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~ In Today's Catholic World ~

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News for The Church in Eclipse

"Uncompromising Catholic Militancy"

[In response to someone who begged him (Saint Pius X) to "go soft" on the Modernists, He retorted]: "Kindness is for fools! They want them to be treated with oil, soap, and caresses but they ought to be beaten with fists! In a duel you don't count or measure the blows, you strike as you can! War is not made with charity, it is a struggle a duel. If Our Lord were not terrible he would not have given an example in this too. See how he treated the Philistines, the sowers of error, the wolves in sheep's clothing, the traitors in the temple. He scourged them with whips!"

From the Sacred Liturgy: Auferte gentem perfidam credentium de finibus (Take the faithless tribe from the borders of the believing)

May is the month dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary
May is the Month the Church
Dedicates to the Most Blessed Virgin Mary

Ecclesiastical Approbation

In Today's Catholic World carries the approbation in writing of the (True) Petrine Hierarchy in exile i.e., connected with Pope Gregory XVII. It faithfully adheres to the rules for Catholic Journals mandated by Leo XIII in the Apostolic Constitution Officiorum ac Munerum, January 25, 1897 - so heavily re-stressed by Pius X in Pascendi Dominici Gregis, September 8, 1907.

St. Ignatius of Antioch - "Let no one do anything of concern to the Church without the bishop. Let that be considered a valid Eucharist which is celebrated by the bishop or by one whom he ordains [i.e., a presbyter]. Wherever the bishop appears, let the people be there; just as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church." (Letter to the Smyrneans 8:2 - 110 A.D.)

(May 31, Thursday in the Whitsun Octave -Semidouble)

Cardinal Camerlengo
Picture of an unidentified *Camerlengo Certifying a Papal Death

Pope St. Gregorius VII.) Significant Papal Action(s): Created Cardinals (which included designation of a *Camerlengo) to carry on mission of Church (Hierarchy) 1988. Formulated 'Continuance of Papacy Plan' 1988 to 1989 with Papal directive to *elect His successor promptly were he to die in unforseen manner (*this occurred).


In Today's Catholic World (TCW)
May 31, 2007 A.D.

Title: The Hostage Pope (Gregory XVII 1958-1989):
The Editor of TCW, was interviewed live on Canada's largest talk-radio station CFRB based in Toronto on 05/16/07.

***IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER***- in some of TCW's interviews the Editor [in good faith] used the word *"sedevacantist" (which has been shown to be a false thesis). That *error will be edited out ASAP. -TCW

NOTE: CLICK (on the right) TO LISTEN or Download

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Description: On May 16, 2007 A.D., the Editor of TCW was interviewed live on CFRB about The Hostage Pope, His Holiness, Gregory XVII. Included: the 1958 Conclave and election of Pope Gregory XVII; the Masonic takeover of the structures (buildings) of the Catholic Church by the Vatican II sect; a heroic priest's meeting with the Hostage Pope in 1988; information of an Italian Cardinal made by Pope Gregory XVII in 1988; question "is there a Pope (in exile) now?" Note: The interview includes live call-ins from CFRB listeners. (48:41 min.)

Wear the Brown Scapular - Pray the Rosary!

Our Lady of Fatima
Our Lady of Fatima Queen of the Most
Holy Rosary
"... if [people] do not stop offending God... He is going to punish the world for its crimes by means of war, of hunger, and of persecution of the Church and of the Holy Father." -Our Lady of Fatima 1917

"So numerous are the souls which the justice of God condemns for sins committed against Me, that I come to ask for reparation. Sacrifice yourself for this intention and pray." -Words of Our Lady of Fatima (at Rianjo) to Sr. Lucy on June 13, 1929

"... she [The Blessed Virgin] told me that the devil is in the mood for engaging in a decisive battle against the Virgin. And a decisive battle is the final battle where one side will be victorious and the other side will suffer defeat. Hence from now on we must choose sides. Either we are for God or we are for the devil. There is no other possibility.

"Many nations will disappear from the face of the earth and Russia will be the instrument of chastisement unless all of us, by prayer and sacrifice, obtain the conversion of that poor nation. Father, tell souls that the devil is carrying on a decisive battle with the Virgin Mary.

"Look Father, the Most Holy Virgin in these last times in which we live has given a new efficacy to the recitation of the Rosary to such an extent that there is no problem, no matter how difficult it is, whether temporal or above all spiritual, in the personal life of each one of us, of our families, of the families of the world, or of the religious communities, or even of the life of peoples and nations that cannot be solved by the Rosary. There is no problem I tell you, no matter how difficult it is, that we cannot resolve by the prayer of the Holy Rosary. With the Holy Rosary, we will save ourselves. We will sanctify ourselves. We will console Our Lord and obtain the salvation of many souls." -Sister Lucy's message from Heaven to Fr. Fuentes on Dec. 26, 1957 to be delivered to the world.

Pray Unceasingly for the Liberty [Freedom] and Exultation of Holy Mother Church!

© In Today's Catholic World (TCW) 2005-Present. All rights reserved.

The Most Holy Rosary

Note: TCW's next post will be (Thur May 31st) - remember May is the Month of Mary Our Hope!
Please see the encouraging 15 Promises granted to those who faithfully recite the Most Holy Rosary.

"There is nothing more profitable [to live in the doctrine of the Summa Theologica], for one is sure to live in the full light of reason and faith."
(Catechism Of The"Summa Theologica", of Saint Thomas Aquinas For the Use of the Faithful, Of Faith, iv section B, p. 108. Imprimatur 1922)

(May 20th, Sunday within the Octave of the Ascension - Semidouble )

We Will Take Back Our Buildings From The Modernist Enemies!
We Will Take Back Our Buildings From The Modernist Enemies!

"In their Messianic materialism, the directors of Judaism dream of an implementation of world government wherein they are the masters
and we are the slaves. They recognize that the insurmountable wall that lies in the path of this program of conquest is the religious wall...in particular, the wall of the Catholic Church. By experience, they know that slander, prisons, even death, does not crush the faith... it only enlivens it. They know very well that in order to destroy the Church of Jesus Christ they have only one road left... INFILTRATION.
Thus, the case of Anacletus II is repeating itself; the infiltrators, denounced by Pius X, have invaded the hierarchy and have even captured
the Chair of Peter."
(Fr. Joaquin Saenz Y Arriaga, PHD., The New Montinian Church, 1971 A.D.)


In Today's Catholic World (TCW)
May 20, 2007 A.D.

(Minneapolis) -May 20- In Today's Catholic World is most fortunate to present another excellent article from our on-staff columnist, Mrs. Brownsey. This superb piece is on St. Bernard of Clairvaux and his heroic battle to restore the True Pope (Innocent II) back to His Throne in Rome - where an evil Antipope (Anacletus II) was "reigning" from, who had usurped the papacy from Christ's True Vicar.

Also, today (May 20th) is the birthday of Fr. Khoat Tran (who was born in the former capital city of French Asia) - the important priest who was
able to reach/rescue the Hostage Pope, Gregory XVII in 1988 A.D., and was entrusted with the most important of missions from His Holiness
(True Papal Restoration), which effects all souls today. Please say a prayer for Fr. Khoat who has done so much for Holy Mother Church during this, The Apostasy.

