What's the definition of book ban? Librarians, authors, others weigh in The term "book ban" is used a lot in media and elsewhere when addressing the rise in challenges to certain books being allowed in schools and public libraries. But is it more political hyperbole or a censorship alarm bell?

What’s a book ban anyway? Depends on who you ask

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Some phrases are like lightning rods. Consider the term book ban.


UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER #1: Book bans have been escalating at a horrifying pace.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER #2: In the area for many years has been banned by a school district.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER #3: The growing list of books banned in our nation's classrooms and libraries.

SUMMERS: It makes headlines and grabs your attention, but it also means different things to different people. So what does it actually mean to ban a book? Well, that depends on who you ask, as NPR's Elizabeth Blair reports.

ELIZABETH BLAIR, BYLINE: We begin with PEN America's definition. The free expression advocates define a book ban as any action taken against a book that leads to its access being restricted or diminished. PEN also counts a book as banned while it's under review because of a complaint. Kasey Meehan, PEN America's Freedom to Read program director, explained why at a recent press conference.


KASEY MEEHAN: We include that because we know books undergoing review - as long as they are removed from access for students, those books can be removed for weeks, months, you know, upwards of a year, as we've seen in some cases.

BLAIR: The American Library Association, or ALA, has a different definition.

EMILY DRABINSKI: We reserve book ban for the removal of a title from a library entirely.

BLAIR: Removed entirely - that's ALA president, Emily Drabinski.

DRABINSKI: Do often do find that books - they are challenged, and then they undergo a review process. And sometimes they end up being pulled and banned, and other times they end up back on the shelves.

BLAIR: In one study by the American Enterprise Institute, 74% of the books on one of PEN America's lists were still marked as available in school districts.

JOE TIER: A ban is no access to material whatsoever. My name is Joe Tier, and I am a concerned grandparent and parent living here in Eldersburg, Md.

BLAIR: Tier, as well as members of Moms for Liberty, fought to get dozens of books removed from school libraries in Carroll County, Md. He hates the term book ban.

TIER: I think it's designed to obfuscate the constructive dialogue that should occur about age-appropriate content. It can be a dog whistle that's used to incite anger against those who are opposed to limiting sexually explicit content in public school libraries. You really cannot ban anything, you know, material-wise these days 'cause you have the internet, and you have PDFs. And so the term book ban is almost obsolete.

BLAIR: Books that have been removed from school libraries might be available at a local store or the town library. But the ALA's Emily Drabinski says there are lots of people who can't afford to buy books at a store or online. Nearly a quarter of U.S. households do not have internet subscriptions, according to the Benton Institute for Broadband & Society. The ALA equates the book banning going on in the U.S. with censorship.

DRABINSKI: I think sometimes our policymakers and many of the people who are active in the pro-censorship movement, they don't fully appreciate or understand the fact that many Americans don't have access to books in any other way except through their school or public or academic library.

BLAIR: In some countries, book banning means something different, and it's much stricter.

MUSTAFA AKYOL: When it is banned, it's not legal to sell it. That's what a book ban means. My name is Mustafa Akyol. I'm a senior fellow at the Cato Institute. I experienced book banning personally in Malaysia.

BLAIR: When Mustafa Akyol's book, "Islam Without Extremes," was published in Malaysia in 2017, he was invited to Kuala Lumpur. At a talk he gave, he discussed the freedom to renounce religion. Afterwards, he says he was questioned by five members of Malaysia's religion police. The next day, he was scheduled to return to the U.S., but he was arrested at the airport.

AKYOL: After 18 hours of detainment by the Malaysian religion police, I was let go. And then I left the country without any trouble. I came back to the United States.

BLAIR: Akyol says his book was banned in Malaysia for several years, meaning it was illegal to sell it. He says in some countries, a ban also means it's illegal to own the book.

AKYOL: So I don't think there are literal book bans in the United States. When a book is banned, literally, the authority says, this book is not legal.

MONA KERBY: To me, banned is the book's not on the shelf, but I could certainly see the different flavors of that word. And that's why a discussion about ideas is always so enriching.

BLAIR: Mona Kerby coordinates the master's degree program in school librarianship at McDaniel College in Westminster, Md. She's most concerned about what the increase in book challenges means to her former students working at schools. She says when she was a librarian, she didn't have that many.

KERBY: The few times I had some question about materials, those moments turned into wonderful opportunities between me and the parent just to discuss, and we both learned. So respecting one another's opinion and listening to another's opinion is not a bad skill to have.

BLAIR: Elizabeth Blair, NPR News.

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