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~ In Today's Catholic World ~

Read True Catholic News Below

News for The Church in Eclipse

"Uncompromising Catholic Militancy"

[In response to someone who begged him (Saint Pius X) to "go soft" on the Modernists, He retorted]: "Kindness is for fools! They want them to be treated with oil, soap, and caresses but they ought to be beaten with fists! In a duel you don't count or measure the blows, you strike as you can! War is not made with charity, it is a struggle a duel. If Our Lord were not terrible he would not have given an example in this too. See how he treated the Philistines, the sowers of error, the wolves in sheep's clothing, the traitors in the temple. He scourged them with whips!"

From the Sacred Liturgy: Auferte gentem perfidam credentium de finibus (Take the faithless tribe from the borders of the believing)

February is the month the Church Dedicates to the Most Holy Trinty
February is the Month the Church
Dedicates to the Most Holy Trinity


(02/27/08): The popeinred.com website was recently updated - click here to view.

Ecclesiastical Approbation

In Today's Catholic World carries the approbation in writing of the (True) Petrine Hierarchy in exile i.e., connected with Pope Gregory XVII. It faithfully adheres to the rules for Catholic Journals mandated by Leo XIII in the Apostolic Constitution Officiorum ac Munerum, January 25, 1897 - so heavily re-stressed by Pius X in Pascendi Dominici Gregis, September 8, 1907.

St. Ignatius of Antioch - "Let no one do anything of concern to the Church without the bishop. Let that be considered a valid Eucharist which is celebrated by the bishop or by one whom he ordains [i.e., a presbyter]. Wherever the bishop appears, let the people be there; just as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church." (Letter to the Smyrneans 8:2 - 110 A.D.)

"Alas! how feeble is our faith! If a domestic animal, a little dog, falls into the fire, do you delay to draw it out? And see, your parents, benefactors, persons most dear to you, writhe in the flames of Purgatory, and you do not consider it your urgent duty to relieve them; you delay, you allow long days of suffering to pass for those poor souls, without making an effort to perform those good works which will release them from their pains."
-Fr. Schouppe, from his book: Purgatory, pp. 238-239, 1893 Imprimatur

Help the Suffering Souls!

(The Immaculate Conception and Aquinas): It is a common misconception being spread about that St. Thomas denied the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception. In fact, St. Thomas Aquinas upheld the doctrine (apart from a philosophical minor debate at the time on the simultaneity of the grace with the conception).

St. Thomas Aquinas St. Thomas Aquinas: "And such was the purity of the Blessed Virgin, who was exempt from original and actual sin."
(Sentences, Distinct. 44, Q. I, Art. 3)

"[Mary was] most pure in regard to every fault because she never incurred the guilt of either original or actual sin."
(Opusculum 4 on the Angelical Salutation)

Pope *St. Pius V by his bulla in 1570, forbade either the opinion which affirmed, or that which denied it [the Immaculate Conception], to be censured.
Pope Paul V in 1616, reiterrated the same prohibition. Pope Alexander VII in 1671 declared that the devotion of honouring the immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary was pious; yet prohibited the censuring of those who did not believe her Conception immaculate.

Again, St. Thomas Aquinas (d. 1274 A.D.) upheld the doctrine, yet still said that whatever the Church eventually pronounced in the dogmatic formulation of the doctrine, (note: which was officially proclaimed [a Dogma] in 1854 by Pope Pius IX) he would believe with his whole heart and intellect.

*St. Thomas was solemnly declared Doctor of the Universal Church by St. Pius V in the year 1567.

(February 24, The Third Sunday in Lent Sunday of I Class, Semidouble)

Universal Doctor of the Church
St. Thomas Aquinas
(1225-1274 A.D.)
"It is said that he was so perfectly master of the faculties of his intellect, as well as of his senses, that he dictated to as many as four secretaries, on widely different subjects at the same time, without losing in the least the thread of his reasoning, which was yet very profound, and one of his biographers says that he even continued to dictate when he was fast asleep. His memory was very retentive, so that what he once read he never forgot."
(Extracted from: "The Life Of The Angelic Doctor St. Thomas Aquinas Of The Order of Friar Preachers" p. 127)

"St. Thomas was the most learned of the saints and the most saintly of the learned." -The illustrious, Cardinal Besarion (d. 1472)


In Today's Catholic World (TCW)
February 24, 2008 A.D.

The *enemies of Catholic Truth (i.e., Protestants, Talmudists, Modernists, Neo-Feeneyites) have shown great horror and distain for the sacred Doctrine of St. Thomas Aquinas.

*"In a heretic who disbelieves one article of faith, no faith remains, either informed or uninformed." -St. Thomas Aquinas (II-II, q. 5, a. 3.)

Why is this always so? Because his salutary writings universally uproot their calculated sophistries - leaving them exposed as the rancid cheats they are.

TCW is honored to post three select visions from the wonderful book: "The Life Of The Angelic Doctor St. Thomas Aquinas Of The Order of Friar Preachers" -Imprimatur, 1881. Catholic parents be sure to share these with your children.

Three Visions from the Life of Saint Thomas Aquinas

St. Thomas Aquinas -Angelic Doctor
"Thomas, thou hast written well about me..." -Our Blessed Lord

(1.) The real presence of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Sacrament of the Eucharist is a doctrine of the Church; no one can deny or doubt it without making shipwreck of his faith. But at the time when St.Thomas lived there were many opinions on the way in which our divine Lord is there present. The Parisian Doctors were full of this important question, and after many useless disputes determined to refer the matter to St. Thomas, for he had more than once shown how much more clearly than others he seized the point of a difficulty, and how much more satisfactorily he unraveled it.

