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The Teachings

The Cross of Perfection - This is the first teaching and deals with how to carry our daily crosses in life with forgiveness, truth, humility and love. This was taught entirely by Our Lord himself.

The Great Seal - This second teaching is on how to attain and maintain Sanctifying Grace in your soul. It explains the Seal of the Living God, which is received at your Consecration to the Precious Blood.

The Rose of Perfect Purity - This third teaching deals with how to gather the virtues necessary to defeat the antichrist and his forces. These virtues include love, peace, holy obedience, mortification, patience, goodness, kindness, joy, prudence, silence and more. All these were taught by a number of great saints including St. John the Apostle, St. Francis Assisi, St. Cecilia, St. Therese of the Child Jesus, St. Anthony Mary Claret and more. These teachings and the three retreats that go with it, are begun one year after your consecration to the Precious Blood. After two years of retreats and study, if you feel called, you may be consecrated to the Rose of Perfect Purity. DO NOT consecrate yourself until you are properly prepared. (see 14 July 2001 message for Our Lady's warning, "Anyone who receives this Rose receives fourteen voices of God's Judgement. If you abuse any of the petals of this Holy Rose, know that you have abused this heavenly gift. Worse still, you are calling upon yourself the holy tears of the Queen of heaven and earth who obtained this gift for you.") Please prepare properly!

The Golden Mind of Peace - This fourth teaching deals with different levels of prayer and was taught by St. Alphonsus Ligouri, St. Padre Pio, St. Jerome, St. Lucy and others.

The Theology of True Freedom - This fifth teaching is on true deliverance from all evils in this world leaving the soul truly free to love and serve God as its only desire. It was taught by St. Anthony of Padua and St. Michael the Archangel.

Friends of Love - This sixth teaching contains lessons on True Love, not the type found in this world, but the Love we hope to live in Heaven. It was taught by Our Lord himself, Our Blessed Mother, St. Joseph and others.

The Fifteen Levels of Perfection - This seventh teaching illustrates the fifteen levels a person passes through in their rise to perfection in this world. It shows how we advance and how we fall back at different levels depending on our personal response to the trials we experience in this life. It was taught by St. Lucy, St. Agnes, St. Jude, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Bridget, St. Therese of the Child Jesus, St. Rita, St. Cecilia, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Bernard, St. Alphonsus Ligouri, St. Padre Pio, St. Gertrude, and Our Lady Queen of the Saints.

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