St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Arbiter of Christendom

St. Bernard of  Clairvaux
St. Bernard of Clairvaux

By Mrs. Brownsey

(TCW Columnist)

�Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of Hosts�Zech iv:6


Upon this centenary of Pope St. Pius� X monumental encyclical Pascendi against the sum of all heresies, Modernism, this year of Our Lord 2007 is the year that In Today�s Catholic World News Journal with the approval of the successors of His Holiness Pope Gregory XVII has chosen especially to:

Align Our Lives with the Message of Fatima.


The revelation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary at Fatima, for whose Triumph we labour is clearly foreshadowed in this meditation of St. Bernard:


�The martyrdom of the Virgin is set forth both in the prophecy of Simeon and the actual story of our Lord�s passion.The holy old man said of the infant Jesus: �He has been established as a sign which will be contradicted.�And of Mary �Your own Heart will be pierced by a sword�.�


�Truly, O Blessed Mother, a sword has pierced your heart.For only by passing through your heart could the sword enter the flesh of your Son.Indeed, after your Jesus � who belongs to everyone, but is especially yours � gave up his life, the cruel spear which was not withheld from his lifeless body, tore open his side.Clearly it did not touch his soul and could not harm him, but it did pierce your Heart.For surely, his soul was no longer there, but yours could be torn away.Thus, the violence of sorrow has cut through your Heart and we rightly call you more than martyr, since the effect of compassion in you has gone beyond the endurance of physical suffering.


�Or were those words, �Woman behold your Son, not more than a word to you, truly piercing your heart, cutting through to the division between soul and spirit?What an exchange!John is given to you in place of Jesus, the servant in place of the Lord, the disciple in place of the master, the son of Zebedee replaces the Son of God, a mere man replaces God himself.How could these words not pierce your most loving heart, when the mere remembrance of them breaks ours, hearts of iron and stone though they are!


�Do not be surprised, brothers, that Mary is said to be a martyr in spirit.Let him be surprised who does not remember the words of Paul, that one of the greatest crimes of the Gentiles was that they were without love.That was far from the Heart of Mary, let it be far from her servants.


�Perhaps someone will say �Had she not known that he would die?�Undoubtedly.�Did she not expect him to rise again?�Surely.�And still she grieved over her crucified Son?�Intensely.Who are you and what is the source of your wisdom that you are more surprised at the compassion of Mary than at the passion of Mary�s Son?For if he could die in body, could she not die with him in spirit?He died in body through a love greater than anyone had ever known.She died in spirit through a love unlike any since His.� -St. Bernard of Clairvaux(Sermo in dom. Infra oct Assumptionis 14-15: Opera omnia, Edit. Cist. 5, 273-274.Today used for the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows.)


Union of the Two Hearts

This is perhaps still the finest expression ever written upon the union of the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary � the royal standard of our time.


St. Bernard�s mystical theology is very much a contemporary meditation. Although the Revolution inaugurated 1789 has "uncrowned" our Lord Jesus Christ as King, it is by means of His Sacred Heart that our Lord both desires and intends to reconquer nations. Omnia instaurare in Christo. It is the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart that will restore all things to His glory.As He said to Sr Lucia of Fatima at Tuy, quite simply: �This has been confided to her.�Even though the Spiritual union of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts had not yet been shown prophetically to the Church in the time of St. Bernard, nor its meaning in history begun to be revealed, yet it was always there in the Sacred Deposit to the eyes of faith, such as St. Bernard possessed.


And here in the twelfth century, does St. Bernard, the contemplative theologian and doctor of the Church, begin to sound the great themes of this union.Co-redemption.Martyrdom of spirit. Vicarious exchange in filial relationship and by extension,�the works that I do, and greater will he do, because I go to the Father� John 14:12.Here, referring to the Apostolic works of our Lord�s Kingdom and his government, the Church, wrought by servants and disciples given to His Mother as sons and to whom He has committed His Mother as Co-Redemptrix - that is through Her Heart and the prayer of Her Heart, magnifying Him above all.These supernatural realities and the great themes that attend them were always present in the Sacred Deposit.But the Church in time through Her saints participating in the things of heaven and living through this passing age of the world, discover to us the sacred realities that are to become manifest in history, and thus woven with our own lives.And in these latter times, Our Lord has invited us to become consecrated to Him through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.This invitation, we see now, in the Providence and foreknowledge of God, was uniquely reserved for the Church in the time of the Revolution begun in 1789, when His Vicariate, the papacy would be overthrown.


The terrible chapters in that Revolution � the loss of the papal estates in the 19th century, the world wars entraining from the destruction and subversion of nations by Masonry, the overthrow of the Holy See in Rome in 1958: �The Pastor having been struck� (1) closely concerns the Immaculate Heart of Mary, so much so that at Fatima, she comes to offer her Heart as the sanctuary and refuge of the Church in eclipse.


Pope Innocent II
His Holiness, Pope Innocent II
Christ's Vicar on Earth, Pope Innocent II, although seemingly invisible/hidden compared to the "popular"
(Antipope) Anacletus II- summoned the man of prayer, St. Bernard, to defend His lawful claim to the throne of St. Peter

These contemplative truths, beginning to dawn in the twelfth century and shining more strongly and clearly into focus with every passing century, these are the true light of Clairvaux, the light of that time to which we now turn.This is the history of St. Bernard�s century, the twelfth century.Indeed it was the piety and zeal and mystical theology of St. Bernard that made the twelfth century a great century in the age of the Church; when St. Bernard of Clairvaux, contemplative monk devoted to silence, prayer, the study of the sacred scripture and theology became the Arbiter of Christendom, summoned by Pope Innocent II to defend his claims and to contend against the antipope of the day Anacletus II.This was century in which an antipapacy, the might of its temporal arm, its wealth and enormous popularity among all classes was weighed in the balance � and judged, even in its own day -a passing thing.


Briefly, the history of the antipapacy begins as the history of antipapacy always does with those who covet the temporal power.Since those who covet the temporal power, never get any really new or interesting ideas, a brief synopsis will suffice to narrate the background to the antipapacy of the twelfth century.Cardinal Pietro Pierleone of the Pierleoni family, one the wealthiest and most powerful senatorial families, decided he wanted to become the pope. �If we can believe his enemies, he disgraced his high office (Cardinal-Deacon of SS Cosmas and Damian) by gross immorality and by his greed in the accumulation of lucre� there can be little doubt that he was determined to buy or force his way into the papal chair.�The Pierleoni, of Jewish extraction, had arisen to wealth and power through usury and with this wealth he could count upon the votes of 30 cardinals, the support of the populace upon whom he had lavished many favours, as well as the support of every noble family in Rome.


When Pope Honorius II lay dying on the night of Feb. 13, 1130, the Pierleoni had the Romanita of the election of his successor in hand.It was as we would say in our century: �a done deal.�Whatever, they called it in the twelfth century, the pars sanior, who retained the leading power in the Sacred College and the election knew a �done deal� when they saw one.They determined to use their plenary powers in the Sacred College to block the election of Cardinal Pierleone.The Chancellor of the Sacred College, Cardinal Haymaric and the Cardinal � Bishop of Ostia together with four Cardinal � Bishops removed the dying pope from the Latern to St. Gregory�s.He was buried Feb. 14, and the election promptly called among the Cardinal-Bishops together with hand picked Cardinal � priests and Cardinal � deacons in sufficient number to secure valid election.They elected Gregory Papareschi, Cardinal of San Giorgio.He took the name Innocent II.Later in the day, the Pierleone party assembled in the Church of St. Mark and proclaimed Cardinal Pietro Pierleone to be the pope.He took the name Anacletus II.


