'World's Hottest Professional Softball Player' Brylie St. Clair Slides Into Her Bikini To Celebrate The Fourth

Brylie St. Clair might have flown under the radar for a few days after making the transition from the college ranks to the professional ranks.  But it didn't last long.

News of the 23-year-old outfielder turning pro extended far beyond the Texas Monarchs clubhouse and the world of Women's Professional Fastpitch.  It hit the internet like a ton of bricks on the Fourth of July.

Then, like the professional that she now is, Brylie struck while the iron was hot.  She rode the attention the buzz created throughout the day before dropping an attention-grabbing followup.

It came in the form of a head-turning patriotic July 4 bikini post from somewhere in Austin, Texas.  A post that without hesitation racked up thousands of likes.

The one-woman fireworks show was captioned by Brylie, who has now added "World's Hottest Professional Softball Player" to her list of titles, "play courtesy of the red white and blue, thx🇺🇸."

A tip of the cap to Toby Keith put a nice bow on the entire Fourth of July tribute.

Brylie St. Clair Is Positioning Herself To Put Professional Softball On The Map

Brylie could have called it a career when the Mississippi State season came to an end.  One would think she could have harnessed her social media success into a few big paydays as she figured out what was next.

The fact that she decided to turn pro says a few things.  First and foremost, she has the talent and desire to earn a paycheck from the game of softball.

Secondly, she has a real opportunity to pro softball on her back and get some eyeballs on the game.  If we've learned anything from the sports influencer game over the years, it's that solid content can grow a sport.

That might be something that Brylie realizes and turns her focus towards once she puts her rookie season behind her.  The first order of business after earning a roster spot is keeping that roster spot.

We expect her to flash some leather, hit for average, steal a few bases, and churn out content.  If she does all those things, her roster spot will be safe and the sport of professional softball will be better off.

Best of luck to Brylie as she gets a feel for the game at the professional level.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.