The Drew Barrymore Show

The Drew Barrymore Show

Need Advice? Ask a Drew's News Deskpert!

Have a burning question, but don't know who to ask? Send in a short letter with your dilemma, advice-column style, for a chance to have Drew Barrymore and Ross Mathews to read it and respond at the News Desk. They're not experts, but they are "deskperts," who can give advice based on their combined years of living (you are NOT obligated to follow their advice!). So, go ahead and submit questions about love, life, career, or relationships of all kinds. We will not use your full name. If we read your letter on air, we will identify you by your first name and city/state or we may choose to refer to you with a descriptive pseudonym, like “Soon-to-Be Married from Portland, Oregon" or "Desperately in love with my best friend from Lansing Michigan!"