The opinion of all the Doctors having been put into his hands, Thomas retired with them into solitude, and there, raised to a high state of contemplation, prayed for light according to his want. Then he wrote what the Holy Spirit, working in his soul, had deigned to reveal to him. Still he did not wish to give the fruits of his labors and prayers to the schools before he had consulted Him of whom he wrote, and whose help he had asked.

The Most Blessed Sacrament

He went into the church, and placing what he had written upon the altar, as if for his Divine Master's approval, he prayed thus before the crucifix: "O Lord Jesus Christ, who art really present in this wonderful Sacrament, I humbly beg Thee if what I have written of Thee be true that Thou wilt say so; but if I have written anything which is not conformable to the faith, or contrary to this holy mystery, be pleased to hinder its being published."

Some of the Fathers who had followed him saw our Blessed Lord appear to him, standing in the air above the writing he had laid upon the altar, who said to him: "Thou hast written ably of the Sacrament of My body, and hast truly determined the difficulty proposed to thee, in as far as it can be understood by man on earth, and be defined by human wisdom."

Then St. Thomas was wrapt in spirit, and in sight of the Fathers was miraculously raised from the ground, as if drawn towards heaven by the fervor of his love for God. The old writer tells us that one of the Fathers who was present afterwards related this to him.

"Felix doctor, cujus soiatio
Angelorum seroit attentio;
Petrus, Paulus favcnt obsequio,
Del mater mulcet alloquto."
"0 blessed Doctor, thou whom the angels
served, to whom Peter and Paul brought
light in doubt, and whom the Mother of God
sweetly comforted!"
(Dominican Breviary for the Feast of St. Thomas.)

(2.) At Naples he (St. Thomas) taught publicly, and continued writing his Summa (Theologica) ["the whole of theology"]. All his life he had been favored with remarkable ecstasies, but now they became almost continual; he seemed at times as if separated from the body.

St. Peter appeared to St. Thomas Aquinas St. Paul appeared to St. Thomas Aquinas
The Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul
appeared to St. Thomas Aquinas

One night Father Reginald, his companion and secretary, who slept in the cell next to St. Thomas, heard him talking in a loud tone as if engaged in an animated conversation. After a few moments St. Thomas called him: "Light the lamp," he said, "and get the manuscript which I have begun to write on Isaias." And then he dictated to the astonished Father. When he had ended, Father Reginald thew himself at his master's feet and begged him to say with whom he had been conversing before he had called him into his cell. "It little befits you to know," said Thomas; "return to bed, for there are yet several hours of rest." "In the name of our friendship," answered Father Reginald, "in the name of God, give me this little proof of friendship." This appeal, made in the name of God, went to St. Thomas's heart; he could not resist any longer, and confessed that God had sent the holy Apostles Peter and Paul to instruct him what he should write; "but in the name of God" he added, with holy prudence, "I command you not to breathe a word of this to any one during my lifetime."

Doctor Angelicus
The humble author of the Summa Theologica had a miraculous vision of the crucified Christ

(3.) Another remarkable circumstance shows us visibly the character of St. Thomas, his union of holiness and speculative doctrine. As he was spending the night in prayer, in the church of St. Dominic at Naples, he suddenly saw before him the soul of Father Romain, a Dominican professor who had succeeded him at Paris. He had died there, but as yet the news of his death had not had time to reach Naples. He said he had spent six days in purgatory, but was now enjoying the happiness of heaven. Here was a grand opportunity for St. Thomas to solve several questions which were at that time occupying his mind; here was a soul who was privileged to contemplate the source itself of all truth. Let us see what were the questions uppermost in the mind of the holy Doctor. The first was what all pious souls would most probably ask in a similar position: "Am I in a state of grace?" and, he added, "Is my labor pleasing in the sight of God?" Continual study of abstract questions had not dried up the spiritual fountains of his soul, and with all his superhuman learning, his first thought was for his own salvation. The answer was what all would wish to hear, but which is seldom known on this side of the grave. ...The saint was much encouraged by these visions, but yet was anxious lest any error should have crept into his Summa, and increased his austerities and lengthened his prayers, to beg the light of heaven upon his last work. [The Summa Theologica]

God in his love and mercy deigned to assure him of this also. The sacristan of the convent church of St. Dominic at Naples, having noticed that St. Thomas was accustomed to go down to the church during the night when he thought all were asleep, determined to watch him. He saw him go down one night, and having followed him, heard him pouring out his fears to God before the crucifix in the chapel of St. Nicholas. Suddenly the saint was wrapt in ecstasy and was raised up several feet from the ground, his eyes fixed upon the crucifix.