Both claimants were consecrated on Feb 23, 1130: Anacletus II at St. Peter�s and Innocent II at St. Maria Nuova by the Cardinal � Bishop of Ostia to whom the function specifically belonged.The schism of the twelfth century had begun.The canonists were deadlocked over the entitlements of the opposed claimants.The majority of the Cardinals stood with Pierleone; including the Dean of the Sacred College; however, most of the Cardinal � Bishops stood with Innocent II.The populace supported the papacy of Anacletus II.His life at stake, Pope Innocent II fled the City under banishment of the antipope.


In France, Bernard of Clairvaux took up his cause.�Expelled by the City, he was welcomed by the world.�Summoned by a national council of French bishops at Etampes, St. Bernard was chosen to judge between the two claimants for the papacy.The Saint stated his reasons for his decision in favour of Innocent II.His election was purer in motive, more regular in form, earlier in time.The dignity and merit of Pope Innocent�s electors were an important consideration: cardinals, bishops, priests and deacons in sufficient numbers and according to the decrees of the Fathers to make a valid election.Recognition by the great Catholic powers followed.St. Bernard accompanied Innocent to Italy and reconciled the city states of Pisa, Genoa and Milan with the Pope and with Lothair.In the spring of 1130, two great synods: Reims and Piacenza, swayed by the advocacy of St. Bernard, declared for Innocent II.


Castel Sant'Angelo
The Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome, Italy was illegally held by Antipope Anacletus II
who was well-fortified, do to his plundering of the treasures of the Church

Pope Innocent II entered Rome, supported by the army of Lothair, but Lothair felt himself too weak to resist the partisans of Anacletus in Rome where he was maintaining himself in great popularity by lavish expenditure and the plundered treasures of the Church.Furthermore, Anacletus had enlisted the support of Duke Roger of Apulia for his temporal arm.And on Christmas Day 1130, a Cardinal legate of Anacletus anointed Roger as �King of the Two Sicilies� at Palermo.Thus Anacletus held the castle of Sain Angelo.


Although Lothair had received the imperial crown from Innocent II at the Latern, he could not open the way to St. Peter�s for him.The armies of King Roger could not be defeated by the imperial forces that were weakened in the quarrel Anacletus had stirred up between himself and the House of Hohenstaufen.Upon Lothair�s departure from Rome, Innocent was forced to retire to Pisa and Anacletus remained in possession of Rome for four more years.


Anno Domini 1135 found St. Bernard at Bamberg where he successfully persuaded Frederick of Hohenstaufen to end his quarrel with Lothair and submit to the emperor�s authority.In June, he was back in Northern Italy.The Council of Pisa deferred to the saint and excommunicated Anacletus.Milan, a city of the Lombards, swayed by the eloquence, piety and learning of St. Bernard, was recalled by the Saint to their allegiance to Innocent.


In 1137, St. Bernard was again summoned to the world of affairs from the solitude of Clairvaux where he was occupied on his theology of the Canticle of Canticles.By order of the Pope, he was charged to put an end to the quarrel between Lothair and Roger of Sicily.At Palermo, St. Bernard succeeded in convincing King Roger of the claims of Innocent II.Lothair�s army marched upon Rome, the main purpose of which expedition was to punish King Roger.But, the conquest of Rome, itself, was left to St. Bernard.The power of the Saint proved more effective than the imperial weapons.


When Anacletus died on Jan 25, 1138, the Romans had so completely abandoned his cause that the antipope Victor IV elected by Anacletus own cardinals to succeed him abandoned his predecessor�s claim and became a penitent of St. Bernard�s.So the schism of the two popes was ended.


After the death of Innocent in 1143, two popes reigned briefly before Eugenius III acceded to the Chair of St. Peter.Previously, Eugenius had been a disciple of St. Bernard�s at Clairvaux and he recalled his former Abbot to again serve the papacy as his spiritual director and confessor.


St. Bernard of  Clairvaux composed the famous Memorare Prayer
Our Lady
St. Bernard of Clairvaux composed the famous prayer
to the Most Blessed Virgin Mary known as The

St. Bernard of Clairvaux was the man of his century in the world of political and ecclesial affairs.As a saint he is a man for all centuries in his great devotion to our Lord crucified through Holy Mary, his sorrowful Mother.His theology of Marian devotion clearly foreshadows St. Louis de Montfort�s consecration to Jesus through Mary and the revelation at Fatima: �My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge.�


�In dangers, in doubts, in difficulties, think of Mary, call upon Mary.Let not her name depart from your lips, never suffer it to leave your heart.And that you may more surely obtain the assistance of her prayer, neglect not to walk in her footsteps.With her for (your) guide, you shall never go astray; while invoking her, you shall never lose heart.So long as she is in your mind, you are safe from deception, while she holds your hand, you can not fall, under her protection you have nothing to fear, if she walks before you, you shall not grow weary, if she shows you favour you shall reach the goal.�(Leonard Foley OFM.Saint of the Day.C.f. St. Bernard of Clairvaux.


In the days of the Great Apostacy from the faith, Catholics who desire to persevere in the faith are encouraged by the great doctor of the Church, St. Bernard of Clairvaux, a man for all centuries:�With (Mary) for your guide, you shall never go astray, while invoking her, you shall never lose heart.�


�My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge.�Our Lady of Fatima





1.                  �Where the See of Blessed Peter and the Chair of Truth have been set up for the light of the gentiles, there they have placed the throne of the abomination of their wickedness, so that, the Pastor having been struck, they may also scatter the flock.�Exorcism against Satan and the Rebellious Angels.Published by order of His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII, May 18th, 1890. (translation)

Our Lady of Fatima "Father, the Blessed Virgin is very sad because no one heeds her message; neither the good nor the bad. The good continue on with their life of virtue and apostolate, but they do not unite their lives to the message of Fatima. Sinners keep following the road of evil because they do not see the terrible chastisement about to befall them. Believe me, Father, God is going to punish the world and very soon. The chastisement of heaven is imminent. In less than two years, 1960 will be here and the chastisement of heaven will come and it will be very great. Tell souls to fear not only the material punishment that will befall us if we do not pray and do penance but most of all the souls who will go to hell."
(Exact words of Sister Lucy (visionary at Fatima) in an interview with Father Augustin Fuentes on December 26, 1957 A.D., giving clear forewarning that the imminent chastisement of heaven for man's sins would unmistakably *occur before 1960 A.D. *(which it precisely did 10 months later, on October 26, 1958 A.D., with the usurpation of the Papal Chair from Christ's Lawful Vicar, Pope Gregory XVII)

Catholic Radio Podcast Online
TCW Radio

Listen to special radio (podcast) interviews on True Papal Restoration by clicking here

Pray Unceasingly for the Liberty [Freedom] and Exultation of Holy Mother Church!

© In Today's Catholic World (TCW) 2005-Present. All rights reserved.

(May 19th, St. Peter Celestine Pope and Confessor Double)

On left: 1956, a smiling Cardinal Siri shown as Pius XII's Papal Legate to the 4th Centennial Celebration
of the Death of Saint Ignatius, Loyola; On right: c. 1985, "Cardinal Siri" A.K.A. The Suffering Pope In Red

"It is necessary for salvation that all the faithful of Christ be subject to the Roman Pontiff." (V Lateran Council)

In Today's Catholic World (TCW)
May 19, 2007 A.D.

