a fair way to put it?

WASOW: I think that's exactly right. And so the contemporary issues of things like growing settlements define a younger generation's understanding of Israel and less the history of a response to the Holocaust.

PFEIFFER: I read a previous interview you did where you said that because many of today's college students were in high school during Black Lives Matter protests, they consider protests a normal part of civic participation. Do you think that's somewhat unique to this generation of young people and not true of every young generation?

WASOW: Protest movements definitely ebb and flow across generations. And so there was a peak in protest activity in the '60s and then a bit of a lull, and then we've seen, you know, during wars, or in the case of the 2020 Black Lives Matter movement, a resurgence. And so I think there are some generations that are more defined by protest movements than others. Importantly, also, the Black Lives Matter protests of 2020 were among the biggest protest movements in American history. And so that really was a defining experience for people coming of age in that period.

PFEIFFER: Omar Wasow, you have studied the protests in the U.S. in the 1960s, especially civil rights protests by students. You know, interestingly, some of these college kids today may have parents who were part of those 1960s protests, but we also see parents - some parents dismayed by their children protesting. What do you make of that?

WASOW: Part of the logic of protests is to try and disrupt the status quo, is to say some kind of inequality or injustice is no longer acceptable. And often, for an older generation, those kinds of things feel normal. The status quo is what they've lived with for their whole lives, and for a younger generation, it sort of becomes unacceptable. And so inherent in that is attention across generations and across, in some ways, tactics where disruption is meant to say we no longer accept what is the current norm, but that means potentially inconveniencing or doing things that make people in positions of power or people who are more established uncomfortable.

PFEIFFER: Oh, that's interesting. Are you saying, in a way, their parents have maybe gotten complacent, or they've gotten comfortable? They get softer as they're older and become more affluent maybe?

WASOW: I would say that as everybody ages, they, in some ways, acclimate to the status quo, and things that are potentially troubling become acceptable. And for a younger generation, there's a sense of trying to make sense of what's going on, what - interpret some kind of inequality and to not necessarily accept the status quo as natural or reasonable.

PFEIFFER: That's Omar Wasow, an assistant professor of political science at UC Berkeley. Thank you for your time.

WASOW: Thank you so much.

PFEIFFER: And now we bring in NPR's Elena Moore. She covers new voters and youth politics. Hi, Elena.


PFEIFFER: Elena, from all the young voters you've been talking to about Gaza and Israel, what's your sense of how much their opposition to how much Biden is handling that will sway what they do at the polls in November?

MOORE: I think it's making it a really complicated decision. I talked to one young voter in Milwaukee, Wis., not that long ago, back in April. Their name's Miles Medina, and it's really kind of a tough subject for them right now.


MILES MEDINA: I'm not happy with Biden's foreign policy, but at the same time, as a transgender person, I don't want my rights taken away. And I know that's something that a lot of people in my age are like, what do we do?

MOORE: So you heard Miles say they're a trans person. They told me they typically vote for Democrats, and, you know, as a voter in America, they argued that voting for a Democrat like Biden would make more sense for them. But on this issue of the war in Gaza, it's really holding them back, and it's making that vote in November much more complicated.

PFEIFFER: So some might not vote for Biden. Do you have a sense of how many might instead vote for Trump or a third-party candidate or not vote at all? All those scenarios could have different effects on the election.

MOORE: Right. I mean, well, take Wisconsin. In a place like Wisconsin, which came down to such a small margin in 2020, they might vote for different people, but it could have a very similar effect. So any vote Biden loses is a positive for Trump in a state that's so close.

PFEIFFER: Obviously, not all young voters vote as a bloc.

MOORE: Yeah.

PFEIFFER: There are many who support Israel. They support Biden's handling of the war in Gaza. But the critics of Biden, the youth critics of Biden have gotten maybe disproportionate media coverage. How much do you think they represent the view of their generation?

MOORE: I mean, it really might depend because recent polling shows that when you ask young people, voters under 40, what their top voting issue - that once again is the economy, you know, particularly inflation. In this recent poll from University of Chicago, we saw just that. And the war in Gaza is an issue on that list, but it's lower. So yes, this is an issue firing up a group of people, but to say it is encompassing an entire voting bloc is not true.

PFEIFFER: NPR political reporter Elena Moore, thank you.

MOORE: Thank you.

PFEIFFER: This episode was produced by Marc Rivers, with audio engineering by Carleigh Strange. It was edited by Ashley Brown and Courtney Dorning. Our executive producer is Sami Yenigun. And one more thing before we go. You can now enjoy the CONSIDER THIS newsletter. We still help you break down a major story of the day, but you'll also get to know our producers and hosts and some moments of joy from the ALL THINGS CONSIDERED team. You can sign up at



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