Some Fathers, who were praying in the church, ran quickly to see this wonderful sight, and heard the following words fall from the mouth of the crucifix, which appeared as if alive: "Thomas, thou hast written well about me; what reward wilt thou accept?" "No other than thyself, Lord," was the sublime answer of the holy saint. These words are the epitome of his whole life, the secret of his marvellous success, and the expression of the holy violence which robbed heaven of its mysteries. "Such secrets have been revealed to me," he once said in loving confidence to one of the Fathers, "that what I have written and taught seems to be as nothing in comparison." [END]

Featured Books:

The Life Of The Angelic Doctor St. Thomas Aquinas, Of The Order of Friar Preachers by a Father of the Same Order, P. J. Kenedy And Sons N. Y., 1881 Imprimatur (Please Note: The Table of Contents begin on page 9)

St. Thomas Manual: (Or, Devotion of the Six Sundays in Honor of the Angel of the Schools, St. Thomas of Aquin) By Fr. Henry Joseph Pflugbeil, O. Pr., Fr. Pustet & Co. New York and Cincinnati. 1887, Imprimatur

Catechism On Modernism According To The Encyclical 'Pascendi Dominici Gregis' Of His Holiness Pius X (From the French of Fr. Jean Baptiste Lemius, Oblate of Mary Immaculate, Authorized Translation by Fr. John Fitzpatrick, Benzinger Brothers, New York 1908 Imprimatur)
(Note: the table of contents are on page 13 -ED)

The War against The Prince of Lies - and for the Triumph of the True Papacy wages on:

His Holiness Pope Leo XIII

"The enmity of the sectarians against the Apostolic See of the Roman Pontiff has increased its intensity . . . until now the evil doers have reached the aim which had, for a long time that of their evil designs, namely, their proclamation that the moment has come to suppress the Roman Pontiff's sacred power and to completely destroy this Papacy which was divinely instituted." -His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII

"It must be war to the knife."

From the book: The Life of Pius X, by F. A. Forbes, pp. 45-46, Imprimatur 1918 A.D:

"Semmi ...a freemason and Grand Master of the Italian lodges, had spoken strongly on the necessity of destroying the Great Enemy
[The Catholic Church]. 'We have applied the knife to the centre of superstition, ...Let us work with all our strength to scatter its stones, that we may build with them a temple to an emancipated nation. The enemy is the Pope; we must wage a relentless war against him. The Papacy, although but a phantom presiding over ruins, yet reflects a certain glory, waving as it does in face of, and in defiance of the world, the Cross and the Summa Theologica. A miserable crowd still prostrates itself to adore. It must be war to the knife.'

Note: please see the recently updated content on the popeinred.com website by clicking here.

(L-R) May 17, 1946 Papal Bulla of Christ's Vicar Pope Pius XII, with His Excellency Giuseppe Siri's name written in it (three days prior Bishop Siri had been promoted by the Pope to the metropolitan see of Genoa i.e., named Archbishop of Genoa on May 14, 1946); Cardinal Siri pictured receiving the red biretta from Pope Pius XII in Rome, January 12th, 1953; A Cardinal on the move, His Eminence, Giuseppe Cardinal Siri at the Ospedale Galliera (a Hospital in Genoa of which he was the President) c. 1957; White smoke billowing forth from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel on October 26, 1958 for a full five minutes (which was witnessed by more than 200,000 joyous Catholic Faithful in St. Peter's Square) indicating that a Pope had been elected from within the conclave. Millions of others listening via radio throughout Italy and Europe heard the Official Vatican Radio broadcaster shout exultantly: "A pope is elected!"; June 14, 1988 historic picture of His Holiness Pope Gregory XVII with Rev. Fr. Peter Khoat Van Tran on left, and (on far right, one of the Hostage Pope's wicked captors, Mgsr. Grone) at the Istituto Ravasco convent in Rome. Pope Gregory XVII in a series of clandestine meetings in the late 1980s told Fr. Peter Khoat Van Tran, a well-known Italian Prelate (His Excellency Archbishop Arrigo Pintonello), Monsignor Carlo Taramasso and a distinguished layman that the white smoke was not an error (mix-up), but indeed signified His election and acceptance as Roman Pontiff and that he was under a decades-long death threat.

"He, Pope Gregory XVII, admitted in front of me that 'He was Pope Gregory XVII'. His (this) confirmation took place in Rome on June 14, 1988."
-Written statement by well known priest Fr. Khoat, who met with the Hidden Pontiff, His Holiness, Pope Gregory XVII ("Cardinal Siri").

Fr. Khoat - April 1989 The Hostage Pope - Gregory XVII Archbishop Arrigo Pintonello
(L/R) Providential priest Fr. *Peter Khoat Van Tran, April 4, 1989 in the US; The Hostage Pope (Gregory XVII) shortly before His Holiness' unexpected death; His Excellency, Archbishop Arrigo Pintonello (who was called in by Fr. Khoat Van Tran's group in 1988 to help Pope Gregory XVII operate the underground Vatican, and most generously responded): Fr. Khoat and a select group of clerics were **working closely with the hidden Pope-Gregory XVII (who was constantly monitored and under duress, during his forced exile in Genoa, Italy). His Holiness "expired" on May 2nd, 1989, yet formulated and implemented a strategy to "save" the True Petrine Hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church.

*Rev. Fr. Peter Khoat Van Tran's Confirmation name is also Peter, like his baptismal name. -ED

**Papal Restoration Campaign

See Important Article: Gregory XVII Utilized Catacomb Strategy To "Continue" Church (Info on His Cardinals 2008 A.D.)

"God will raise a holy Pope..."

Brother John of the Cleft Rock (14th Century): "Towards the end of the world, tyrants and hostile mobs will rob the Church and the clergy of all their possessions and will afflict and martyr them. Those who heap the most abuse upon them will be held in high esteem. At that time, the Pope with his cardinals will have to flee Rome in tragic circumstances to a place where they will be unknown. The Pope will die a cruel death in his exile. The sufferings of the Church will be much greater than at any previous time in her history. But God will raise a holy Pope, and the Angels will rejoice. Enlightened by God, this man will rebuild almost the whole world through his holiness. He will lead everyone to the true Faith. Everywhere, the fear of God, virtue, and good morals will prevail. He will lead all erring sheep back to the fold, and there shall be one faith, one law, one rule of life, and one baptism on earth. All men will love each other and do good, and all quarrels and wars will cease."