Dear Editor of TCW:

Hello. I concur with your position which is most likely correct on Cardinal Siri. Even some that still swear allegiance to the Masonic church now occupying the chair of St. Peter admit to irregularities in the 1958 conclave. Your points are quite concise as to why we should not judge Siri on his actions as he was certainly under physical and apparently "chemical" duress. Siri knew their power to kill, especially after they killed (antipope) John Paul I. While I can't say I know all your positions on the Church I think the future will all be connected to Siri. If he was surely the Pope it is not for us to question his actions. Roncalli, obviously a glutton (among other things), was a joke. Surely he routinely partook of the sin of gluttony by the size of him. Montini, a know homosexual. Another farce. Unfortunately only a small handful of those that claim to be Catholic care. Hopefully the real pope will be revealed soon.


Robert Bowlby

Editor of TCW's Reply:

Dear Mr. Bowlby:

Thank you for your letter. This is not a "position" that TCW is taking - no - it is a Historical Fact, with it's fundament based on Canon Law and the illegal violation of that Law (specifically *Canon 185 on October 26, 1958 at the Conclave)...The evidence of the unmistakable white smoke seen by 200,000 people from the Sistine Chapel's chimney, uncovered writings of the conspires about their coupe, the V-2 carnage and of course from the accounts of trusted clerics like Rev. Fr. Khoat Tran, Monsignor Carlo Taramasso etc., who personally met (secretly) with the Hostage Pope and fully substantiated what had often been mentioned/rumored throughout Italy, and Europe for decades. Yes, Pope Gregory XVII did know what he was dealing with. Hence his statement to Fr. Khoat on June 14th, 1988, more than 29 years after His election on October 26, 1958 as Christ's Vicar: "They can kill me at anytime." Who knows what other horrific psychological and/or physical tortures were endured by the suffering Pontiff. His Holiness attempted to get his message out for years - and finally, through Divine Providence, coupled with the heroic priest Fr. Khoat's efforts, was able to do so. Stay tuned for much more information about Pope Gregory XVII and His Successors: an essential relation of the facts for all Catholics who desire Heaven.

*"Resignation is invalid by law if it was made out of grave fear unjustly inflicted, fraud, substantial error, or simony" (1917 Code of Canon Law, Canon 185).

"We declare, say, define and proclaim to every human creature that they by necessity for salvation are entirely subject to the Roman Pontiff."
-Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam, Nov. 18, 1302, ex cathedra

Relevant Links:

Shocking Revelations Detail How The Freemasons "Stole" The Papacy from Pope Gregory XVII
(Extract from the scholarly book: L' Eglise Eclipsee)

Pope Gregory XVII Affirmed Real Threats (Were thrust upon Him at 1958 Conclave)

It Is A Question Of Law (A brief legal treatise on Pope Gregory XVII's Pontificacy 1958-1989 A.D.)

The Immaculate Heart

"I acknowledge the Holy Catholic Apostolic Roman Church as the mother and mistress of all churches; and I promise true obedience to the Bishop of Rome, successor to St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles, and Vicar of Jesus Christ."
From the Professio fidei Tridentinae (Tridentine Creed)

© In Today's Catholic World (TCW) 2005-Present. All rights reserved.

(May 16th, St. Ubald Bishop and Confessor Semidouble)

Editor TCW - 2007
The Editor of TCW - LIVE On The Air Tonight
The Editor of In Today's Catholic World will be interviewed LIVE on Canada's largest talk-radio station CFRB
(in Toronto) Wednesday, May 16th at 11:00 p.m. EST. The Topic: The Hostage Pope, Gregory XVII and His Successors. The live radio interview will also be simulcast on CFRB's website for those to listen *online for free in and outside of Canada.

*CFRB is a secular news station, much of whose content TCW does not necessarily endorse or recommend (including commercials etc.): a direct link to the live interview will be provided on TCW's Homepage 10 Minutes (at 10:50 p.m. EST) prior to tonight's radio broadcast.

Posted 05/17/07 Feast of the Ascension:
Note: last night's interview on CFRB covered a variety of subjects concerning: Pope Gregory XVII; if there is a Pope now; the Masonic takeover of the structures (buildings) of the Catholic Church; the V-2 Sect Antipopes - there were also live call-ins. Originally scheduled for 60 minuets (this included news hour breaks commercials etc.) TCW's Editor was asked by the show's host to stay longer. The interview will be posted on TCW's site quite soon (minus the commercials etc.).

© In Today's Catholic World (TCW) 2005-Present. All rights reserved.

(May 15th, Feria Simple, Rogation Tuesday)

Stella Maris
Stella Maris

TCW: It is an objective Theological Truth that: a Pope has NO Superiors on earth, and thus, logically cannot be judged (punished) by His inferiors. *Please see the following information on the much debated by Theologians for centuries, question, of what hypothetical remedies could be available "if" a Pope, as a private individual were to become an obstinate (stubborn) heretic.

*In the case of whether a Pope as a private individual could or were to become a hidden or open (public) heretic - there has been considerable debate for centuries on this subject - and if he could/ would retain his (papal) office - or could be judged/deposed as a private person by some mechanism (i.e. an imperfect council etc.)

Note: some have stated that "Cardinal Siri" (A.K.A. The Hostage Pope, Gregory XVII), by signing the unlawful Vatican II decrees ipso facto (by that very fact) lost His Pontificacy. This is completely false, and thoroughly refuted (below). See: the historical precedence of
Pope Paschal II [1099-1118] who signed false decrees while under duress and did not lose His office as Pope. -ED

Regarding His Holiness, Gregory XVII "The Hostage" Pontiff:

1. As a Bishop, Archbishop and Cardinal in Genoa, Italy prior to his election as Pope he (Cardinal Siri) was known as one of the top prelates in the Church and widely reported to be the hand-picked successor of Pope Pius XII.

His Holiness, Pope Pius XII with His hand-picked Successor Cardinal Siri
Pope Pius XII (just prior to his death in 1958) shown with his hand-picked successor Cardinal Siri

2. Pope Gregory XVII was put under grave duress from the sect of Freemasonry the day of his divine election on October 26, 1958 A.D., until the day he expired May 2, 1989 A.D. (for more than 30 years)

3. Pope Gregory XVII called Vatican II "the greatest mistake in history".

4. His Holiness (as has been documented) was under a terrible death threat from the day he was elected Pope - which continued at the abominable Vatican II Council. UPI reported "Cardinal Siri" suffered from an alleged unprecedented "nervous condition" during the council... with one "attack" being so acute, it caused him to collapse to the ground, just moments before he was scheduled to give an address to all present. In 1967 he declared that- for him- the Council was a "difficult labor and a very great suffering". Regarding his signature on the ambiguous Vatican II documents, it was not rendered in his official capacity as Pope but, was written simply as "Giuseppe Cardinal Siri", and was, (as noted) signed under *duress. Through Divine Providence His Holiness was able to announce to the faithful the utter unlawfulness of the "Council" declaring: "We will not be bound by these decrees."

*On June 14th, 1988 Pope Gregory XVII confided to Fr. Khoat in a clandestine meeting at the Istituto Ravasco Convent (located at Via Pio VIII, 28. 00165 Roma) that the Freemasons had kept him completely monitored in public and in when out of the public view - under *captivity (for decades) stating to Fr. Khoat (almost 30) years after His election as Pope in 1958, "They (the Freemasons) can kill me at anytime."

* (See: "Siri's Prison" -TCW).

