Weekly Horoscope: April 21 - April 27

See what the stars have in store for you.
Illustration of person leaning back on a block with Aquarius symbols around them
Jennifer Dahbura

The upcoming weekly horoscope offers some relief from the heaviness of the past few weeks, but that doesn't mean emotions will be quelled. Instead, we'll experience the climax of our feelings that we have been suppressing. We'll have an intense pink full moon in Scorpio on April 23, which will bring emotions to the surface. During this time, we may experience jealousy and have arguments that may lead to tears. Therefore, it is crucial to remain composed and understand our emotions before lashing out at others. On a positive note, Mercury is turning direct on April 25, and we have started to resolve many of the miscommunications that have occurred from when the retrograde began on April 1. However, we will still have to navigate the retro shade phase that will continue until May 13. Therefore, we should brace ourselves for more cosmic chaos and show empathy towards others, leading with love.

Jennifer Dahbura


April 20 - May 20

Real talk: with your life in flux, it can be confusing to decide what you want to pursue. You may be torn between majoring in biochemistry or drama, and deciding whether to take a gap year or go straight to college. It's important to take a moment to assess your desires and not rely solely on the advice of others. Trust your instincts and then discuss your options with your parents and friends. You’ll find that the moment you make a decision and tell them what you want to do, they'll support you and honor the choices that you make.

Jennifer Dahbura


May 21 - June 20

Establishing and upholding boundaries may not be your strongest suit, given your profound understanding of people and their reactions to situations. However, it's crucial to draw the line and make sure that others treat you with the respect you deserve. Although it may be challenging to put this into practice, you're beginning to realize the significance of doing so this week. Truth be told, it's important for others to also consider your feelings at all times. While this can be a challenging transition for some, it will ultimately lead to greater benefits in your relationships — especially the one with yourself.

Jennifer Dahbura


June 21 - July 22

Recently, you may have noticed that you are at the center of all the gossip circulating within your squad. Even though you’re not the one spreading the rumors, you are hearing them through the grapevine. Now, it is up to you how you want to handle this situation, and what your responsibili-tea is. As a loyal friend, it is important to decide how you need to take action to protect your friend. Should you share the entire story or let the buzz die, even though it’ll be difficult? Survey says: Be 100% real to your BFF — no matter the consequence.

Jennifer Dahbura


July 23 - August 22

You have a new opportunity coming your way that could potentially bring you popularity in your school. Although it may seem tempting at first, it's important to be cautious about what you commit to this week. Don't jump into something just because it promises fame and glory, as there may be some issues that arise down the road. Remember that everything has its cost, and what may seem like a good idea now could tarnish quickly. If you're in doubt, make sure to commit to causes that align with your personal values and speak to you on an intimate level.

Jennifer Dahbura


August 23 - September 22

You're finally moving on and away from the current on-and-off relationship. The bubble and fantasy have burst, allowing you to see them for who they are, and although you love them, it doesn't mean that the combination of both of you together is good for you. This emotional vibe shift demands you to see things from a different standpoint and to put your needs and wants first. You might even find someone who is better suited for you and makes you feel amazing all the time rather than confused and blue when you should be happy.

Jennifer Dahbura


September 23 - October 22

Maintaining stability in the midst of frenetic cosmic energy can be a challenge, especially if it's something you desire in life. To achieve balance and avoid feeling like your foundation is fracturing, it's important to connect with yourself. This involves getting to know yourself better and cultivating a loving relationship with yourself. Affirmations and self-care are essential during these times. Meditation can help you silence the outside noise and connect with your inner voice, which is often the spark that ignites passion within you. This connection can help you align your thoughts and emotions, leading to a more focused mind.

Person with a long braid looking intense.Jennifer Dahbura


October 23 - November 21

Past experiences can trigger negative emotions, causing you to feel as though history is repeating itself. It's crucial to approach relationships with a level head and communicate openly to avoid misunderstandings. Avoid jumping to conclusions because you lack trust in the other person due to your ex. If this is the case, then it's time to reassess the dynamic and to consider not partaking in furthering the current situationship because it’ll only cause you stress down the road. A lack of trust in a partnership is a red flag. That is something to either work on or run away from.

Jennifer Dahbura


November 22 - December 21

While you may have some exciting news to share with your crew, it might not be the right time to do so just yet. It's essential to not jinx matters before they come to fruition, especially if some people in your orb might be giving you the evil eye. You wouldn't want their jealous intentions and vibes to affect the outcome of your situation. If you feel the need to share your news with someone, consider confiding in a trusted family member or a bestie who you can confide in. You shouldn't have to hide your successes to protect yourself.

Jennifer Dahbura


December 22 - January 19

You're looking for breadcrumbs to prove your theories about your frenemy behind the scenes, but you're coming up empty. Unfortunately, this won't sit well with you, and you'll look deeper, trying to read between the lines. You shouldn't be overanalyzing and overthinking every little thing someone says to call them out on one imperfect word. The truth is that we are all imperfect. You're not perfect, and they're not perfect. Two wrongs don't make a right, so the best way to handle the situation is to distance yourself. The only way to be happy is to remove yourself and focus on yourself.

Jennifer Dahbura


January 20 - February 18

You are frustrated as it seems like your social circle is against you and not trying to understand your perspective. However, it's important to consider that the information you're receiving may not be completely accurate due to Mercury's retrograde in the communication sector of your chart. The six degrees of aggravation is due to the fact that they don't know the truth either. Therefore, it's best to approach the situation with caution and not let your emotions get the best of you. Taking out your annoyances on others will only make the situation worse and distract you from finding clarity.

Jennifer Dahbura


February 19 - March 20

You are now entering your gentle era. During this phase, you prefer to avoid conflicts and strive to improve your relationships with others. However, some people may not be willing to acknowledge their responsibility for the issues, making it difficult for you to bridge the gap. While forgiveness is an option, it is important to remember the actions of those who have wronged you. This will help you process your emotions and move forward with the knowledge and insight of who they are. Just because you're practicing kindness and compassion doesn't mean you have to overlook problems from the past.

Jennifer Dahbura


March 21 - April 19

It is common to spend a lot of time thinking about an ex, trying to understand what went wrong just like The Tortured Poets Department. However, it's important to be honest with yourself about why you're doing it. If it's for closure and personal growth, then take the time to reflect and analyze. But if it's just for romanticizing and nostalgia, it may be best to focus on moving forward and finding new experiences. Don't let the fear of judgment hold you back from your healing process. Write down your ever-changing feelings in a journal to process and understand matters.

Related: Weekly Horoscope: September 5 - September 11