Relevant Link:

The Three Days of Darkness (Excerpts from noted scholar of Catholic Prophecy - Yves Dupont)

© In Today's Catholic World (TCW) 2005-Present. All rights reserved.

(February 17, The Second Sunday in Lent Sunday of I Class, Semidouble)

The Holy Ratisbonne
Alphonse Ratisbonne
He was miraculously converted from the (eternal) darkness of
Jewish perfidy by the Blessed Virgin Mary on January 20th, 1842

"'O my God'; cried he, I who but half an hour before was blaspheming still! I who felt a hatred so deadly of the Catholic religion! ... But all who know me know well enough that, humanly speaking, I have the strongest reasons for remaining a Jew. My family is Jewish, my bride is a Jewess, my uncle is a Jew. . . .In becoming a Catholic, I sacrifice all the interests and all the hopes I have on earth; ... Surely they must receive my testimony.

"She [the Blessed Virgin Mary] spoke not a word, but I understood all." -Alphonse-Marie Ratisbonne

In Today's Catholic World (TCW)
February 17, 2008 A.D.

TCW is honored to bring the whole story of the miraculous conversion of Alphonse Ratisbonne. A miracle officially recognized by the Church during the pontificacy of His Lordship, Pope Gregory XVI.

Ratisbonne was an educated French Jew, in the prime of his life [28 years] - with (unfortunately) power and position. He, so to speak, "had the world in his hands". He was a horrid mocker of the True Faith- yet by the sacrificing Catholic *charity of those around him, who persistently prayed to the Immaculate Virgin for his lost soul- a stupendous and instantaneous miracle was wrought!

*Certainly a stark contrast to the vile hate (crimes) commanded by the smiley Masonic antipopes- who peddle [$] the lie that Jewry must be (caressed and) left in the state (of damnation) they are in. -ED

Posted below are some extracts (and a link to the full text) of the (Imprimatured) book by Baron De Busseres, c. 1842 titled:

The Conversion of Marie-Alphonse Ratisbonne

Ratisbonne's Baptism (p. 51)

"And thus, when commanded to 'detest the perfidy of the Jews, to put away with contempt the superstition of the Hebrews,' he knew not a moment's hesitation, and the meek firmness of his replies showed that he was not unworthy of the boon the Church accorded him, in abridging for him the tests appointed for catechumens."

Ratisbonne's First Holy Communion on the day he was baptized into the One True Religion (p. 67)

"The holy sacrifice of the Mass closed the ceremony. It was scarcely possible to witness without a quickening of faith, the fervour with which the new convert prayed, and the silent recollectedness with which all the congregation united their prayers to his. It was especially at the solemn moment of communion that our Lord seemed to pour down His sweetness and His graces upon the pious multitude. Our dear brother Ratisbonne was so annihilated by his consciousness of the Divine Presence, that it was necessary to support him as he drew near to the holy table; and after having received the Bread of angels, he was unable to rise without the aid of Father Villefort and of his sponsor. His tears flowed abundantly; he was quite overcome by the depth and complexity of his emotions, and by the ineffable graces with which our Lord filled his soul. To see this young man, but a few days before an obstinate Jew, and now a Catholic flowing with faith and charity, one could not help saying to one's self; O Lord, Thou art wonderful in all Thy works. And the profound exclamation of the convert was ever present to our thoughts: 'I understood all."

Conversion of Ratisbonne
This famous painting in the Church of Sant' Andrea delle Fratte in Rome commemorates the event (and precise place) where
Our Lady in her unmatched charity- appeared to the young Jew Ratisbonne on January 20th, 1842 A.D., to save him from Hell

The Holy Ratisbonne's heartfelt thankfulness for the miracle of grace he received from the Most Blessed Virgin Mary (pgs. 124-125)

"Gratitude? yes, gratitude is henceforward my law and my life. Never can I adequately express it in words; but I will endeavour to condense and suggest it by my actions. ... I offer my liberty to God, for all my life, to be employed in the service of the Church and of my brethren, under the protection of Mary."

Extract from the letter of an eye-witness at the baptism of M. Marie-Alphonse Ratisbonne- Feb 2, 1842:

"A FEW WEEKS since a stranger arrived in Rome. He was young and rich; he has all the habits of that elegance, all the tastes of that brilliant frivolity, which education and fortune impart to young men of his age and stamp. He asks nothing of Italy but to be lulled by the soft languors of her winters, and some rays of the sun of her antique glory, of the deathless splendour of her sky and of her summers, the ever-fresh charm of her old memories, and the fragance of poetry which exhales from her ruins, hallowed by great deeds and by great men. ... In the secret heart of this young man there is one more serious thought, one profound and impetuous energy of feeling; he is a Jew, and he views Catholicism with all the prejudices and hatred of his race with a hatred at once keen, implacable, and sombre/ he even avoids Rome altogether. Still he has come thither, in his own despite almost; but he has scarcely arrived when he numbers the days for his departure. He has witnessed the moral degradation of his co-religionists, who are restrained to the filthiest quarter of the city - he charges it on the Catholics; and his hatred finds expression in bitter sarcasms, in horrible blasphemies. The very morning of the day fixed for his departure he wrote to his uncle [note: who was worth between 6 to 7 million Francs -was head of a bank, and had just granted (in a letter to Ratisbonne) an equal partnership in his bank. -TCW) 'I leave this city with a profound horror, and curse it as I go....' And that very day, a few hours later, this same young man casually enters a lonely church, falls on his knees overwhelmed and annihilated, rises bathed in tears, and asks for a Catholic priest, not to receive instruction, but to be baptised: his conversion was accomplished he had understood all. What, then, had taken place in this church? What has he seen? What has he heard?"