Pope Paschal II
Pope Paschal II

The Historical precedent of Pope Paschal II who signed false decrees while under duress - and AFTER being *delivered from his captors (*note: Pope Gregory XVII was never physically released and - unlike Gregory XVII who willingly publically denounced the false [V2] decrees) Pope Paschal II purposely did little - until the last nano-second- to publically declare (annul) the false decrees which he [Pope Paschal II] had signed - and he still did NOT (as history shows) lose his Jurisdiction as Christ's Vicar (Pope).

This completely refutes, for-all-time, - the unreasoned "claim" that Pope Gregory XVII (1958-1989) "forfeited His Papacy" by signing the Vatican II "decrees" -while he was under a documented death threat (duress).

The well respected Fr. No�l Barbara in his scholarly journal Fortes in Fide wrote a lengthy article on papal jurisdiction and what Catholic Theology teaches can (and must) be lawfully done to remedy the situation of a unrepentant incorrigible Pope who is suspect of being heretical. Fr. Barbara cites the example of Pope Paschal II who, after being put under duress, was coerced to make "official" acts, promises and concessions that were impossible to reconcile with Catholic Doctrine. And, after he was released from his captivity he proved himself scandalously remiss in not annulling the "official" decrees (pertaining to the condemned heresy of *Lay Investiture) that he had sanctioned while under duress by the enemies of de fide.

*The Church's Condemnation of Lay Investiture:
on Lay Investitures, 1078
Gregory VII
(Doeberl: 11 Monumenta Germaniae selecta," pp. 16-48.)
1. Decree of Nov. 19, 1078, forbidding lay investiture
"Inasmuch as we have learned that, contrary to the establishments of the holy fathers, the investiture with churches is, in many places, performed by lay persons; and that from this cause many disturbances arise in the church by which the Christian religion is trodden underfoot: we decree that no one of the clergy shall receive the investiture with a bishopric or abbey or church from the hand of an emperor or king or of any lay person, male or female. But if he shall presume to do so he shall clearly know that such investiture is bereft of apostolic authority, and that he himself shall lie under excommunication until fitting satisfaction shall have been rendered."

2. Decree of March 7th, 1080, forbidding the same.
"Following the statutes of the holy fathers, as, in the former councils which by the mercy of God we have held, we decreed concerning the ordering of ecclesiastical dignities, so also now we decree and confirm: that, if any one henceforth shall receive a bishopric or abbey from the hand of any lay person, he shall by no means be considered as among the number of the bishops or abbots; nor shall any hearing be granted him as bishop or abbot. Moreover do we further deny to him the favor of St. Peter and the entry to the Church until, coming to his senses, he shall desert the place that he has taken by the crime of ambition as well as by that of disobedience - which is the sin of idolatry. In a like manner also we decree concerning the inferior ecclesiastical dignities. Likewise if any emperor, king, duke, margrave, count or any one at all of the secular powers or persons shall presume to perform the investiture with bishoprics or with any ecclesiastical dignity, he shall be bound by the bonds of the same condemnation. And, moreover, unless he come to his senses and relinquish to the Church her own prerogative, he shall feel in this present life, the divine displeasure as well with regard to his body as to his other belongings: in order that, at the coming of the Lord, his soul may be saved." (From Ernest F. Henderson, Select Historical Documents of the Middle Ages, London: George Bell and Sons, 1910, pp. 365-366.)

(cont.) In addition, Pope Paschal II showed himself equally remiss in not publically sounding the alarm [excommunicating] the unlawful aggressor Henry V (who had imprisoned him) - until he was properly confronted by holy souls of the day.

(Theories selected from traditional theology)
by Fr. No�l Barbara, 11 November 1970, Fortes in Fide, Vol. 1, No. 5

The Pontificate of Paschal II (1099-1118). Once again the whole of Christendom was shaken, this time by the investiture controversy. The Emperor Henry V, after having imprisoned the Pope, forced him to make promises and concessions that were impossible to reconcile with Catholic doctrine. After his release from captivity, Paschal II hesitated for a long time before he annulled the acts to which he had consented while under duress.

Despite a considerable number of warnings from saints, cardinals and bishops, he continued to postpone both his own retraction, and the excommunication of Henry V, despite the fact that it was universally desired. A movement thereupon began that swept through the entire Church, which was directed against the Pope and which declared him to be suspect of heresy, and at the same time entreated him to turn back under pain of losing his pontificate.

Vidigal then proceeds to quote the evidence and the historical facts relating to the struggle by saints, cardinals and bishops against Paschal II, thus demonstrating that the theology of this period of the Middle Ages admitted the hypothesis of a heretical pope and that such a pontiff could, in consequence, lose his pontificate.

St. Bruno, Bishop of Segni and Abbot of Monte Cassino, was the leader of the opposition to Paschal II in Italy.

Paschal was very well aware that St. Bruno did not deny the hypothesis that a Pope could be deposed. He tried to pre-empt the issue by dispossessing the saint of his abbacy on the pretext that: "If we do not remove him from his office he will, by the force of his arguments, relieve us of the government of the Church."

And when Pope Paschal at last retracted, at a synod convened at Rome specifically to examine the question, St. Bruno declared: "Praise be to God, for behold the very Pope himself condemns this alleged privilege (that of investiture by temporal rulers) which is a heresy."

St. Bruno, in speaking out in this way, for the first time gave public expression to the extent of his mistrust of the Pope's orthodoxy.

Bruno was not the only saint of the period to admit that Paschal could have fallen into heresy. In 1112, Guido of Burgundy, Archbishop of Vienne and the future Pope Callistus II, called a provincial synod which was attended, amongst others, by St. Hugh of Grenoble and St. Godfrey of Amiens. With the approval of these two saints the synod revoked the decrees the Emperor had forced on the Pope, and sent a letter to Paschal II telling him, "should you, in spite of our absolutely refusing to believe it possible, choose an alternative path and refuse ratification of our decision, may God protect you, for were this to be the case we should be obliged to withdraw our allegiance from you."

These words are a threat to break with Paschal II, and are to be explained only by the fact that the bishops meeting at Vienne had in mind three main ideas:

1. That to deny the Church's teaching about investitures was heretical.
2. That the Pope had acceded to this heresy.
3. That a Pope who was eventually proved heretical lost his office and, consequently, should not be obeyed.

This interpretation is borne out beyond a shadow of doubt by the contemporary letters of St. Ivo of Chartres. [END]

As stated, the 261st Successor to St. Peter- His Holiness, Pope Gregory XVII: officially annulled the Vatican II decrees; admitted with great remorse that he made certain prudential grievous *mistakes; asked forgiveness from God (in confession) and took action by running the (True) Vatican "Underground" from June 14th, 1988 until May 2nd, 1989. As has been reported earlier in In Today's Catholic World (May 20th, 2006 A.D.), His Holiness Pope Gregory XVII made Cardinals in the late 1980's who are still living today.

