The Apache Portable Runtime Project

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  • APR Docs

  • Version 1.7
  • Trunk APR 2.0 (dev preview)
  • APR-util Docs

  • Version 1.6
  • Trunk APR 2.0 (dev preview)
  • APR-iconv Docs

  • Version 1.2
  • Trunk (dev preview)
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    Do you use APR? Send an email to with your project name and a URL to get added to this list!

    Open Source Projects Using APR

    The following open source projects are known to use APR:

    Commercial Projects Using APR

    The following commercial projects are known to use APR:

    Copyright © 2008-2021, The Apache Software Foundation
    Apache Portable Runtime, Apache, and the Apache feather logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.