Click this link for the full text of: The Conversion of Marie-Alphonse Ratisbonne by Baron De Busseres

"O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee"
(Inscription on the Miraculous Medal)

"One who dies a Jew will be damned." -St. Vincent Ferrer "The Angel of Judgement" (1350�1419 A.D.)

The Little Flower
St. Therese of Lisieux
"There is one only thing to do here below: to love Jesus, to win souls for Him so that He may be loved. Let us seize with
jealous care every least opportunity of self-sacrifice. Let us refuse Him nothing - He does so want our love!"
-St. Therese of Lisieux

© In Today's Catholic World (TCW) 2005-Present. All rights reserved.

(February 11, The Apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Lourdes)

Lourdes France
The Grotto at Lourdes, France where the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared in 1858 A.D., to St. Bernadette Soubirous

"Pray for poor sinners; pray for the world which is in such trouble." -Our Lady of Lourdes to St. Bernadette

I MAY PASS OUT OF IT FREE FROM SIN. (INDULGENCE: 100 days once a day. --Pius IX. March 27, 1863.)

In Today's Catholic World (TCW)
February 11, 2008 A.D.

Today commemorates the apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Lourdes, France (which began) on February 11, 1858 A.D. It also importantly marks the 150th Anniversary of this miraculous occurrence- which has brought countless graces to the Catholic faithful for generations.

Let us fervently invoke Our Immaculate Lady to promptly destroy the Vatican II sect criminals - so as to take back God's Sacred Church's and Shrines.

The following text is extracted primarily from the Traditional Breviary for (February 11):

In the fourth year after the definition of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin, the Virgin herself deigned to appear on several occasions to a certain very poor but pious and innocent girl named Bernadette, in a rock cavern overlooking the grotto of Massabielle, on the banks of the River Gave, near the town of Lourdes in the diocese of Tarbes in France. The Immaculate Virgin shewed herself as a young and gracious figure, robed in white, with a white veil and a blue girdle, and golden roses on her bare feet. At the first apparition on February 11, 1858, she taught the child to make the sign of the Cross correctly and devoutly, and, taking a chaplet from her own arm, encouraged her by example to say the holy Rosary; this was also repeated in the subsequent apparitions. On the second day the girl, who feared some deceit of the devil, in all simplicity cast holy water at the Virgin, who smiled more graciously than before. At the third apparition, the girl was invited to repeat her visits to the grotto for fifteen days. During this time the Virgin conversed with her, exhorted her to pray for sinners, to kiss the ground and do penance; and finally commanded her to tell the priests, that a chapel was to be built in that place, and that pilgrims should come to it solemnly in prayer. She was also told to drink and wash in the water from a spring, until then invisible, but which soon gushed out of the ground. On the feast of the Annunciation the girl earnestly begged the Virgin, who had so often visited her, to reveal her name, and, joining her hands and raising her eyes to heaven, she said: I am the Immaculate Conception.

Lourdes France
St. Bernadette Soubirous

Extract from: Lourdes: A History of its Apparitions and Cures, (Chapter 2 Reality of the Apparitions pps., 42-43):

...Bernadette, in her ecstasy, learns things which she did not know before. For instance, she hears the apparition say to her:

"I am the Immaculate Conception."

She had never heard the word before, and her naive simplicity did not understand the profound dogma which the word contained. 1

1 V. Fourcade, Secretary to the Commission of Inquiry, L Apparition a la Grotte de Lourdes, p. 38. Tarbes, 1868.

It was charming to see her, as M. Fabisch tells us.

"I never saw anything so beautiful," he wrote to his family, "as when I asked her how Our Lady looked when she said, 'I am the Immaculate Conception.' She (Bernadette) rose with great simplicity, joined her hands, and raised her eyes to heaven. Neither
Fra Angelico, nor Perugini, nor Raphael, has ever produced anything so sweet and at the same time so deep as the look of this simple young girl." (Lourdes: A History Of Its Apparitions And Cures by Georges Bertrin. 1908. The International Catholic Library, Edited by Rev. J. Wilhelm, D.D., PH.D. D., PH.D., VOL. XIII. Imprimatur)

Widespread reports of favours which the faithful were said to have received at the sacred grotto, in time increased the crowds of people, which the devotion of the place was calling to the grotto. Therefore the Bishop of Tarbes, who had been impressed by the report of the miracles and the sincerity of the girl, four years after these events, after a judicial inquiry, recognized the supernatural character of the apparition, and permitted the worship of the Immaculate Virgin to be held in the grotto. A chapel was soon built; and since then, almost innumerable crowds of the faithful, because of vows and prayers, have come here every year from France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, and all parts of Europe and the most remote parts of America, and the name of the Immaculate of Lourdes hath become famous in all countries.

Lourdes Water
Miraculous Lourdes Water

Water from the fountain, carried to all parts of the globe, hath restored health to the sick. And the Catholic world, mindful of so many benefits, hath built beautiful churches there. Countless banners, proofs of favours received, sent there by cities and nations, decorate the temple of the Virgin with a marvellous beauty. The Immaculate Virgin is constantly venerated, as if in her own palace. The days are filled with prayers, sacred singing, and other solemn ceremonies; and the nights are sanctified by the pious supplications of almost countless people who walk in procession carrying lighted candles and torches, and singing the praises of the blessed Virgin.