*"As to the Popes, though they are the Vicars of Jesus Christ, they are not impeccable, for they do not cease to be men; and if they fall, even as did St. Peter himself, their sins are the actions of the man and not of the Pontiffs; nor do these entirely personal failings in the least impair the sanctity or the authority of the Holy See, which always remains equally worthy of respect and obedience." -Fr. F. X. Schouppe: A Course Of Religious Instruction: Apologetic, Dogmatic, And Moral: For The Use Of Colleges And Schools, 1879, Imprimatur

Note: an important map of Genoa, Italy from 1988, with detail of the location of "Siri's" Prison was added to the 05/02 post below. (click to view)

You will not find this incident recorded in the New Order's Version of History:

An individual who personally met with "Cardinal Siri's" (A.K.A. Pope Gregory XVII) intimate confidant Archbishop Pintonello- and has done extensive research on the Hostage Pope, related the following revealing occurrence:

In 1978 "Cardinal Siri" was interviewed by a newspaper reporter who asked "Siri" if he liked the speech of John Paul I and "Cardinal Siri" told the reporter that John Paul I didn't write it, it was prepared FOR him and he "just read it". When pushed by the reporter about how he liked the new pope or the new situation in Rome, "Siri", rather frustrated, blurted out "it's like the papacy of *Eugene I!"

*Making reference to a 7th Century Antipope! Who, when the real Pope (Martin I) was under duress, exiled in a dungeon and thinking he (Martin I) was going to die (the REAL Pope) Martin I "recognized" as legitimate an Antipope (Eugene I). Note: "Eugene I" was created in an emergency by the clergy of Rome, as Martin I seemingly could not be reached. Yet he (Eugene I) was an unlawful "pope" (an Antipope) as the eminent papal historian, Artaud de Montor explains Martin I could not have given up the See of Peter validly so long as he remained under duress.

© In Today's Catholic World (TCW) 2005-Present. All rights reserved.

Important Warning! Against False Prophets: "The Zirconia Brothers" (A.K.A. The Dimond "Brothers") CLICK TO READ

(May 2, Wednesday The Octave Day of St. Joseph Greater Double)

(Commemoration of St Athanasius, BCD)

Pope Gregory XVII against the Imposter
Pope Gregory XVII although under a constant, fatiguing (strategically inflicted) Gethsemane by Satan's masons coupled with the more painful heartbreaking public abandonment by His Own (Cardinals) is shown in a rare (published) photo openly confronting the fraud Wojtyla

"Siri" repudiated the acts of Antipope John Paul II as an "idolatry of apostolic works." (Gary MacEonin, The Inner Elite, pg.234)

"I am the most relentless enemy of communism because it destroys man, destroys the economy, destroys everything. ... I remember going to Pius XII once, and I saw on his desk, otherwise perfectly empty, two books: one was on collegiality. He asked me what I thought about it: 'Holiness, throw it out. I read it and there is nothing good in it.' ... And there are those who define Rahner as 'the number one theologian.' But I smell errors from far away; it is a matter of sniffing." -"Cardinal Siri" (A.K.A. Pope Gregory XVII) *30 Days Magazine Jan 17, 1985 A.D.)

*Note: during this interview with the novus ordo sect run 30 Days Magazine, "Siri" (the documented Hostage Pope) asked the interviewer Stefano M. Paci to switch off his tape recorder at certain points during the interview. The interview/article was not released publically (by the V-2 sect media outlet, 30 Days) until after His Holiness' "untimely" death on May 2, 1989 A.D. -ED

In Today's Catholic World (TCW)
May 2, 2007 A.D.

(Minneapolis) -May 2- Today is the feast day of the glorious St. Athanasius. It also has major significance for the Papal Restoration Campaign regarding Pope Gregory XVII and His Successors. Please read below to learn more on this imperative issue (duty) - Papal Restoration -and view an unreleased picture to the public (until now) taken by the important priest Fr. Khoat from his successful mission to find the rumored Hidden Pope, 19 years ago (which he did) and the very alarming story associated with it. In addition today marks the 18th year since the passing of His Holiness Pope Gregory XVII on May 2, 1989 A.D.

Eternal rest grant to them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. Amen.
May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Historical and Theological Truths: Regarding Pope Gregory XVII,
His Successors and the State of the Battle Today

[Siri] termed Vatican II *"the greatest mistake in history"

(From the book, *The Unelected Pope; Giuseppe Siri, Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church (1993), by Benny Lai, pp. 296-297 )

  • It is a FACT that "Siri" was under grave duress by the enemies of de fide before the "Council", during it, and after it.

  • Hypothetically even if "Siri", and other conservatives like Ottaviani, Ruffini- embraced certain (objectively) Vatican II positions at that time (e.g. religious liberty... etc.) one must consider the factor of subjective ignorance, good faith, and at worst, "material" (vs. formal) heresy or error. Catholic Theology teaches these factors have ALWAYS been valid criteria of INCULPABILITY, etc., both in the EXTERNAL FORUM and in the INTERNAL FORUM (e.g. Sacrament of Penance).

  • It is true that in a desperate, "trying to save the day" against the wicked onslaught from the modernists on the "Council" floor, (note: some may have heard/read about the vicious mockery by the libertines against Cardinal Ottaviani?) that many of the conservatives even tried the tactic of using ambiguous language in many of the documents, so as to provide for an "orthodox interpretation". .. certainly imprudent damage control from today's vantage point - of course this was folly, and not characteristic of traditional magisterial documents - yet one must not forget that the forces of antichrist were unleashed and the True Shepherd struck. Is it fair to play both "judge and jury" to every individual there, 30 to 40 years later with 20/20 hindsight justice? - even the saintly stigmatist Padre Pio (who died in 1968) did not publicly denounce the Heretical Robber Council, although it is fair to argue he could have.

  • Regarding the evil usurpers of Pope Gregory XVII and His Successors [Papal] Throne (i.e. Antipopes Roncalli to Ratzinger - they are doubly disqualified as): (1.) Pope Gregory XVII reigned from Oct. 26, 1958 until May 2, 1989 and created Cardinals who are living today (May 2007) in exile. (2.) Under the laws of the Catholic Church, and according to her teaching, a heretic is NOT ELIGIBLE for election to any ecclesiastical office, including the papacy. (See: The Apostolic Constitution, "Cum ex Apostolatus Officio" (1559) of Pope Paul IV, which was subsequently confirmed in every detail by Pope St. Pius V.) Benedict XVI, and his four predecessors, as we know from biographical material and from their own published writings, have all held and taught views previously condemned by holy Popes BEFORE their staged pseudo elections as "popes".

  • "Many theologians hold that the assistance promised by Jesus to the successors of Peter will not only prevent them from publicly teaching heretical doctrine, but will also prevent them from falling into heresy in their private capacity. St. Robert Bellarmine, in his De Romano Pontifice (lib. II, cap. xxx), already held this thesis as probable and easy to defend. It was however less widespread in his time than it is to-day. It has gained ground, largely on account of historical studies which have shown that what was once imputed to certain Popes, such as Vigilius, Liberius, Honorius as a private heresy, was in fact nothing more than a lack of zeal and of courage in certain difficult moments, to proclaim and especially to define precisely, what the true doctrine was. Nevertheless, numerous and good theologians of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries have admitted that the Pope as a private person could fall into heresy and not only in secret but even openly. See Excursus IX; St. Thomas, III Con. Gen., xcv and xcvi." -The Church of the Word Incarnate by Monsignor Charles Journet, Imprimatur 1955.

    His Holiness, Pope Gregory XVII
    Pope Gregory XVII

  • A Monumental Fact is that "Siri" (A.K.A. Pope Gregory XVII) after the wicked "Council" (where he underwent terrible suffering throughout) through Divine Providence was able to proclaim to the Faithful, (using the royal We as Christ's Vicar):

    "We will not be bound by these decrees."

    -declaring that Roman Catholics are not bound by the unlawful Apostate Vatican II "decrees".

