The Apache Portable Runtime Project

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  • How To Use Anonymous Subversion

    Developers with commit access to the Apache source tree normally use Subversion to keep their local copies of the source tree up to date automatically. This is a very useful ability that also allows for getting change history of files, diffs between arbitrary versions, etc. This is also the method used to commit changes to the source tree.

    For those who do not have commit access to the source tree, anonymous Subversion access offers an alternative way to do most of this using read-only access to the Subversion repository. The obvious difference is that you can't commit changes using anonymous Subversion access.

    Anonymous Subversion access is available as follows:

    APR 2.0 (development version, incorporating both APR and APR-UTIL from earlier versions):
    svn co apr
    APR 1.6 (current release version)
    svn co apr
    APR-UTIL 1.6 (current release version)
    svn co apr
    APR 1.7 (incremental dev version)
    svn co apr
    APR-UTIL 1.7 (incremental dev version)
    svn co apr
    svn co apr-iconv

    You can also browse the repository using ViewVC.

    Maintaining the site

    Developers can check out the site as follows:

      svn co apr-site

    After generating HTML and committing, the site is updated automatically via rsync.

    Publishing test packages

    Developers can check out the test package directory as follows:

      svn co apr-dev

    After committing, the site is updated automatically via svnpubsub.

    Publishing releases

    Developers can check out release directory as follows:

      svn co apr-release

    After committing, the site is updated automatically via svnpubsub.

    Users access this directory via mirrors, and it takes around 24 hours for most mirrors to be updated. Thus, an approved test release is published in the following sequence:

    1. Test packages are approved.
    2. Approved test packages are moved (svn mv) from apr-dev to apr-release.
    3. Wait 24 hours, then check mirrors to ensure that most or all are up-to-date.
    4. Update site to point to new release and send the announcement.
    5. If the new release replaces an old in the same MAJ.MIN, remove the old (replaced) release from apr-release.

    Copyright © 2008-2021, The Apache Software Foundation
    Apache Portable Runtime, Apache, and the Apache feather logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.