Lourdes France
The Church of the Holy Rosary (Lourdes, France)
In 1883 the 25th anniversary of the apparition was celebrated, and the first stone of the Church of the Holy Rosary was laid.
Six years later the same church was solemnly opened and was consecrated in 1901, with great solemnity.

It is evident to all that pilgrimages of this kind have revived faith in a world grown indifferent, have given inspiration to the profession of the Christian faith, and have wonderfully increased devotion to the Immaculate Virgin. The Christian people have priests as leaders in this wonderful profession of faith, who bring their flocks there. Even bishops frequently visit the holy spot, lead pilgrimages, and take part in the more solemn feasts. And it is not uncommon for the eminent Cardinals of the Roman Church themselves to be seen as humble pilgrims.

At the latter end of his (Pope Leo XIII's) life he wrote: "It is nearly fifty years since the Holy Virgin Mother of God manifested, at Lourdes, in the most striking manner, the power of her help and the tenderness of her maternal heart in favour of the needy and unhappy." 1

...A few years previously, on his Pontifical Jubilee, the Missionaries of the Immaculate Conception had offered him a silver statue of Our Lady of Lourdes.

"Ah," said Leo XIII. when he received it, "you could not have given me anything I liked better." And raising the statue, he kissed it.

1 Letter to the Bishop of Liege, February 11, 1899.

(Lourdes: A History Of Its Apparitions And Cures [pps 66-67] by Georges Bertrin. 1908. The International Catholic Library, Edited by Rev. J. Wilhelm, D.D., PH.D. D., PH.D., VOL. XIII. Imprimatur)

The Roman Pontiffs themselves also have, out of their piety towards the Immaculate of Lourdes, showered many noble gifts upon the sacred temple. Pius IX enriched it with sacred indulgences, gave it the privilege of an Archconfraternity and the title of a minor basilica; and delegated his apostolic legate in France to crown, with solemn rites, the statue of the Mother of God venerated in that place. Leo XIII also granted very many favours, jubilee indulgences on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Apparition, and promoted pilgrimages by his authority and suggestion, and ordained that the solemn dedication of the church, under the title of the Rosary, should be done in his name. Moreover he crowned all these favours by granting, at the request of many bishops, the celebration of a solemn feast under the title of the Apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary Immaculate, with a proper Office and Mass. Finally Pius X, out of devotion to the Mother of God, granted the petition of many bishops that this feast should be extended to the Universal Church. [END]

Featured Text:

Dogmatic Canons And Decrees Authorized Translations Of The Dogmatic Decrees Of The Council Of Trent, The Decree On The Immaculate Conception, The Syllabus Of Pope Pius IX And The Decrees Of The Vatican Council (The Devin Vin-Adair Company, New York 1912 Imprimatur)

Relevant Links:

Picture of the (miraculously) incorrupt body of St. Bernadette

The Most Holy Rosary in Latin

The Holy See And The Jews! By the (Monseigneur Jouin founded) International Review of Secret Societies Magazine

Important article by Monsieur l'Abbe' Henri Mouraux against Freemasonry

Le Pape Dans Le Rouge ("La rencontre historique entre le P�re Khoat et le Pape s�questr� Gr�goire XVII en 1988")

Le Pape Dans Le Rouge
(De gauche � droite) "Photo du P�re Khoat,
Sa Saintet� le Pape Gr�goire XVII, et un
des ravisseurs, Mgr Grone - 14 juin 1988,
Institut Ravasco Couvent Rome Italie"

Unam Sanctum (On Papal Primacy) Papal Bull of His Holiness Pope Boniface VIII, promulgated November 18, 1302

Simple Truths About Salvation (A concise summary of the current grave situation of the Church today... imperative for every Catholic soul. -ED)

"I fear only the bad Christians" -Saint Bernadette

"Being anxious to be neither indifferent nor asleep, nor again a Mute Hound in the Church Militant, but to be on the contrary, even though from afar, linked to the dogs of the Lord, the "Dominicani" of whom in the 13th century spoke Jeanne d'Aza, mother of Saint Dominique, at the time of the Church struggle against the Albigenses; in order also not to be counted among the cowards who flee from the battlefield and whom, when in 1870 the Germans invaded France Saint Bernadette said: 'I fear only the bad Christians' for such reasons I founded the "Revue Internationale Des Societes Secretes." I, today also want to thank all the companions who in this struggle, both in work and in prayer have allied themselves with my humble but persevering efforts. Yes! let us of the league of St. Michael remain united in prayer for the conversion of Masons and Jews. Let us be united in our efforts to respond to the concordant voice of the Sovereign Pontiffs, in order to destroy, inasmuch as lies in our possibilities, the Judeo-Masonic Sect. When will this be? In God's own hour which seems to be very close. What can be done against this world power? Everything!" (Papacy and Freemasonry a Speech by Monseigneur Jouin, December 8th, 1930 A.D.)

See Important Article: Gregory XVII Utilized Catacomb Strategy To "Continue" Church (Info on His Cardinals 2008 A.D.)

Catholic Radio Podcast Online
TCW Radio

Listen to radio & podcast interviews on the duty of True Papal Restoration by clicking here

"...you must labor and diligently take care that the faith may be preserved amidst this great conspiracy of impious men
who attempt to tear it down and destroy it."
(Mirari Vos, Encyclical of Pope Gregory XVI, August 15, 1832 A.D.)