    Note: There was no Internet then, no cell phones - (The Hostage Pope, Gregory XVII had to somehow get past his daily captors, the V2-sect censors and the Judeo-Masonic world press as well. (Which he did!) An incredible victory for Our Pope!

  • Pope Gregory XVII had absolutely no Catholic King, Prince or Statesman (Temporal Arm) to turn to for support, as other Popes throughout the history of Christendom previously very often had, who also at times were ruthlessly persecuted by the evil madmen of their day.

  • Alone and fighting a near impossible battle for years (decades) - His Holiness admitted he made some grievous prudential mistakes by certain actions and inactions -there have been vacillating Pontiffs before- yet, (and I can never judge a Holy Father) he asked for forgiveness- as is documented by his confessor and cited in the book: The Unelected Pope Giuseppe Siri, Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church, (1993), by Benny Lai, pp. 296-297):

    "I have done wrong because I should have avoided taking certain actions. I wish to say �but I am afraid to say it � making certain mistakes.

    "Thus I have had great remorse and I have asked the forgiveness of God.

    "I have faith in the forgiveness of the Lord and, therefore, I am calm." -Pope Gregory XVII, September 18, 1988 A.D.

    -and showed proof of a deep sorrow and contrition by taking concrete actions in operating the Vatican *"Underground" from June 14th, 1988 A.D. until May 2, 1989 A.D. - where what is known at this time, Pope Gregory XVII absolutely created Cardinals which included designating a Camerlengo -issuing specific Papal directives to His (Faithful) Princes to: Restore Christ's Spotless Bride to the Glory and Honor She Deserves Before All!

    *TCW has been entrusted with photographic evidence of Pope Gregory XVII operating the Vatican "Underground" after an important priest met with him on June 14th, 1988 and hopes to release this information to the faithful- soon.

  • Petrus quidem servab�tur in carcere; or�tio autem fiebat sine intermissi�ne ab Eccl�sia ad Deum pro eo.
    Translation- Peter therefore was kept in prison, but prayer was made without ceasing of the Church unto God for him.

    Venerable Anne Cathrine Emmerich
    Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich
    She was told in a mystic vision that her gift of seeing the past,
    present, and future was greater than that possesed by anyone else in history.

    Anne Catherine Emmerich's Visions of the Suffering (Hidden) Pontiff
    (Extracted from, *The Life of Anne Catherine Emmerich, by the Very Reverend Carl E. Schomeger)

    "I came to the Church of Peter and Paul (Rome) and saw a dark world of distress, confusion and corruption, through which shone countless graces from thousands of saints who there repose." (Ibid, p. 130)

    "I saw St. Peter's. A great crowd of men was trying to pull it down whilst others constantly built it up again. Lines connected these men one with another and with others throughout the whole world. I was amazed at their perfect understanding. The demolishers, mostly apostates and members of different sects, broke off whole pieces and worked according to rules and instructions. They wore white **aprons bound with blue riband. In them were pockets and they had trowels stuck in their belts. The costumes of the others were various. ... I saw the Pope praying, surrounded by false friends who often did the very opposite to what he had ordered..."

    Pope Gregory XVII
    Pope Gregory XVII Shown Praying

    "I saw the Holy Father surrounded by traitors and in great distress about the Church. He had visions and apparitions in his hour of greatest need. I saw many good pious Bishops; but they were weak and wavering, their cowardice often got the upperhand... Then I saw darkness spreading around and people no longer seeking the true Church."

    "I see the Holy Father in great distress. He lives in another palace and receives only a few in his presence. If the wicked party know their own great strength, they would even now have made an attack. I fear the Holy Father will suffer many tribulations before his death, for I see the black counterfeit church gaining ground, I see its fatal influence on the public. The distress of the Holy Father and of the Church is really so great that one ought to pray to God day and night. I have been told to pray much for the Church and the Pope...The people must pray earnestly for the extirpation (Rooting out, destruction) of the dark church."
    Vol. ii, (Ibid, pages 292-293)

    "Ah, a pious, parish-priest has just died in Rome of old age! I received the general absolution with him! His soul went straight to purgatory, but he will very soon be released. We must pray for him. He was greatly attached to the Pope during whose captivity he did much good in secret. The Pope himself has not long to live... That good old priest ... was a friend and counselor of the Holy Father... " (Ibid, pp. 343-344)

    *From the back cover: (Ven.) Anne Cathrine Emmerich was born on September 8, 1774, at Flamske, Germany, and became a nun of the Augustinian Order on November 13, 1803. She died on February 9, 1824. Although of a simple education, she had a perfect consciousness of her earliest days and could understand the liturgical Latin from her first time at Mass... She was told in a mystic vision that her gift of seeing the past, present, and future was greater than that possesed by anyone else in history. From the year 1812 until her death she bore the stigmata (five wounds) of Our Lord, including a cross over her heart and wounds from the crown of thorns.

    **The Masons wear aprons and their symbol is the Mason's trowel.

    "You see Hell, where the souls of poor sinners go... If [people] do not stop offending God, He is going to punish the world
    for its crimes by means of war, of hunger, and of persecution of the Church and of the Holy Father."
    -Our Lady of Fatima 1917

    "Siri's" Prison

    "Following the 1978 Conclave, Cardinal Siri was escorted back to his familiar exile in Genoa where he resumed his long, agonizing captivity. Siri's episcopal quarters had become an impenetrable prison where his every move was controlled by his captors who posed to the outside world as trusted members of the Cardinal's household. The hidden pope-elect, languishing in a helpless and lonely confinement, would live to witness the savage demolition of his Church for over a quarter of a century. Only toward the end of Siri's lengthy ordeal would the facts begin to be uncovered concerning the illegal intervention from outside the conclave which had been directed against the pope-elect in 1978 as it had been done to him before in the earlier and more significant 1963 papal election." (and the only one that truly mattered, October 1958 -TCW)

    (Extracted from, Pope Gregory XVII Pope in Exile 1958-1989, published by Sangre De Cristo Newsnotes 08/15/90)

    In 1986 a group of concerned Catholics, which included Dr. Elizabeth Gerstner, who had heard the persistent rumors throughout Europe that possibly Cardinal Siri had been elected Pope at a previous Conclave and (if true) fearing he could be under a heinous threat/black mail- prepared a dossier with specific information that they attempted to get to "Cardinal Siri" in 1986 in order to help him if he were indeed under duress. This virtuous act of great charity, which included as using (as understood) a secret envoy to present the material, never received a confirmation that it reached the suffering Pontiff.

    Photos of the original map used by Fr. Khoat from his mission to Genoa, Italy in the Spring of 1988 to hopefully find "Cardinal Siri"
    The markings on the map were drawn by Fr. Khoat himself while on his 1988 journey. Note: the black arrows in the photos are a computer graphic and not on the map itself- they point to a dotted circle made in green marker, which indicates the general location of the Diocesan See of Genoa. And specifically point to a small, hand-drawn black square located within the green circle, that lies in between two streets: the Via D' Albaro & Via Orsini. This square marks the location of the episcopal quarters, where "Siri" (A.K.A. Pope Gregory XVII) was held captive by freemasonic agents for decades.

    Vision of Jacinta Marto (Seer at Fatima) of a Future Pope

    Shortly after the three children received Our Lady of Fatima's Secret in July 1917 A.D., Jacinta Marto had two visions which she recounted to Lucia, who recorded them in her memoirs with the remark that they comprise "part of the [third] secret." Both visions concern a Pope:

    "I don't know how it happened, but I saw the Holy Father in a very big house, kneeling by a table, with his head buried in his hands, and he was weeping, Outside the house, there were many people. Some of them were throwing stones, others were cursing him and using bad language. Poor Holy Father, we must pray very much for him."