Pray For True Papal Restoration!

© In Today's Catholic World (TCW) 2005-Present. All rights reserved.

(February 3, Quinquagesima Sunday -Sunday of II Class, Semidouble)

The True Pope Against The Zew Montini True Pope Against Pagan
(L/R) "Cardinal Siri" in 1967 A.D., (in the front left corner of picture) is shown to be angry at the imposter "pope" Montini,
while all the others around him "Siri" (a.k.a. Pope Gregory XVII) generously applaud the usurper: Antipope Paul VI; Pope Gregory XVII although under a constant, fatiguing (strategically inflicted) Gethsemane by Satan's masons coupled with the more painful heartbreaking public abandonment by His Own (Cardinals) is shown in a rare (published) photo openly confronting the fraud Wojtyla.

In Today's Catholic World (TCW)
February 3, 2008 A.D.

The Editor of TCW is most grateful to a self-sacrificing Catholic soul, who recently translated the key historical aspects of the Hostage Pope's (Gregory XVII's) pontificacy into French:

To read the French translation of Les principaux �l�ments de cette rencontre historique: please click here.

Papa Pio VI Pope Gregory XVII
Pope Pius VI (1795-1799 A.D.); Pope Gregory XVII (1958-1989 A.D.)
Pope Pius VI was exiled from Rome as a result of the Freemasons (and their infiltrators).
This History tragically repeated itself during the sorrow-filled reign of Pope Gregory XVII.

"During the last quarter of this 18th century during which Masonry had spent 72 years to prepare for 1789 and the bloodshed which was to last many years, Peter's Seat had been occupied by Pius VI, who was destined to die in exile. His first Encyclical of December 25, 1775, is the acknowledgment of the tears he has shed, "Nostrarum Vim Pacrymarum Exquirit," those tears caused by the so-called philosophers, fanatical enemies of the Church, professors of lies. "Magistros Mendacissimos," leaders of sects of perdition who, with their erroneous beliefs, penetrate into the seats of the Academies, in the houses of the notables, in the Courts of Kings, and what is still more horrible, even penetrate in the Lord's Sanctuary, "Etiam in sanctuarium insinuant."

Alas! Those "Sects of Perdition" at the hour of the Revolution dragged along too many members of the regular and secular Clergy whose names appear on the lists of Masonic lodges: "Corruptio optimi pessima." What of the
situation *today?" ( Papacy and Freemasonry a Speech by Monseigneur Jouin, December 8th, *1930 A.D.)

masonic symbol Santanic Usurper
Actual (18th Century) Emblem at the time of the Satanic Freemasonic French Revolution. Note the image of the Freemasonic Handshake above the word: FRATERNITE'; Current Head of the Christ Killing Judeo-Masonic V-2 Sect (Antipope Benedict XVI) pictured giving a "shake" with England's (New World Order) Leader Tony Blair (June 2006 A.D.)

Of the twentieth century, "...for Satan will reign almost completely by means of the Masonic sects"

Our Lady of Good Success in confidence to Ven. Mother Marianna de Jesus de Torres,
Quito, Ecuador: (Jan. 20, 1610 A.D.) with ecclesiastical approval.

French Royal Monarchy Flag
French Catholic Flag Flown by True Catholics in France who fought the Masonic French Revolutionaries c. 1790s

"Now I remember the words spoken by Our Lord to Thomas: 'Blessed those who do not see it but believe it', applied in our time. Blessed to you because you accept the historical fact that the White smoke from the chapel Sistine at 5:00 p.m on October 26, 1958, announced the "Habemus Papam" who was Cardinal Giuseppe Siri elected Pope Gregory XVII but the power of Darkness stopped him to run his papacy for 30 years, 6 months and 6 days in the public, except 10 months and 16 days he actually ran the papacy from the secrecy. Why 10 months and 16 days? This was the days counting from day I met him on June 14, 1988 to the day he passed away on May 2, 1989. Gradually, the people of the world realize that Pope Gregory XVII (Siri) and his successors are true popes of the Roman Catholic Church and John XXII (Roncalli) and his successors are Anti-pope of the Roman Catholic Church. ... From the day I met Pope Gregory XVII, I loved him. Therefore, I wish even we are handful of his follower, we love him, pray for him, and pray for the Roman Catholic Church." -The Rev. Fr. Peter Khoat Van Tran (Hand-typed statement, May 20th, 2006 A.D.)

Relevant Links:

Protonotaire Apostolique Msgr. [Abb�] Gaume's, La Situation, 1860. (French)

Volto Santo � La Sainte Face � (French)

Prophesies Regarding the Coming Great Catholic Monarch (English)

Who "Pulled" 911 (English)

Featured (Sacred) Music:

Rare: Pre-Usurpation Gregorian Chant (Recorded c. 1930 A.D. in France)

Featured Text:

Meditations for Lent from St. Thomas Aquinas

Our Lady of Good Success "Therefore, clamor insistently without tiring and weep with bitter tears in the privacy of your heart, imploring our Celestial Father that, for love of the Eucharistic Heart of my Most Holy Son and His Precious Blood shed with such generosity and the profound bitterness and sufferings of His cruel Passion and Death, He might take pity on His ministers and bring to an end those Ominous times, sending to His Church the Prelate who will restore the spirit of its priests." -Our Lady of Good Success, 1634 A.D. (Message intended for the 20th Century).

Catholic Radio
Podcast Online
TCW Radio

Listen to interviews about the True Church in Eclipse and how you can help

Incorrupt Body of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
Incorrupt Body of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

0! Heart of Jesus, at each instant in the day Increase the fire of thy love in my soul.

The Twelve Promises of the Sacred Heart to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque:

  • 1. "I will give them all the graces necessary in their state of life."
  • 2. "I will establish peace in their homes."
  • 3. "I will comfort them in their afflictions."
  • 4. "I will be their secure refuge during life, and above all in death."
  • 5. "I will bestow a large blessing upon all their undertakings."
  • 6. "Sinners shall find in My Heart the source and the infinite ocean of mercy."
  • 7. "Tepid souls shall grow fervent."
  • 8. "Fervent souls shall quickly mount to high perfection."
  • 9. "I will bless every place where a picture of My Heart shall be set up and honored."
  • 10. "I will give to priests the gift of touching the most hardened hearts."
  • 11. "Those who shall promote this devotion shall have their names written in My Heart, never to be blotted out."
  • 12. "I promise thee in the excessive mercy of My Heart that My all-powerful love will grant to all those who communicate on the First Friday in nine            consecutive months, the grace of final penitence; they shall not die in My disgrace nor without receiving the Sacraments; My Divine Heart shall be            their safe refuge in this last moment."

    "For in the last days the *false prophets and the corruptors shall be multiplied, and the
    sheep shall be turned into wolves, and love shall change to hate..." -The Didache XVI, iii

    "... he [Luther] was so vain of himself, that he despised the most learned writers of the Church,
    and he especially attacked the doctrines of St. Thomas, so much esteemed by the Council of Trent."

    -St. Alphonsus Liguori, The History of Heresies, And Their Refutation; Or, The Triumph Of The Church, Vol I, p. 294

    *IMPORTANT WARNING! Against *False Prophets: "The Zirconia Brothers" (A.K.A. The Dimond "Brothers") CLICK TO READ

    Related Links/Info:

    Most "Holy" Family Monastery�A doctrine of Ambiguity, Condemnations and Haste (A Letter by Mr. Patrick Walsh of Waterford City, Ireland)

    1917 Code of Canon Law

    Code of Canon Law

    The Angelic Doctor's Summa Theologica carries special authority in the Church,
    who ordains that all who teach in her name should be imbued with its teaching
    (*Code, Canons 589, 1366).

    *Can. 589. � 1. Religiosi in inferioribus disciplinis rite instructi, in philosophiae studia saltem per biennium et sacrae theologiae saltem per quadriennium, doctrinae D. Thomae inhaerentes ad normam can. 1366, � 2, diligenter incumbant, secundum instructiones Apostolicae Sedis.

    On Ecclesiastical Burial - (*Code, Canon 1239. 2) "Catechumens who, through no fault of their own, die WITHOUT Baptism, are to be treated as baptized."

    *Can 1239� 2. Catechumeni qui nulla sua culpa sine baptismo moriantur, baptizatis accensendi sunt.

    "...the audacity..."

    The filthy Feeneyite heretic Michael Dimond (like his "obedient" idol Fr. Leonard) has vainly tried all-in-his-power to minimize/obscure the Holy Catholic Faith's Dogmatic teaching on the Sacrament of Baptism- so clearly and concisely defined at the sacred *Council of Trent.

    ...a most wicked and unoriginal trick - as St. Alphonsus warned Catholics in his day to beware of - when the Holy Doctor and Child of Mary wrote:

    "It is the interest of all heretics to weaken the authority of *Councils, that there may be no power to condemn them, and expose their errors to the world."
    -St. Alphonsus Liguori, The History of Heresies, And Their Refutation; Or, The Triumph Of The Church, Volume I

    Anti-Trent (Anti-Christ?) Michael Dimond wants all to say that Baptism by (True) Desire and (Heroic) Blood is a mere "opinion" or at best "just a discipline" from a (mere?) Pope (that MUST NOT be obeyed, he says, under pain of eternal damnation! ?????)

    Again, there can be NO debate on the perfect Council of Trent's defined Dogmatic teachings of De Fide concerning Holy Baptism: Rome Has Spoken.

    Yet merely to further expose the (self-appointed *"Superior" of the absolute antithesis of a Catholic monastery- the *layman Mike Dimond's) most-wholly-anarchist "reasoning" that he and his followers not only could... but MUST "pick and choose" which Ecclesiastical rule(s) are to their fancy or not -- see *Christ's Vicar's "opinion"...

    *"Nor can we pass over in silence the audacity of those who, not enduring sound doctrine, contend that 'without sin and without any sacrifice of the Catholic profession assent and obedience may be refused to those judgments and decrees of the Apostolic See, whose object is declared to concern the Church's general good and her rights and discipline, so only it does not touch the dogmata of faith and morals.' But no one can be found not clearly and distinctly to see and understand how grievously this is opposed to the Catholic dogma of the full power given from God by Christ our Lord Himself to the Roman Pontiff of feeding, ruling and guiding the Universal Church." -His Holiness, Pope Pius IX, Quanta Cura (Encyclical Condemning Current Errors), December 8, 1864


    I adhere to the Faith of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, the
    Faith of the Council of Trent. In this Faith I wish to live, in this Faith I wish to die.

    "Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist... The Church will be in eclipse..."
    (Words spoken by Our Lady of La Salette to Melanie Calvat in 1846 A.D., a fully approved Church Apparition)

    © In Today's Catholic World (TCW) 2005-2008 A.D. All rights reserved.

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