    The Pope In Exile

    Siri's Prison
    Previously unreleased picture taken by Fr. Khoat, Episcopal Palace, Genova, Italia May 2, 1988 A.D. (See time stamp)
    Fr. Khoat in the Spring of 1988, travelled to Italy seeking to resolve the issue (substantiate) the decades long rumors that Cardinal Siri may have been elected Pontiff. It is important to note that after much time and struggle to find "Cardinal Siri"- on May 2, 1988, Fr. Khoat had his first glimpse ever of the Hostage Pope - inside the episcopal quarters of Genoa, Italy. Fr. Khoat was merely able to see the leg of his red cape as he ("Cardinal Siri") was quickly whisked up a stairway and out of sight by a group of men who were around him. Fr. Khoat took a quick picture of the surrounding scene of his first sighting of the Hidden Pope, which bears a time stamped date on it. Then, in a matter of seconds, three men came out of seemingly nowhere and went right-up-to-the-face of Fr. Khoat (a Tridentine priest in clerics) in a mixed attempt to interrogate and force him to leave the premises immediately. Fr. Khoat, as he was being literally pushed by them - replied to these thugs in a louder than normal voice that he was there to see the Cardinal. His (Fr. Khoat's) own assertiveness to them momentarily took them aback - yet they quickly continued to make him leave the building, escorting him outside - as Fr. Khoat took in the entire unusual events in his memory and later wrote them down in detail.

    Fr. Khoat noted to the Editor of TCW that there is much significance to that date May 2, 1988, as precisely one year later from that day (that Fr. Khoat made his first contact with the Hostage Pope, Gregory XVII) on May 2, 1989, His Holiness tragically *expired.

    *There is credible evidence that Pope Gregory XVII was purposely given an extremely high dosage of the heart medicine digitalis which resulted in his dying a cruel death (i.e. he was murdered). -ED

    "We place all Our hope in the God of Our salvation, who is Our helper and strength in all Our tribulations. He does not permit
    those who trust in Him to be confounded, He who thwarts the attacks of the impious and breaks the necks of sinners."
    -Pope Pius IX

    "Smiley Satanists"

    The Infamous 1980s Vatican II Sect's Worldwide Masonic Bank Scandal
    (1.) Corpse of Roberto Calvi (2.) "Pope" John Paul II admiring "Archbishop" Marcinkus: head of the "Vatican" Bank (3.) "Cardinal" Casaroli
    Info on murdered Freemason Roberto Calvi, member of the Grand Orient of Italy Lodge 'P2', who laundered money for the Vatican II Sect: Calvi's bank Banco Ambrosiano built its empire in close association with the "Vatican" bank, the Institute for Religious Works (IOR). This (the IOR) was headed by "Archbishop" Paul Marcinkus from Chicago, who also ran the Banco Ambrosiano Overseas in the Bahamas from Chicago. Marcinkus was indicted in Italy in 1982 as an accessory in the 3.5-billion-dollar collapse of Banco Ambrosiano, however, he was never arrested because his "Vatican" status gave him immunity from prosecution in Italy. (Marcinkus died 02/21/06 -TCW). While the "Vatican" never accepted culpability in the collapse of Ambrosiano, it stumped up $250m to creditors. Regarding the Freemason Calvi: he was a haunted man as he entered his final days. As chairman of Banco Ambrosiano, he was in charge of an organization that laundered money made largely from the heroin trade for the mafia. He knew the dark financial *secrets of the "Vatican".

    *(In May 1988, Judge Mario Almerighi, in the process of preparing the case against a gang of importers of hashish and heroin, found among the material that had been seized in a police raid, correspondence addressed to one of the highest officials in the "Vatican" Curia-- the Secretary of State of the "Vatican", "Cardinal" Agostino *Casaroli. Two of the letters asked the "Vatican" for 1.5 billion lire (or about $1 million) to reimburse the drug smuggler for funds he had advanced to Flavio Carboni to acquire documents written by Calvi. When he (Judge Mario Almerighi) checked with postal authorities, he found, to his astonishment, that both letters had been sent by registered mail and signed for by an official in the "Cardinal's" office.)

    Letters of comfort to offshore companies which he (Calvi) created were signed by the head of the "Vatican" Bank "Archbishop" Marcinkus. After fleeing Italy in 1982 "Brother" Calvi was found hanging under London's Blackfriars Bridge (one of the symbols used by Italian Freemasonry being a Black Friar), his pockets stuffed with 13 lbs., of bricks and rocks (i.e. masonry), his feet dangling in the ebb and flow of the tide (another Masonic inference from their infamous Secrecy Penalty Blood Oaths).

    Antipope John Paul II smiling with Jewish Freemasons
    Antipope John Paul II shown smiling with members of B'nai B'rith (Jewish Freemasons) - the worst enemies of the Church
    Antipope John Paul II "abolished" the excommunication which for 145 years had hit the Catholics belonging to free-masonry. On 2 March 1984 he received in official audience the Lodge B�nai B�rith. (Extract from the website www.destroyfreemasonry.com, Appendix I Brief Overview of the V-2 Sect Antipopes: Roncalli to Ratzinger October 28, 1958 - Present. To read the full text click here.)

    Universal Testimony of the Fathers of the Early Church on The Apostasy:

    Cardinal Manning citing the universal testimony of the Fathers of the early Church about The Apostasy "The apostasy of the city of Rome from the vicar of Christ and its destruction by Antichrist may be thoughts so new to many Catholics, that I think it well to recite the text of theologians of greatest repute. First Malvenda, who writes expressly on the subject, states as the opinion of Ribera, Gaspar Melus, Biegas, Suarrez, Bellarmine and Bosius that Rome shall apostatise from the faith, drive away the Vicar of Christ and return to its ancient paganism. ...Then the Church shall be scattered, driven into the wilderness, and shall be for a time, as it was in the beginning, invisible hidden in catacombs, in dens, in mountains, in lurking places; for a time it shall be swept, as it were from the face of the earth. Such is the universal testimony of the Fathers of the early Church." -Henry Edward Cardinal Manning, The Present Crisis of the Holy See, 1861, London: Burns and Lambert, pp. 88-90 (Click to view this tragic reality)

    Relevant Links:

    It Is A Question Of Law (A brief legal treatise on Pope Gregory XVII's Pontificacy 1958-1989 A.D.)

    Defense of His Holiness Pope Gregory XVII Against the Attack by Phony Traditionalist John Vennari of CFN

    Simple Truths About Salvation

    Unam Sanctum (On Papal Primacy) Papal Bull of His Holiness Pope Boniface VIII, promulgated November 18, 1302

    "We declare, say, define and proclaim to every human creature that they by **necessity for salvation are entirely subject to the Roman Pontiff."

    -Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam,
    Nov. 18, 1302, ex cathedra

    **Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus [Translation: Outside of the Church there is no salvation.]

    Pray for True Papal Restoration!

    "To adhere to a false Bishop of Rome [a false "pope"] is to be out of communion with the Church." -St. Cyprian

    "Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist... The Church will be in eclipse..."
    (Words spoken by Our Lady of La Salette to Melanie Calvat in 1846 A.D., a fully approved Church Apparition)

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